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University chiefs 'didn't take gunman warnings seriously'

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  • University chiefs 'didn't take gunman warnings seriously'

    ([email protected])
    A PROFESSOR who taught the Virginia Tech gunman today claimed she had warned university authorities repeatedly about his behaviour.

    Lucinda Roy said her warnings about Cho Seung-Hui should have been taken more seriously.

    She raised fears after being concerned by the 23-year-old student's disturbing creative writing.

    But university officials apparently said nothing could be done and referred him to counsellors.

    The South Korean, described as a "loner" and an "introvert", went on to murder 32 people at the university in the worst shooting rampage of its kind in US history on Monday.

    Virginia governor Tim Kaine has announced an independent review of how the authorities responded to the tragedy.

    Some students have complained that they received no warning from the university until an e-mail hours after the gunman is thought to have begun his killing spree by murdering 19-year-old Emily Hischler and her friend Ryan Clark in a dormitory. Two hours later, a further 30 people were killed in the second shooting in the Norris Hall engineering building.

    Speaking to CNN, Ms Roy, a former chairwoman of Virginia Tech's English Department, said that she was so disturbed by Cho's creative writing that she decided to take him out of the classroom for one-to-one tutoring.

    She said: "I was so uncomfortable that I didn't feel that I could leave him in the classroom."

    She said that she "repeatedly" spoken to university authorities about the student and said her warnings should have been taken more seriously.

    The university has not responded to her comments.

    It has emerged that Cho, who shot himself after the killing spree, was believed to be taking medication for depression and was becoming increasingly violent and erratic.

    He reportedly left a note in his dormitory in which he railed against "rich kids", "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus, reports stated.

    Gov Kaine said the independent panel would carry out a "thorough" review of the authorities' handling of the disaster.

    He said the panel would be appointed at the request of the university and would begin its inquiry immediately.

    But he warned against making snap judgements, sand said he had "nothing but loathing" for those who tried to make the tragedy "their political hobby horse to ride".

    A former classmate of Cho's, Ian MacFarlane, reportedly posted two plays he said Cho wrote on the Internet.

    In an internet blog, he described Cho's work as "like something out of a nightmare", with "really twisted, macabre violence".

    Meanwhile, sympathetic messages for the victims continued to flood in from around the world. South Koreans expressed shame and shock that one of their own was the gunman.

    South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun offered condolences to victims.

    He said: "I and our people cannot contain our feelings of huge shock and grief.

    "I pray for the souls of those killed and offer words of comfort from my heart for those injured, the bereaved families and the US people."

  • #2
    The shit was in creative writing class. I'm pretty sure John Carpetner and Steven King wrote some shit like that too.

    Hindsight is 20/20. No reason to find a scapegoat but the dude himself. Fuck up situation. No need to make it worse with all these what if's.
    NFL Kruise

    *updated as of 9/9


    • #3
      Actually she had another teacher come to her later that was worried about the kid. The University from my understanding didn't do anything.



      • #4
        the american way--- some kid goes nuts and people get sued.


        • #5
          Hind site is ALWAYS 20/20
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #6
            the university and the police botched this whole thing.
            2013 NCAA POD Record

            8-3ATS +3.80 units

            2013 NFL POD Record

            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


            • #7
              Originally posted by molta02
              the american way--- some kid goes nuts and people get sued.
              Their should be lawsuits. How does a guy shoot at 7:15 AM then come back at 9:30 AM to shoot more.

              Plus the teachers from my understanding reported him to the police yet he got no help.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BettorsChat
                Their should be lawsuits. How does a guy shoot at 7:15 AM then come back at 9:30 AM to shoot more.

                Plus the teachers from my understanding reported him to the police yet he got no help.
                there were mistakes made, but what do lawsuits solve?
                MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


                • #9
                  Originally posted by weazel079
                  there were mistakes made, but what do lawsuits solve?
                  So if someone is killed because of Negligence the family doesn't deserve to be compensated?


                  • #10
                    I think the dude was talking about how can it help the family bring their child back or something to that effect
                    NFL Kruise

                    *updated as of 9/9


                    • #11
                      Lawsuits, 24/7 coverage and printing of the killers material on the tube, and hatred towards the school and police...when will this shit ever stop?!!!!

                      Listen, nothing in life is perfect. I feel for those that lost their lives, but enough already. The damn media has given this kid too much airplay, which is what he wanted. He has already started a chain of events across this country for copy cats and I am truly sick of the media publishing his videos, pictures and written material. How come he gets a voice and victims get minimal? Have we not played in to his hands by giving him all this attention?

                      In terms of fucking up, it was down the entire chain. But answer me this, in this litigious society, doesn't one have to be careful? I mean, if a student is tabbed and kicked out, there are lawsuits. If he is not, there are lawsuits. Our society has come to a silly stand still thanks to lawyers. Hell, my parents own a pool and as kids we had everyone from the neighborhood come over without a thought. Today, when my nephews use it, my parents have to be cautious and have written notes from other kids. Even then, they are not safe, according to my dad's attorney. Sickening, imo.

                      I am still sick to my stomach over this whole chain of events but I will not stoop that low to criticize, condemn and kick dirt all over the place. My goal is to promote a better reaction in the future and realize that violence and education do not belong.

             have spewed hate from the beginning and are, quite frankly, what the media aims event like this is unprecedented...please tell me an example of where perfect execution was done so that I can look for better guidance...i am not spewing hate, brother, just wanting to understand your angle...

                      peace to all,

