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Students went crazy. It was chaos. Two leapt from window

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  • Students went crazy. It was chaos. Two leapt from window

    Tim Reid
    The massacre began at 7.10am yesterday when a lone gunman entered a dormitory at Virginia Tech, the state’s largest university. He began firing slowly and methodically inside the fourth floor of the West Ambler Johnston Hall, one of the largest halls of residence with sleeping quarters for 895 students.

    There was “mass chaos”, one undergraduate said — “lots of students running around, going crazy”. There were “multiple shooting victims”, Charles Steger, the university president, said. Two students had been killed in a dormitory, according to initial police reports.

    At 7.15am, the first emergency call was made. Police cars and ambulances rushed to the scene and armed teams fanned out around the hall, on the southwest side of the 2,600-acre campus, trying to find the gunman as snow swirled around the scene.

    But far worse was to come. Two hours later, reports began to come in of shots being fired in Norris Hall, an engineering building that is filled with classrooms. Students in a German lesson in the Norris Hall buildings described the gunman bursting in the classroom and shooting their teacher before turning his weapon on 15 students who were cowering on the floor.

    One student, Jamal Albarghouti, filmed the scene on campus with his mobile phone, images that were broadcast on CNN even before the full scale of the massacre had been revealed.

    Armed police can be seen looking left and right, startled, as shot after shot can be heard in the distance. On and on the shooting went, for at least 40 seconds. Within 30 minutes the film had been viewed 120,000 times online.

    Initial reports had given the death toll as one. But then Wendell Flinchum, Virginia Tech’s police chief, brought gasps at a news conference at 12.45pm when he announced that at least 21 people had been killed. He added that all but one of the fatalities had been shot in the Norris Hall classroom, and that at least 21 others were injured. As the day wore on the toll kept growing.

    Dana Perino, President Bush’s spokeswoman, announced at 1.15pm that Mr Bush had been informed of the shooting and was horrified. The death toll easily eclipsed that of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, which claimed 15 lives.

    Matt Waldron, a student, said that he had heard police sirens and had seen officers hiding behind trees with their guns drawn. He described the scene as mayhem, adding: “These two kids panicked and jumped out of the top-storey window. One kid broke his ankle. A girl was not in good shape, just lying on the ground.”

    Steven Ratley, 21, an architecture student, witnessed the denouement of the massacre as a group of armed police ran past him a little after at 9.45am close to Norris Hall.

    “I walked outside to get a cup of coffee and was told to get down on the ground by a number of police officers,” he told The Times.

    “They looked like they were chasing someone. A couple of seconds later I heard two gunshots fired. It’s crazy here right now. The hospitals are all full, there are ambulances, police cars and fire rescue trucks everywhere.”

    The university has 26,000 students, with many from Asia. Aimee Kanode, a first-year student, said that the first round of shooting occurred one floor above her room in West Ambler Johnston Hall. Her “resident assistant” knocked on her door at about 8am to tell the students not to leave their dormitory.

    “They had us under lockdown. They temporarily lifted the lockdown, the gunman shot again,” she said. “We were locked in our dorms surfing the internet trying to figure out what was going on.”

    Madison Van Duyne, another student, said: “Most of the students are sitting on floors away from the windows just trying to be safe as possible.”

    The shootings came three days after a bomb threat on Friday forced the cancellations of classes in three buildings. Last August, the first day of classes was cut short after an escaped prisoner was hunted on campus after he killed a security guard at a local hospital and a policeman.

    Mr Steger said: “Today the university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions. The university is shocked and indeed horrified that this would befall us.

    “I cannot begin to convey my own personal sense of loss over this senseless and incomprehensible, heinous act.”

    The incident will revive concerns over school security and access to guns in a country plagued by such massacres. Virginia law allows people to buy such weapons over the counter from the age of 21 provided they pass a background check. There is no limit on how many handguns that can be purchased per month, and there is no state registration of handguns.

    But Virginia Tech itself is a gun-free zone, meaning that it is illegal for anyone other than law enforcement officers to possess a firearm on school grounds.

    Campus massacres

    August 1, 1966 Charles Whitman killed 16 people, including his mother and wife, and wounded 31 at University of Texas in Austin

    January 29, 1979 Brenda Anne Spencer, 16, fired on a school in San Diego, killing two men and wounding eight children. Asked about her motive, she said “I don't like Mondays” — inspiring the song by the Boomtown Rats

    Oct 1, 1997 Boy, 16, stabbed his mother before shooting dead two pupils at Pearl High School in Pearl, Mississippi, and injuring seven

    March 24, 1998 Two boys aged 11 and 13 shot dead a teacher and four pupils at Jonesboro, Arkansas. Teacher and nine pupils injured

    April 20, 1999 Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School

    March 21, 2005 Jeff Weise, 16, killed five pupils and five adults, and hurt seven, at Red Lake High School, Minnesota

    Oct 2, 2006 Charles Roberts killed five and injured seven at an Amish schoolhouse in Paradise, Pennsylvania

    Source: Times database

  • #2
    Police: 33 Dead in Campus Shooting

    Thirty-three people died during two separate shootings on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va., on Monday, according to police.

    It is the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.

    Two people were killed in an early morning incident in a dormitory. Another 31, including the gunman, died during a second incident two hours later in the school's Norris Hall.

    The gunman in Norris killed himself after the shooting spree, police said in a press conference Monday afternoon. Authorities are unsure if the shooter was a student, and offered no motive for the attack. He has not yet been identified.

    Virginia Tech President Charles Steger called the deaths a "tragedy of monumental proportions," during a press conference Monday. "The university is shocked and indeed horrified that this would befall us ... I cannot begin to convey my own personal sense of loss over the senselessness of such an incomprehensible and heinous act."

    Steger said that officials are contacting victims' next of kin, and will not release a complete list of the dead until the families are notified.

    In a live televised statement Monday afternoon, President Bush said: "Our nation is shocked and saddened by the news of the shootings at Virginia Tech... Today our nation grieves for those who have lost loved ones."

    In addition to those killed, 15 others are being treated for injuries, Steger said.

    The first reported shooting occurred at about 7:15 a.m. at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed dormitory that houses 895 students.

    Amie Steele, editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper, said one of her reporters at the dormitory reported "mass chaos."

    Two hours later, a heavily armed shooter entered Norris Hall, where he began shooting students and teachers. The shooter turned his gun on himself while in Norris, police said.

    Students and staff were notified by e-mail and automated voicemails that a gunman was on the loose and that everyone should stay in their buildings. Some students have questioned why the gunman was able to strike a second time, two hours after the bloodshed began.

    Police are not sure if the two incidents are connected. They initially thought the first shooting was "domestic in nature," according to Steger.

    "I'm pretty outraged that someone died in a shooting in a dorm at 7 o'clock in the morning and the first e-mail about it – no mention of locking down campus, no mention of canceling classes – they just mention that they're investigating a shooting two hours later at 9:22," a student named Jason Piatt told CNN on the air.

    Virginia Tech student Blake Harrison said he was on his way to class near Norris Hall when he saw chaos, Fox News reports.

    "This teacher comes flying out of Norris, he's bleeding from his arm or his shoulder ... all these students were coming out of Norris trying to take shelter in Randolph [Hall]. All these kids were freaked out," Harrison said.

    The University has been closed. It will be open on Tuesday, but classes will not be in session.

    For students' accounts of the shooting as told to CNN click here.


    • #3
      My question...if you saw the video that a student took, why didnt the police (I think there were like 4) go into the building when they heard gunshots? Were they waiting for people to die? If they were just gonna stand and watch, I could have done the same thing..WTF?
      NFL Kruise

      *updated as of 9/9


      • #4
        Originally posted by tkim11
        My question...if you saw the video that a student took, why didnt the police (I think there were like 4) go into the building when they heard gunshots? Were they waiting for people to die? If they were just gonna stand and watch, I could have done the same thing..WTF?
        One of their primary task is to NOT become a Victim themselves ....

        They are Policemen not a DELTA STRIKE FORCE .

        20/20 is easy for you there Safe BEHIND your Computer !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ldawg
          One of their primary task is to NOT become a Victim themselves ....

          They are Policemen not a DELTA STRIKE FORCE .

          20/20 is easy for you there Safe BEHIND your Computer !
          I def have to agree with you. Maybe I came out like I was blaming the police on this. But then what are there for? I thought police are to PROTECT and serve. Seems like I can def count on them to give me a ticket when I'm exceeding the speed limit but if I'm getting shot at, I'm Shit out of luck. What's the number to Delta Strike Force?
          NFL Kruise

          *updated as of 9/9


          • #6
            Originally posted by tkim11
            I def have to agree with you. Maybe I came out like I was blaming the police on this. But then what are there for? I thought police are to PROTECT and serve. Seems like I can def count on them to give me a ticket when I'm exceeding the speed limit but if I'm getting shot at, I'm Shit out of luck. What's the number to Delta Strike Force?
            Well kim ... there is at least one Talking Head "expert" on CNN , that agrees with you .... he sez he would of liked to have seen PD "sprinting toward the threat" .... I guess there IS something to be said for that !

            His background is Counter Terrorists/ Israeli military .

            I agree w/you in that if it's ME or my Family in there .... I want the friggin' Delta Team NOW !!
            Last edited by Ldawg; 04-17-2007, 01:41 PM.


            • #7
              The whole situation is just awful. I would hope that the police would have ran into the building and tried to help those that are in need but I guess that's exactly what it is..hope.

              We dont need the police, we need Dutch from Predator. If he can kill an alien with fangs coming out of its head, he can def handle some kid.
              NFL Kruise

              *updated as of 9/9


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ldawg
                One of their primary task is to NOT become a Victim themselves ....

                They are Policemen not a DELTA STRIKE FORCE .

                20/20 is easy for you there Safe BEHIND your Computer !

                wrong.... its to "serve and protect" those cops should have been in their ASAP and should have been on the radio calling for backup immediately. Who are you waiting for SWAT Team???? i mean you have a weapon. those innocent victims have nothing. they are defenseless. 4 of my good friends are cops and they each told me that their is no way in hell they'd stand by and do nothing. not a chance. if the door was chained shut they'd find another way in. its sad but this was a total huge failure on the PD and schools part and it cost 30 ppl their lives. Sad
                2013 NCAA POD Record

                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                2013 NFL POD Record

                1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                  wrong.... its to "serve and protect" those cops should have been in their ASAP and should have been on the radio calling for backup immediately. Who are you waiting for SWAT Team???? i mean you have a weapon. those innocent victims have nothing. they are defenseless. 4 of my good friends are cops and they each told me that their is no way in hell they'd stand by and do nothing. not a chance. if the door was chained shut they'd find another way in. its sad but this was a total huge failure on the PD and schools part and it cost 30 ppl their lives. Sad
                  Too have a school shooting on campus and not have a total lockdown is inexcusable. How in gods name do you have a shooting in a campus dormatory and not let everyone know about it, let a lone two hours later the guy goes on a shooting rampage and many more lives are lost. After the first shootings the place should have been swarmed with cops telling people to go home and school is cancelled for the day. In result 30 more lives are lost. The 2nd shooting was very preventable.
                  MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by weazel079
                    Too have a school shooting on campus and not have a total lockdown is inexcusable. How in gods name do you have a shooting in a campus dormatory and not let everyone know about it, let a lone two hours later the guy goes on a shooting rampage and many more lives are lost. After the first shootings the place should have been swarmed with cops telling people to go home and school is cancelled for the day. In result 30 more lives are lost. The 2nd shooting was very preventable.

                    i agree 1000% and so do many others. IMO the school pres is done. and so should the chief of police. totally wrong. they tried to cover up the 1st shooting and it cost them 30 more lives. totally inexcusable..
                    2013 NCAA POD Record

                    8-3ATS +3.80 units

                    2013 NFL POD Record

                    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                    • #11
                      I read somewhere that the pres. got a standing ovation.
                      NFL Kruise

                      *updated as of 9/9


                      • #12
                        Student with the phone camera could have made millions selling the video PS haven't seen it either.

