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health care joke

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  • health care joke

    >>a Wealthy Hospital Benefactor Was Visiting The Hospital When, During Her
    >>tour, She Passed A Room Where A Male Patient Was Masturbating. "oh My
    >>screamed The Woman. "that's Disgraceful! Why Is He Doing That?"
    >>the Doctor That Was Leading The Tour Explained," I Am Very Sorry...
    >>but This Man Has A Serious Condition Where The Testicles Rapidly Fill With
    >>if He Doesn't Do That Five Times A Day, They'll Explode And He'll Die
    >>within Minutes."
    >>"oh, Well In That Case, I Guess It's Ok," Commented The Woman.
    >>in The Very Next Room They Could See That A Female Nurse Was Performing
    >>oral Sex On A Different Male Patient.
    >>again The Woman Sc Reamed, "oh My God! How Can That Be Justifi Ed?"
    >>the Doctor Replied..."same Illness, Better Health Plan."

  • #2
    I bet the BJ dude had PPO
    NFL Kruise

    *updated as of 9/9


    • #3
      That's funny.


      • #4
        I know a similiar one.....

        A guy's wife is in a hospital in a coma. The doctors determine the only way the woman comes out of the coma is by the massaging action of her husband performing oral sex on her.

        So the doctors go out into the hall where the husband was waiting and tell him he has to have oral sex with his wife in order for her to pull out of the coma.

        So the husband goes into her room while the doctors wait outside. A few minutes later, she flat lines and dies. The doctors come running in and ask the husband, "what happened, what happened?"

        The husband says....."I guess she choked!"

        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....

