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He's Done It To Us Again!

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  • He's Done It To Us Again!

    I just heard, on Good Morning America, that North Korea has announced that they will resume testing of their nuclear weaponry today. The reason they gave is that they are getting ready to deal with America's agression.

    Iran's weaponry now controls the seas.

    Syria is developing nuclear weaponry.

    Red China and North Korea are gaining vital anti-American allies in South America.

    Bush is asking Americans to invest in the American companies that are selling massive quantities of construction materials and fuel to China because the "housing" market in China is booming. Do you really believe they are building houses and schools? I don't. I think they're building weapons factories, munitions plants, laboratories and launching pads.

    Let's face it, guys. Anti-gambling legislation doesn't mean a thing to a country full of people who are already dead and don't even know it!

    We'd better get rid of these disastrous clowns and find someone with some guts to sit the Presidency!

  • #2
    I dont understand why we cant just go in and fuck N.korea up. I know I sound very ignorant but give me a break, primary use of nuclear weapons is for KILLING.
    NFL Kruise

    *updated as of 9/9


    • #3
      Originally posted by tkim11
      I dont understand why we cant just go in and fuck N.korea up. I know I sound very ignorant but give me a break, primary use of nuclear weapons is for KILLING.
      i do not think that is the answer.....unprovoked launching of a nuclear weapon is not right......I know they are the enemy, but i think that would set into motion events of apocolyptic proportions....tough situation for sure


      • #4
        tkim11: "I dont understand why we cant just go in and fuck N.korea up."

        Because, tkim, in my opinion, an unprovoked attack would make us no better than the rats we're going to have to fight. Also, North Korea's chief ally is China. They have more people just in their army than we have in our entire population. An unprovoked attack on N. Korea would give Red China justification to move that force against us. We don't have nearly enough people in our military to even begin handling that!


        • #5
          Gee and to think our Government allows so much outsourcing to China. I'm sick of outsourcing work to other Countries as there is way too much of it.

          Before we went into Iraq we knew about North Korea and the nukes.


          • #6
            I agree! Why are we outsourcing American jobs to Communist countries, anyway? Geez!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Udog
              I just heard, on Good Morning America, that North Korea has announced that they will resume testing of their nuclear weaponry today. The reason they gave is that they are getting ready to deal with America's agression.

              Iran's weaponry now controls the seas.

              Syria is developing nuclear weaponry.

              Red China and North Korea are gaining vital anti-American allies in South America.

              Bush is asking Americans to invest in the American companies that are selling massive quantities of construction materials and fuel to China because the "housing" market in China is booming. Do you really believe they are building houses and schools? I don't. I think they're building weapons factories, munitions plants, laboratories and launching pads.

              Let's face it, guys. Anti-gambling legislation doesn't mean a thing to a country full of people who are already dead and don't even know it!

              We'd better get rid of these disastrous clowns and find someone with some guts to sit the Presidency!

              Yeah , we should probably just" Stick our Heads back in the Sand " .... Laaa lee laaa lee laaaa . If we'd just stay at Home these problems would just go away ! Yeah right !! W has screwed a lot of shit up.... but not everything in the World is his fault . JMO


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ldawg
                Yeah , we should probably just" Stick our Heads back in the Sand " .... Laaa lee laaa lee laaaa . If we'd just stay at Home these problems would just go away ! Yeah right !! W has screwed a lot of shit up.... but not everything in the World is his fault . JMO
                Who said it was? It's our whole Governments fault IMO. Our Government is so fucked up its not even funny. This Country is becoming more and more like a dictatorship.

                Prior to going into Iraq our Government knew about North Korea and their nukes, but we went into Iraq which has since been proven to have nothing to do with 911. No weapons of mass destruction etc. And from what we've been told Bush was told this prior to going into there.

                Why haven't we gotten Osama Bin Laden??

                Why was Clinton's special CIA unit that was formed to look into bin laden and hunt him down broken up by Bush just recently?

                We are alienating ourselves from numerous places and pissing plenty of other Countries off by doing what we want. That is one of the reasons Tony Blair is quitting before his time is up. Were suposed to go through the United Nations to settle all Foreign disputes.


                • #9
                  Wow Monte I bet your a Chomsky fan.... shit is fucked up... I'm sure W , Rice , Chaney , Rummie and their cronnies are profiting from this by means that would make our stomachs turn . BUT .... alot of the Islamic crap started before W was in office.... and the World was going to Hell in a Handbasket already . WE didn't start the shit , but we (US leadership)have
                  thrown alot of fuel on the fire .... I don't know the answer to all of this .... do you ?


                  • #10
                    Who is chomsky?

                    Yeah, both parties need to quit abusing the system.

                    Also as for Bush I believe him and the Republicans like using the word terroism for the mere fact it gets then votes especially from the elderly. They claim hey were going to fight terroism and protect you unlike the Democrats so people vote for them. I don't believe for any minute the Republicans are going to do more about terroism than the Democrats would. So basically I think that's a BS excuse. I think how everything went down with 911 was odd as well.

                    All bills that are to be voted on should be about the same bill. Anything changed or amended to the bill both parties should be notified of the change in detail and given ample time to read the changes.

                    All bills should be voted on during regular business hours set up by the Government.

                    I believe all Congressmen and Senators should have set term limits like a President does. Maybe this would be beneficial? Then again it may not be.

                    All Campaigns should have a cap of how much money they can receive so to keep the campaigns more fair.

                    We as a Country should work more with the UN Nation when deciding on what to do about going into war. And make damn sure that we know when we go into war that we have all the facts!

                    It would be nice if we had 3 parties that were equal in strength too, but I don't see that happening.

                    Our government needs to do something regarding social security and health insurance.

                    House members and Senators should recieve no kickbacks for anything. And give nor receive any Government contracts to anyone related to them, business partners, former business partners etc.

                    Congressman and Senators should receive the same social security benefits that regular people did. If they did you would see them coming up with a fast solution to the problem.

                    I also believe the President whoever it is should have to do regular interviews that are live and by the media to answer questions and concerns. No just live White House BS talks with nobody questioning them.

