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Election Day '06

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  • Election Day '06

    I'm going to bed, so I won't be reading any responses tonight, but:

    Take a watch:

    And a read:

    The Real Story: The Minimum Wage
    Updated November 6, 2006

    People care about three things this election season: Illegal immigration; winning in Iraq and -- as much as the media wants to ignore it -- the economy. A PEW Research poll released yesterday shows that 42% of people believe the economy is now the first or second most important issue! Great! The message is actually getting out!
    Uh, yea, not so fast. With unemployment at 4.4%, a number that economists have said is, quote "BEYOND FULL EMPLOYMENT"; the Dow hitting record highs; and virtually every other economic indicator off the charts, you'd think people would be pretty happy. But no...54% of
    this country says -- ready for this? -- the economy is "ONLY FAIR" or "POOR." You know how many think it's "EXCELLENT"? NINE. Nine percent of people say it's excellent. On the bright side, that's 8 points higher than the wealthiest one percent.
    But you know what, that sentiment is perfect because the Real Story is that if Democrats do take control tomorrow, here's what you have to look forward to: Ted Kennedy will chair the Education & Labor committee and Barney Frank will chair the Financial Services committee (I'm not joking). And the number one thing on their agenda will be to screw up this economy. Here's how...First -- they're absolutely right about not voting to raise your taxes. They don't have to! The Republican tax cuts will automatically expire if Congress does nothing, and we all know how good they are at that. And second, the Democrats have said that the first thing they're going to do is raise the minimum wage. I'm no Labor Economist, but I am a Thinker and it sounds like a pretty bad idea to mess with wages considering we have BEYOND FULL EMPLOYMENT right now.
    But Democrats say, "no, wait, look at this report where 350 economists, including 5 Nobel prize winners, say it's a good idea."
    Great, but what they don't tell you is that a survey of the American Economics Association found that almost 14,000 labor economists -- 77%!! -- believe that raising the minimum wage will result in job LOSSES. 350 vs. 14,000. Ohh, I see how it is...when we like what the minority of experts has to say we use them to make our case, but when we don't like it (i.e., Global Warming) -- we ignore them!
    There are a lot of real issues up for debate tomorrow, but the economy is not one of them. The Democrats WILL raise your taxes; they WILL raise the minimum wage; and they WILL end the best economy in decades.
    Now if you still believe that their "plan" on Iraq outweighs all of that, then go ahead and put them in charge. But first, would you at least define for me what that "plan" actually is? --Yeah, didn't think so.

    God bless America!

    2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

    2010 NFL: 0-0

    2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1

  • #2
    Wow, no responses. I guess one can't argue with the truth.

    2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

    2010 NFL: 0-0

    2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


    • #3
      The polls show that people don't like the Iraq situation so I doubt very much that they want to win. I think they want us to pull the fuck out. Halliburton (spelling) has gotten $4 billion in contracts over there in Iraq with no competition.

      And our Military is not training Iraq soldiers to defend themselves its private companies doing it with former soldiers etc that are making 5 times what are soldiers make.

      Same thing with the food over their as its being cooked for by private companies and clothes washed by private companies all at the expense of taxpayers here in this Country for billions of dollars.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BettorsChat
        The polls show that people don't like the Iraq situation so I doubt very much that they want to win. I think they want us to pull the fuck out. Halliburton (spelling) has gotten $4 billion in contracts over there in Iraq with no competition.

        And our Military is not training Iraq soldiers to defend themselves its private companies doing it with former soldiers etc that are making 5 times what are soldiers make.

        Same thing with the food over their as its being cooked for by private companies and clothes washed by private companies all at the expense of taxpayers here in this Country for billions of dollars.
        people dont like the iraq situation cause the liberal media spews only the negative. there are plenty of positives but the media refuses to show them. people simply need to wake up.
        2013 NCAA POD Record

        8-3ATS +3.80 units

        2013 NFL POD Record

        1-2 ATS -4.50 units


        • #5
          Originally posted by 10DimeBry
          people dont like the iraq situation cause the liberal media spews only the negative. there are plenty of positives but the media refuses to show them. people simply need to wake up.
          Positives? Getting Sadamm is the only positive.

          Soldiers that died is not positive
          Soldiers that are disable is not positive
          Innocent people killed in Iraq is not positive
          Billions of dollars being exploited by private companies is not positve
          All of the people of Iraq etc, that will end up being sick for the poision left is not positive.
          Us going in when only 1 Country backed us is not positive.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BettorsChat
            Positives? Getting Sadamm is the only positive.

            Soldiers that died is not positive
            Soldiers that are disable is not positive
            Innocent people killed in Iraq is not positive
            Billions of dollars being exploited by private companies is not positve
            All of the people of Iraq etc, that will end up being sick for the poision left is not positive.
            Us going in when only 1 Country backed us is not positive.

            You say getting saddam is the only positive. like that is just no big deal??? that is a huge deal.

            Soldiers died freeing innocent people from a horrible dictator. 3,000+ military personnel died over in iraq in a 3+ year conflict. Do you have any idea how many soldiers died in Vietnam,korea,WWI,WWII ???? i can tell you or you can look it up. But you can bet your ASS its alot more than we lost in this Iraq war. But hey, what do you care. You just want us out of their cause our mission is being accomplished and you libs cannot stand it.

            Ironic thing is 3000+ innocent people died in 1 day 9/11/2001 yet you clearly cast that aside and brush it off. but hey thats what you libs do. 1 country backed us?? why does it matter??? the UN is a joke. they do nothing. After sept. 11th i personally dont give a rats ass on who backs us on anything. they werent attacked. WE were.
            2013 NCAA POD Record

            8-3ATS +3.80 units

            2013 NFL POD Record

            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


            • #7
              Apples....Maybe you should be the one to explain to the American families of the over 3000 soldiers that have been killed in this war that there are over 5 million cel phones being used in Iraq now. What a special moment it will be to see their faces light up with the joy in knowing their sons and daughters died for that.

              Make sure you throw in that we caught Saddam but Osama, the real mastermind behind the plots to attack our people, has not been caught.....
              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #8
                Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                You say getting saddam is the only positive. like that is just no big deal??? that is a huge deal.

                Soldiers died freeing innocent people from a horrible dictator. 3,000+ military personnel died over in iraq in a 3+ year conflict. Do you have any idea how many soldiers died in Vietnam,korea,WWI,WWII ???? i can tell you or you can look it up. But you can bet your ASS its alot more than we lost in this Iraq war. But hey, what do you care. You just want us out of their cause our mission is being accomplished and you libs cannot stand it.

                Ironic thing is 3000+ innocent people died in 1 day 9/11/2001 yet you clearly cast that aside and brush it off. but hey thats what you libs do. 1 country backed us?? why does it matter??? the UN is a joke. they do nothing. After sept. 11th i personally dont give a rats ass on who backs us on anything. they werent attacked. WE were.
                Our backs being supported is a big deal. By going into Iraq basically Bush and company said FUCK YOU everyone else we will do what we want to do even though all Countries were against it besides the UK. That is weakining our position in this world and also putting a big target on our backs.

                If you want to talk about people killed there was way more jews killed than sadaam every killed. Did you know that this Country put that fuck in power back in the last 70's?

                Bush Sr. could have invaded iraq during the Kuwaitt war but chose not too. This fucking president has did all kinds of shit that no other president has did and that's a fact.

                The mission is not being accomplished as even Republicans are balking at Bush and shunning him. And don't say its the media, because there is right wing and left wing media. The fact is those people over there have been fighting forever and will continue to fight forever.

                As far as comparing how many soldiers died in Iraq vs. those other wars is comparing apples to oranges. We didn't have the technology that we have today back then. Even though the technology of today is poisioning innocent people including our own soldiers.

                Their are more negatives than positives by far from this war!

