RE: Glen Beck CNN
Honestly, I was not a big fan of this guy , but I think his show on the " Extremist Agenda " is MUST SEE TV ! It will re-air on Fri . 11/24 at 7pm . I agree with his point of view that our trying to be PC is fvcking killing us . For too long in this country we have had our Pabulum fed , Kool Aid drinking heads stuck in the Sand. We'd like to think that Everyone wants what our overfed commericalized ass's WANT ..... Well Wake America ...there is a Growing faction of Radical Jihadists that Not Only rejects our Capitalistic Way of Life , but want nothing less than the full Destruction of IT !!
Enemies of My Ememies Are My Friends .....
Have a Good Day
Honestly, I was not a big fan of this guy , but I think his show on the " Extremist Agenda " is MUST SEE TV ! It will re-air on Fri . 11/24 at 7pm . I agree with his point of view that our trying to be PC is fvcking killing us . For too long in this country we have had our Pabulum fed , Kool Aid drinking heads stuck in the Sand. We'd like to think that Everyone wants what our overfed commericalized ass's WANT ..... Well Wake America ...there is a Growing faction of Radical Jihadists that Not Only rejects our Capitalistic Way of Life , but want nothing less than the full Destruction of IT !!
Enemies of My Ememies Are My Friends .....

Have a Good Day
