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Report: Tapes could confirm Bush received gifts

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  • #16
    Originally posted by tkim11
    So the dudes an asshole for getting more shit than others? C'mon you cant be serious. He didnt hold a gun to anyones head and ask for the house. The dude offered and he took it.

    You're right, its not right. But shit, if I was in his position with his attributes..I would be like fuck yea! Give me the house and a pool to go along with it. I'll take a fucken dog on the side too
    So b/c he didn't hold a gun to his head, it's his talent that excuses him for jeapordizing (sp) his teams eligibility as well as the university's liability in the future? Nice message of personal responsibility. And he's an asshole for thinking that he's above the law, and I hope they throw his piece of shit ass to the street. Will never happen, but would love to see the message sent.
    Last edited by gbell; 01-25-2007, 06:37 PM.


    • #17
      He's the only dumb one thats caught. Its his talent got him more shit. He nor I did not say that his talent excuse him for anything. Again, lots of college players take "free" shit.

      He never said he's above the law. He never said anything about personal responsiblity to his team when he took the gift. He took it for what it was worth.

      What I'm saying is I dont blame him for doing what he did. Considering I would have done the same thing.

      Your 18 and someone offers you a whole heap of shit, you aint gonna take it? I wouldnt think twice about my team, moral ethics or anything like that. At 27, yes, I would def. think about the repurcusions of my actions but as a teen...fuck that.
      NFL Kruise

      *updated as of 9/9


      • #18
        Originally posted by tkim11
        He never said he's above the law. He never said anything about personal responsiblity to his team when he took the gift. He took it for what it was worth.

        What I'm saying is I dont blame him for doing what he did. Considering I would have done the same thing.
        He said he's above the law when he broke it, as well as lied about it (if reports are true of course). You don't think he had some responsibility to his team and university who have given him the opportunity to make the dough he does in the NFL? And just b/c you would have done something wrong, just like he did, is no excuse, just like his age, for making the wrong and rule-breaking choice. So no one, according to you, is to blame for him making the choice to break the rules? Especially him? Like Mom's have said for years, just b/c your friends jump off a bridge...


        • #19
          Strip Usc Of Their Title And Give It To Jokelahoma
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #20
            Originally posted by tkim11

            Your 18 and someone offers you a whole heap of shit, you aint gonna take it? I wouldnt think twice about my team, moral ethics or anything like that. At 27, yes, I would def. think about the repurcusions of my actions but as a teen...fuck that.
            So you think that his age allows him to do what he did? Interesting. Then what else would you "excuse" due to age? Any other rules/laws get thrown out b/c he's "only" 18?


            • #21
              Originally posted by gbell
              So you think that his age allows him to do what he did? Interesting. Then what else would you "excuse" due to age? Any other rules/laws get thrown out b/c he's "only" 18?

              are you related to savage cause you like to argue
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #22
                Anyone named Bush is BAD!!!!

                Remember the three R's:
                Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rwall
                  Anyone named Bush is BAD!!!!



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jcindaville
                    are you related to savage cause you like to argue
                    No, just hate to see people excuse personal responsibility with lame excuses like "I would do it" or "he's only 18".


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by gbell
                      So you think that his age allows him to do what he did? Interesting. Then what else would you "excuse" due to age? Any other rules/laws get thrown out b/c he's "only" 18?
                      Raping monkies and clubbing baby seals.
                      NFL Kruise

                      *updated as of 9/9


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by gbell
                        No, just hate to see people excuse personal responsibility with lame excuses like "I would do it" or "he's only 18".
                        Didn't you do some dumb shit when you were little that you wish you can take back after growing up.

                        I'm not excusing him of anything. Whatever punishment he gets he derseves. All I'm saying is I understand why he did it. And he's not a bigger asshole b/c he got more "gifts"
                        NFL Kruise

                        *updated as of 9/9


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tkim11
                          Didn't you do some dumb shit when you were little that you wish you can take back after growing up.

                          I'm not excusing him of anything. Whatever punishment he gets he derseves. All I'm saying is I understand why he did it. And he's not a bigger asshole b/c he got more "gifts"

                          18 is not "little" and I agree he's not a bigger asshole b/c he got more gifts, he's a bigger asshole b/c he thinks he's above the law, and gave no thought to the consequences to his team or the university. Or he did give the thought, and still choose the wrong path.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by gbell
                            18 is not "little" and I agree he's not a bigger asshole b/c he got more gifts, he's a bigger asshole b/c he thinks he's above the law, and gave no thought to the consequences to his team or the university. Or he did give the thought, and still choose the wrong path.
                            If he gave thought and still chose the wrong path, he's a fucken dickhead. My assupmtion is he just took it without thinking about anything.
                            NFL Kruise

                            *updated as of 9/9


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by tkim11
                              Didn't you do some dumb shit when you were little that you wish you can take back after growing up.

                              I'm not excusing him of anything. Whatever punishment he gets he derseves. All I'm saying is I understand why he did it. And he's not a bigger asshole b/c he got more "gifts"
                              Yeah dude reggie bush is an asshole. He made his university and the ncaa hundreds of millions of dollars while he was in school scoring touchdowns. Lets not forget pete carrol, norm chow, the guy that just got hired by the raiders and countless of others who got pay raises with him chugging the ball. College coaches jump around like hot 19 year old freshmen cheerleaders and get millions of dollars but the ncaa and coaches and even fans(fanatics) have it right this time, crucify him. How dare he reap the benefits of his fruits.He is a giant asshole.

                              Matt leinart sucks too. How dare he let bush share that million dollar home with him and not pay him rent while they were attending usc! BUSH AND LEINART= HYPOCRITES
                              Last edited by musclemann; 01-26-2007, 05:39 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by musclemann
                                Yeah dude reggie bush is an asshole. He made his university and the ncaa hundreds of millions of dollars while he was in school scoring touchdowns. Lets not forget pete carrol, norm chow, the guy that just got hired by the raiders and countless of others who got pay raises with him chugging the ball. College coaches jump around like hot 19 year old freshmen cheerleaders and get millions of dollars but the ncaa and coaches and even fans(fanatics) have it right this time, crucify him. How dare he reap the benefits of his fruits.He is a giant asshole.

                                Matt leinart sucks too. How dare he let bush share that million dollar home with him and not pay him rent while they were attending usc!

                                Wasn't Leinart in a phat apartment with another USC player who was supposed to have been paying half of the rent. Leinarts Dad was footing the bill for the whole thing and the roommate was paying him back a few hundred bucks. It was found he was in violation b/c of this "subsidy", but haven't heard much about it.

                                And MM, just b/c you don't like the NCAA rules about student athletes and pay doesn't mean Bush was right for violating the rules.

