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Has Anyone Ever Gone on a Safari?

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  • Has Anyone Ever Gone on a Safari?

    I realize that most folks in this forum are interested in gambling(and so am I), and that for many the word trip=Las Vegas.
    However, I am intrigued by the idea of taking my wife on a Safari to Africa (probably to Tanzania or Kenya) for 10 days to possibly2 weeks(I might even see a few fellow savages lol).
    Anyways, I have been checking around internet and even received a brochure describing the different tours(they aren't cheap and start at around 5K per person and don't even include air fare).
    My question is whether any of you folks have ever gone on one of these and/or know someone who has and what the experience was.
    If so, list the name of the tour company if you can and where exactly you or the friend went.
    I guess as much as I love watching the Discovery Station in HD, I want to experience some of this up close.
    Thanks for any advice you folks have.
    ps the tour book I got was from AAA, but I have a feeling that I can do better pricewise.

  • #2
    Thats definetley on my to do list. I think you would have a great time. They are pricey but the experience would be worth it. If you have the opportunity go for it.
    MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


    • #3
      be careful....air travel in africa is the most dangerous in the world....maybe go to the san diego zoo and pretend...safer and cheaper


      • #4
        Originally posted by TwoTonTony
        be careful....air travel in africa is the most dangerous in the world....maybe go to the san diego zoo and pretend...safer and cheaper
        I asume you are talking about local air travel. I hadn't heard that before.
        From my understanding much of the land travel from place to place is done walking or in vans(maybe I can "hitch" a ride on the back of an elephant or


        • #5
          Originally posted by savage1
          I asume you are talking about local air travel. I hadn't heard that before.
          From my understanding much of the land travel from place to place is done walking or in vans(maybe I can "hitch" a ride on the back of an elephant or
          fly a major US carrier if you not fly an african airliner


          • #6
            be very flight instructor lived in Kenya until they broke into his house and attacked him and his wife with a machete...they thought they killed him and made off with all his belongings...luckily he survived his major head wound and he moved to the united states...he only lasted about 6 years here and finally moved back to Kenya and I havent heard from him since....its a poor country and the locals do whatever it takes to survive


            • #7
              Originally posted by TwoTonTony
              fly a major US carrier if you not fly an african airliner
              Of course-Northwest I would assume.


              • #8
                Originally posted by #55nj
                be very flight instructor lived in Kenya until they broke into his house and attacked him and his wife with a machete...they thought they killed him and made off with all his belongings...luckily he survived his major head wound and he moved to the united states...he only lasted about 6 years here and finally moved back to Kenya and I havent heard from him since....its a poor country and the locals do whatever it takes to survive
                Thanks for the good news. Before you told me that, I was more afraid about getting eaten by a lion or tiger in the middle of the night.
                In all honesty though, these are group guided tours (around 24in all), and I haven't heard the US Govt. put out any warnings yet against going there;I will check this angle out.
                I survived the Philippines when I met my first wife and Colombia for my second wife;whats a few machetes, lions, tigers, snakes, etc?


                • #9
                  if you're in with a reputable tour group I wouldnt worry about it they arent gonna let anything happen to their wouldnt be good for business if 24 people set out on safari and only 12 returned...good luck and bring a swiss army knife ...they always come in handy in a dangerous bush region


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by #55nj
                    if you're in with a reputable tour group I wouldnt worry about it they arent gonna let anything happen to their wouldnt be good for business if 24 people set out on safari and only 12 returned...good luck and bring a swiss army knife ...they always come in handy in a dangerous bush region
                    I feel better now. I agree that going to Africa on your own and doing your own sightseeing with no guide might be a bit risky and hazardous to your well being.
                    ps Actually I was thinking of bringing back a cub but am worried about the problems in obtaining a visa or passport for it.
                    Last edited by savage1; 04-13-2007, 01:11 AM.

