>>a Wealthy Hospital Benefactor Was Visiting The Hospital When, During Her
>>tour, She Passed A Room Where A Male Patient Was Masturbating. "oh My
>>screamed The Woman. "that's Disgraceful! Why Is He Doing That?"
>>the Doctor That Was Leading The Tour Explained," I Am Very Sorry...
>>but This Man Has A Serious Condition Where The Testicles Rapidly Fill With
>>if He Doesn't Do That Five Times A Day, They'll Explode And He'll Die
>>within Minutes."
>>"oh, Well In That Case, I Guess It's Ok," Commented The Woman.
>>in The Very Next Room They Could See That A Female Nurse Was Performing
>>oral Sex On A Different Male Patient.
>>again The Woman Sc Reamed, "oh My God! How Can That Be Justifi Ed?"
>>the Doctor Replied..."same Illness, Better Health Plan."
>>a Wealthy Hospital Benefactor Was Visiting The Hospital When, During Her
>>tour, She Passed A Room Where A Male Patient Was Masturbating. "oh My
>>screamed The Woman. "that's Disgraceful! Why Is He Doing That?"
>>the Doctor That Was Leading The Tour Explained," I Am Very Sorry...
>>but This Man Has A Serious Condition Where The Testicles Rapidly Fill With
>>if He Doesn't Do That Five Times A Day, They'll Explode And He'll Die
>>within Minutes."
>>"oh, Well In That Case, I Guess It's Ok," Commented The Woman.
>>in The Very Next Room They Could See That A Female Nurse Was Performing
>>oral Sex On A Different Male Patient.
>>again The Woman Sc Reamed, "oh My God! How Can That Be Justifi Ed?"
>>the Doctor Replied..."same Illness, Better Health Plan."