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Directv vs. Dish network

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  • Directv vs. Dish network

    I know this might not be the place to ask it but I've got to know. I have been looking at both and not sure which one to go with. Best Buy is running a promo where you buy a flat screen and get like $100 or $150 off towards the Directv purchase.

    Which one is better? Which one has more HD channels? NFL Network and NFL package? Any input is much appreciated.

    Right now I am leaning towards Directv.
    Hey Now!!!!!!!

  • #2
    DirectTV especially if you love the NFL. They are the only one with the Sunday Ticket


    • #3
      I know this is a side issue, but before you buy a tv at Best Buy or any retail outlet, consider buying a high defintion tv at one of the sites on the internet(see link);you will save hundreds on any set(depending on the size of the set and cost) believe me.
      I bought 4 out of 5 of my HD tv's in this manner and have saved a ton;just choose a highly rated store and you will be fine.
      ps the only reason I didn't buy my last set(bought several weeks ago) is that one of the local retailers had a 2006 Sony closeout much cheaper than any of the places on the internet.
      ps Don't forget Ebay also.
      Sorry if what I stated doesn't interest you;I was only trying to help.
      Last edited by savage1; 01-16-2007, 12:06 AM.


      • #4
        i have directv and love it! sunday network (also in hd)......bunch of hd channels and i have seen commercials that say they are supposed to get a bunch more hd channels...i have no complaints.


        • #5
          please don't get dishnetwork...

          i've had dishnetwork for about 2 years and have had directv for the past 2 years.

          for dishnetwork, when it rains hard it blacks out a lot and the delay when switching channels is about a second to two. customer service is terrible. everything is terrible!!!!!!!!!!

          directv... ive got three words for you... nfl sunday ticket.


          • #6
            I had Directv and switch to dish. I like dish better. Ok directv has the NFL ticket, but look at it. You are going to pay OVER $200 for that? When ESPN has games + your local channels + the NFL network. You can go to a sports bar most of them have all the games anyway. Unless the NFL ticket drops their price for that package I would go with dish. JMO.


            • #7
              I have had Dish for many years....never had a problem.
              It's always noon somewhere!

              My Fish and Aquariums

              Griffey's Posted Record


              • #8
                I hated disnetwork, when it iced up i never got any channels. When I had direct tv, never a problem.
                Good Luck to everyone

                Richie: [after Gus hits a homerun] Wow and he did it without steroids.
                Clark: What's steroids?
                Richie: Something that makes your pee-pee smaller.
                Clark: There must be steroids in macaroni!


                • #9
                  If you live in Canada you can get crap cable like myself with ROGERS and get what is called the "Super Sports Pack" which just picks up ALL the games from the USA (FSN, FOX, ESPN,) only for the duration of the game and than once it ends you get cut off Also got NFL Sunday ticket aswell!!! I get pretty much all the games though.....
                  SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                  • #10
                    Thanks guys for the input. I think I am leaning still towards directv. I live in Ohio and we get shitty whether. Sounds like directv is better with the signal.
                    Hey Now!!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      I've had Directv for 6+ years. I love it. I'll never change.


                      • #12
                        Do Not Go With Dish, It Sucks, I Know For Sure.

                        Fat Tuesday's - Home


                        • #13
                          Directv for sports especially nfl. If you want to get the HD channels though make sure you get the Direct HD DVR receiver.

                          For TV's you can also try


                          • #14
                            The only reason DirecTV exists is because of the NFL Ticket...simply put - if you want it, you go to them. I have the new HD-DVR and the picture is just unreal....once you see football or hockey that way, you will be drooling.


                            • #15
                              i'd ask bover. after seeing his GTM photo its apparent that he has both on that mellon of his. direct tv. one side, dish network on the other
                              2013 NCAA POD Record

                              8-3ATS +3.80 units

                              2013 NFL POD Record

                              1-2 ATS -4.50 units

