Monte, i assume I can post this, but if not, i appologize in advance and please take it down asap then...
I got involved in a business on the side which i was thinking maybe some of you would like to do (its really only for NY and Texas residents)..It's sort of a pyramid, but its not a scam its totally legit, and good money can be made( its called an MLM)...
anyhow, Electric has been deregulated. A new electric company is coming to NY in approx. 30 days(AMBIT) they right now are only located in texas. the govt deregulated electricity a while back for competition.-this company AMBIT is coming to NY to compete against con-ed.
Ambit has rates 7-9% cheaper than coned for the first 2 months then a competitive savings thereafter...the best part is, if u switch electric companies, u wont even know u switched...CONED still delivers the energy, any support or problems, con ed fixes it, even the bills come from con ed, but the actual physical electric is being supplied by this company ambit : the way it works is that this company doesn't spend MILLIONS advertising, .they get reps (reps just like me) , the reps get the customers and u get good commissions...Now heres the kicker,.... : the idea (pyramid) behind this is,
u not only sign up ppl to switch electric companies (and there hasent been 1 person i spoke to who said they wont switch, bc why not...its cheaper and everything still sames the same-and any problems your still dealing with con-ed), but u also get reps under you...and u get commissions based on what your reps do, and based on your reps reps all the way down 6 levels (hence the pyramid_).. : these commissions are forever residual : my guy friend started 3 months ago in teaxas he makes like 5-6k a month sitting back not doing much if you get 3 ppl to switch to ambit, and u get 3 reps under you (these r very conservative #'s), and everyone does that under you, all the way down 6 levels, your making about 5-7k a month : Its crazY! :
in approx 30 days they are launching in Ny and Im setting up my team. i thought you might be interested in doing this on the side..very little work involved..they suggest u jsut sign up a few friends and neighbors to ambit, tell a few of your friends about this opportunity to become a rep and then the whole process takes care of itself (you dont even has to kill yourself and go after strangers)...I was wondering if this is something that interest anyone?? i have a websie they hooked me up with if u want to check out for more info. and my contact/email is on there where you can email me for more info (this is a overview on ny) (A VIDEO presentation)
I got involved in a business on the side which i was thinking maybe some of you would like to do (its really only for NY and Texas residents)..It's sort of a pyramid, but its not a scam its totally legit, and good money can be made( its called an MLM)...
anyhow, Electric has been deregulated. A new electric company is coming to NY in approx. 30 days(AMBIT) they right now are only located in texas. the govt deregulated electricity a while back for competition.-this company AMBIT is coming to NY to compete against con-ed.
Ambit has rates 7-9% cheaper than coned for the first 2 months then a competitive savings thereafter...the best part is, if u switch electric companies, u wont even know u switched...CONED still delivers the energy, any support or problems, con ed fixes it, even the bills come from con ed, but the actual physical electric is being supplied by this company ambit : the way it works is that this company doesn't spend MILLIONS advertising, .they get reps (reps just like me) , the reps get the customers and u get good commissions...Now heres the kicker,.... : the idea (pyramid) behind this is,
u not only sign up ppl to switch electric companies (and there hasent been 1 person i spoke to who said they wont switch, bc why not...its cheaper and everything still sames the same-and any problems your still dealing with con-ed), but u also get reps under you...and u get commissions based on what your reps do, and based on your reps reps all the way down 6 levels (hence the pyramid_).. : these commissions are forever residual : my guy friend started 3 months ago in teaxas he makes like 5-6k a month sitting back not doing much if you get 3 ppl to switch to ambit, and u get 3 reps under you (these r very conservative #'s), and everyone does that under you, all the way down 6 levels, your making about 5-7k a month : Its crazY! :
in approx 30 days they are launching in Ny and Im setting up my team. i thought you might be interested in doing this on the side..very little work involved..they suggest u jsut sign up a few friends and neighbors to ambit, tell a few of your friends about this opportunity to become a rep and then the whole process takes care of itself (you dont even has to kill yourself and go after strangers)...I was wondering if this is something that interest anyone?? i have a websie they hooked me up with if u want to check out for more info. and my contact/email is on there where you can email me for more info (this is a overview on ny) (A VIDEO presentation)
