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Rose: I bet on the Reds to win every night

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  • Rose: I bet on the Reds to win every night news services

    Pete Rose revealed Wednesday that he bet on the Reds "every night" while he was manager of the team and that the Dowd Report was correct when it said he did so.

    Rose, Appearing on the Dan Patrick Show on ESPN Radio, Pete Rose said he bet on the Reds to win every night while he was their manager because he believed in his team.

    Rose spoke Wednesday with Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann on ESPN Radio to discuss the new Pete Rose exhibit that will be on display at the Great American Ballpark as part of the Reds Hall of Fame. The exhibit will be on display for 11 months.

    "I bet on my team every night. I didn't bet on my team four nights a week. I was wrong," Rose said.

    Rose said that he believed in his team so much that he bet on them to win every night.

    "I bet on my team to win every night because I love my team, I believe in my team," Rose said. "I did everything in my power every night to win that game."

    Rose accepted a lifetime ban for gambling in 1989, but denied for nearly 15 years that he bet on baseball. He finally acknowledged in his latest autobiography, published in January 2004, that he made baseball wagers while he managed the Cincinnati Reds.

    Rose said he doesn't worry about getting into the Hall of Fame anymore, but if he is reinstated, he hopes to manage again in the majors.

    "I quit worrying about it," Rose said about the Hall. The former Reds great said that he thought he was going to be reinstated when he met with commissioner Bud Selig before his book came out. Rose said he met with Selig about a year before the book came out and told him everything that was in the book.

    "I really thought I was going to be reinstated. Something changed [Selig's] mind," Rose said.

    Rose said he believes it should be up to each individual owner whether he should manage in the majors again.

    "[It's] all about dollars, Dan and Keith. If I was ever reinstated. If an owner don't want to win and draw people, don't call my number," Rose said.

    Major League Baseball's Hit King also said he thinks that Mark McGwire is getting a raw deal from the writers voting for the Hall of Fame. The reason he said he supported McGwire is because nothing has been proven and they're all "allegations."

    "Don't penalize McGwire because you think other guys are taking steroids," Rose said.

    McGwire wasn't voted into the Hall of Fame in his first appearance on the ballot in January because of allegations he used performance-enhancing drugs in his career.

    Rose admits he made a mistake in betting on baseball.

    "I made a big mistake. It's my fault, It's nobody's else's fault," Rose said. However, he said he should be reinstated because "I'm the best ambassador baseball has."

    Because of the ban, Rose is not eligible for induction into the Reds' or Baseball's Hall of Fame. He also is not allowed to be involved in most on-field activities, which has prevented the Reds from retiring his uniform No. 14.

    Major League Baseball did include him in two events -- 1999's All-Century Team and 2002's 30 Memorable Moments -- that were sponsored by a credit card company.

    The new exhibit includes more than 300 items from the career of Rose, who finished playing in 1986 with a record 4,256 hits. His total is reflected at the Reds' Hall in a three-story high wall of baseballs -- one for each hit.

  • #2
    Say good night to the Hall of Fame for good now.

    And IMO...good riddence now. I was a supporter of him until all the lies kept biting him in the ass. If he would have just come clean from the beginning I think he might have a chance.

    Not anymore.


    • #3
      He still should be banned!!!


      • #4
        I say let him in. Fuck it, we all gamble and i don't think any of those 4,000 + hits were gained unfairly do to gambling. Hell, if Barry Bonds is allowed to parade himself around and continue to play ... Why not. To me, performance enhancing drugs are much worse than placing bets on your own team. Was it right? No. Should he have lied? Of course not ... But it's not like he did anything different than Bonds, Sosa, Mcguire or Raffy did. There are also much worse characters in the Hall already too. He didn't hurt anyone but himself and if you don't want him in the game fine, but he is still a major part of baseball history and they can deny that forever if they want.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          I say let him in. Fuck it, we all gamble and i don't think any of those 4,000 + hits were gained unfairly do to gambling. Hell, if Barry Bonds is allowed to parade himself around and continue to play ... Why not. To me, performance enhancing drugs are much worse than placing bets on your own team. Was it right? No. Should he have lied? Of course not ... But it's not like he did anything different than Bonds, Sosa, Mcguire or Raffy did. There are also much worse characters in the Hall already too. He didn't hurt anyone but himself and if you don't want him in the game fine, but he is still a major part of baseball history and they can deny that forever if they want.

          What about Gaylord Perry i agree Wayne he should be let in the Hall and back in baseball.Would love to see him coach at the major league level again.
          MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
          HUGE PLAYS 2-1

          NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
          0-0TOP PLAYS

          NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

          4-1 TOP PLAYS

          GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

          AS of 6/3/12


          • #6
            Originally posted by tech fan
            What about Gaylord Perry i agree Wayne he should be let in the Hall and back in baseball.Would love to see him coach at the major league level again.
            Should we talk about what kinf of guy Ty Cobb was cuz he's in and he makes Pete look like a saint!


            • #7
              Originally posted by wayne1218
              Should we talk about what kinf of guy Ty Cobb was cuz he's in and he makes Pete look like a saint!
              Babe Ruth was not exactly a preacher
              MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
              HUGE PLAYS 2-1

              NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
              0-0TOP PLAYS

              NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

              4-1 TOP PLAYS

              GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

              AS of 6/3/12


              • #8
                Let's all vote to induct Doug Drabek


                • #9
                  How is this a Non-Gambling Issue?

                  Let the damn guy in. He obviously regrets everything, and I think it's pointless to keep him out at this point.

                  NCAA Hoops (38-34-2, +4.59*)
                  NFL Sides (34-25, +12.15*)
                  NFL Totals (18-14-1, +8.23*)
                  NCAA Foots Plays (65-48-4, +21.47*)
                  NBA Plays (4-1-0, +5.92*)


                  • #10
                    i think you guys miss the point.
                    it is clearly stated in the rule book that gambling on baseball will result in a lifetime ban. he knew this was the penalty and chose to do it anyway. pete rose thought he was bigger than the game.
                    has anyone considered what kind of example this would set were he reinstated?
                    Luck favors the prepared.

                    In the room the women come and go
                    Talking of Michelangelo


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by screwtape
                      i think you guys miss the point.
                      it is clearly stated in the rule book that gambling on baseball will result in a lifetime ban. he knew this was the penalty and chose to do it anyway. pete rose thought he was bigger than the game.
                      has anyone considered what kind of example this would set were he reinstated?
                      I don't care if they reinstate him. Don't, it doesn't matter to me but he and his career should be in the Hall of Fame. It is about History and the players involved in it and Rose was a big part of it. Put a disclaimer and say he was banned for gambling ... Who cares, but his records were never influenced in any way shape of form because of a wager. Kick him out of the game, but put him in the Hall!


                      • #12
                        Rose IMO deserves to be in the HOF, but probably won't be until after he dies. As for McGwire the guy did steroids IMO.

