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A Great Saints Article

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  • A Great Saints Article

    Unless you lived here and went thru what we did, you really don't know what the Saints meant to us. Our politicians suck and the Saints gave the "local" people something to look forward to on the weekends after working their "real" job all week and rebuilding their homes on the weeknights and weekends. I know from personal experience ( I just slept in my house for the first time on Jan. 14, 2007 and the last time I slept there was Aug. 27, 2005 !) that I put down the paint brush and hammer every Sunday for some Saint relief.

    I know this is a gambling forum but alot of you guys seem real genuine, like a family, and care about others. I want to thank all those who donated time and money to help us rebuild. The Saints got beat by a better team (ouch that hurt to say lol), but they played big for this city.
    Coach Sean Payton and his players mingled with "the common folk" after games and this is rare in pro sports.
    Sorry for rambling but this is something that I wanted to say to. Thanks again for those that do care.
    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

  • #2
    Well said.


    • #3
      Too bad Fema isn't doing something though. Neighborhoods down there are vanished in a lot of areas.


      • #4
        There are still areas without electricity. Its been almost a year and a half. Granted, some people don't want to work on their house and they want FEMA to keep paying for them, which isn't right. My neighbor hood only had 2-4 feet of water but my son-inlaws parents had over 12 feet in their house.
        Our own politicians hurt us with the crookness that they do. Not all people down here are like that and they suffer because of the other a**holes.
        Believe me, there is progress. I was only gone for 5 days so I've seen it at its worst and trust me, it was ten times worse then what they showed on TV. It is getting better, but slowly. Thanks again.
        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

