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Mike EV

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  • Originally posted by Spark
    Why didn't we ban Chuck 3 days for opening this thread?? .. I am totally tired of this drama on this site .. I agree Mike should have received the 3 day ban but I also think Chuck should not be allowed to open these kinds of threads every week .. and he does just so he can say he got someone banned ...
    STATEMENT of the day..........How true and appropriate.......this "Days of Our Lives" drama shit gets old........

    I love this Forum, and the people in it, but this kind of immature, childish, fruitless, ignorant bickering is just good enough to have some quality (potential) members have second thoughts about coming here, not to mention the idea of some regulars having their ass full of it also....

    Now anyone can come in here and say the same old bull shit "If you don't like it, then don't read it".......technicaly you're right, but remember one thing, "I live here also", and I would rather live next door, than to have to listen to much more of this crap....

    Know what I mean Verne.........

    For those of you that are mature enough to understand what I just said, then it doesn't affect you, for those of you that don't understand it, then I say----"Grow the FUCK up".........

    Geez fellows, we're destroying our OWN home, with our own self inflicted childish acts......Can't you guys see what you are doing to our Family???????????

    This is your "Kaptain" speaking...

    It's kinda like stepping out the back door every day to piss, and then gripe when the fuckin grass dies.........we're destroying ourselves
    Last edited by Kaptain; 09-23-2006, 09:57 AM.

    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


    • Wow Kapt .. powerful ...

      Why didn't you say something to me before about this??? on or off the field ... I always wondered how you felt about this bullshit ... I know we all like Chuck so i was not sure how you felt about this ... but like I said before it must stop ... these threads can not be opened ...


      • My Man Papi

        Originally posted by Spark
        Wow Kapt .. powerful ...

        Why didn't you say something to me before about this??? on or off the field ... I always wondered how you felt about this bullshit ... I know we all like Chuck so i was not sure how you felt about this ... but like I said before it must stop ... these threads can not be opened ...
        I felt no need to mention it, as I've seen you, Wayne, and/or Monte, all, at one time or other try to defuse a potential fire regarding this subject.......

        I don't just arbitrarily go around giving my opinion of things, other than sports, especially what I call childish and harmful subjects.....

        Do I like Chuck---hell yes---One of my favorite people here on BC.......good capper, humorous, always wishing you the best, and has many friends here.....

        On a scale of 1-10, for Chuck being here, and being himself, I give him a 9.8........

        For the way he's been letting this get to him lately, and not letting these childish things go, I rate it a negative 10......

        He's not himself lately, and I do have to agree with him on certain things......These constant questions, calling outs, would irritate me also....however; I would handle it differently.....

        I would go on being myself, and IGNORE the instigators....but no---he riles em up...they rebut, and the saga continues.......

        Somewhere, somehow, some have lost the reality of who/what we are.......A FAMILY working in "Unison towards a common goal", that being, beat the man, make Money, make friends, and have fun at the same time.......

        Friends/Family, will disagree, but does it have to turn into more than an argument/debate, i e, a "pissing contest".......the answer is no.......

        all I'm asking is that we stop, look at ourselves, and see if this is really what we want........In essence, each person re evluate themselves, as to who/what we are, why we're here, and if the results satisfy you, then stay and be yourself....

        If one feels they can't fulfill their own beliefs, be themselves, then move the fuck on......

        It's kinda like standing under a construction area (hi rise), and knowing the workers are gonna piss on your head, just so you can have something to gripe about.........

        I start reading these things, cause I care, and I personaly want to see how others react......Some calm/cool, some indifferent, some plum damn stupid........they know who they are....especially if you did as I said earlier, look at your self, reevaluate who/what you are......

        We're all adults here, and should act as so.......we all make/made mistakes, but it's what you learn from your mistakes, that count.....

        We're all making mistakes, (I for one by wasting my time with this shit)......when will we learn........let the dramas continue.....some dwell on it---I detest useless dramas.....what a waste of our intellect.........

        We're all better than that, and thats what I'm asking all to do---re evaluate who/what we are.....take it from there for what it's worth.....I am no better than anyone here, but when certain people start acting childish, they put them selves below me without me even trying to be better........

        F Family Foremost
        A All in this together---all for one, one for all
        M Must work together to make it happen
        I In it for the fun and friends we can have
        L Learn from each other----man's greatest gift
        Y You, and I mean all, have an impact on the above attributes, but what kind is it........
        Last edited by Kaptain; 09-23-2006, 10:40 AM.

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • You see though Kapt I had Mike Ev pegged from the get go and even told you about him .. I watched carefully every one of his post and I was going to get rid of him ... there was absolutely no need to open this thread .. Wayne and I were on top of this right from the get go .... Give em enough rope ..

          Have a geat day YOF ... and thanks


          • NICE post Kapt.

            I'm beyond sick of it at this point. Men saying they can out run, out cap, out hit, out punch each other on a forum. Very childish and the adults are sick of reading it. If people are on your shit and you ignore it, others will take care of it. If you keep responding, you are one of them!


            • Joe,

              I was up until almost 2 in the morning watching these guys open threads and go at it. I was even messing with them (as you can see) but nothing works. Get pissed, make light of it, tell them to stop, nothing friggin' works .......


              • Originally posted by wayne1218

                I was up until almost 2 in the morning watching these guys open threads and go at it. I was even messing with them (as you can see) but nothing works. Get pissed, make light of it, tell them to stop, nothing friggin' works .......
                I know .. I read it this morning ... we all know what Mike's agenda was here .. we also know that his time was coming .. but we do not need anyone opening threads like this and calling people out ...


                • Originally posted by Kaptain
                  STATEMENT of the day..........How true and appropriate.......this "Days of Our Lives" drama shit gets old........

                  I love this Forum, and the people in it, but this kind of immature, childish, fruitless, ignorant bickering is just good enough to have some quality (potential) members have second thoughts about coming here, not to mention the idea of some regulars having their ass full of it also....

                  Now anyone can come in here and say the same old bull shit "If you don't like it, then don't read it".......technicaly you're right, but remember one thing, "I live here also", and I would rather live next door, than to have to listen to much more of this crap....

                  Know what I mean Verne.........

                  For those of you that are mature enough to understand what I just said, then it doesn't affect you, for those of you that don't understand it, then I say----"Grow the FUCK up".........

                  Geez fellows, we're destroying our OWN home, with our own self inflicted childish acts......Can't you guys see what you are doing to our Family???????????

                  This is your "Kaptain" speaking...

                  It's kinda like stepping out the back door every day to piss, and then gripe when the fuckin grass dies.........we're destroying ourselves
                  All too true....I'm sorry Kapt for stooping to their level...It won't happen again...


                  • Chuck E. Cheese

                    Originally posted by Chuck E. Cheese
                    All too true....I'm sorry Kapt for stooping to their level...It won't happen again...
                    Now that sounds like my true Chuck E. Cheese........

                    You said it my man, now back it up with actions......

                    You are such a great person, when you're being yourself........

                    I for one, and I'm sure that others also, will be extremely glad to see you implement this thread you just posted.........

                    You're an intricate part of OUR FAMILY Chuck, and I'll look at as if you just went on vacation for a while, and now we can tell the kids, that "Uncle Chuck E." is back.....

                    I appreciate you taking my comments as intended, which deep down, I knew you really would.......

                    Love ya my man, lets put this behind us, and hope others will also....Moving on forward, is what we all want to do..........

                    Love ya----and take care of your family over there in Cal.---as you know your BC Family is all right with ya....

                    as always---your Podna---the "Old" Kapt

                    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                    • Originally posted by Kaptain
                      I'm 64 years old, and I can whip your "washed up" boxing ass any day........

                      reasons are----

                      I have more experience...
                      Longer reach--6'4" tall, 38" sleeve length
                      Fast hands--
                      Great upper body strength
                      and most importantl of all....

                      I have "Blue" trunks to match my "Blue" Bedroom eyes....

                      Now stick that true ass coment up your ass

                      Love ya my man----Kapt

                      you are a funny bastard and i was all ready to roll my sleeves up and take it to you and then i realized that I can not contend with the blue eyes blue shprts combo........Do not even tell me you have blue shoes because i will start running now....ha ha!!!


                      • Originally posted by Chuck E. Cheese
                        All too true....I'm sorry Kapt for stooping to their level...It won't happen again...
                        Yeah....bullshit....then why go into the Ace-Ace thread and start trashing a guy from another board who has never done anything but try to help?

                        Why? Because someone is getting more attention than you. How sad that a 49 year old man needs that level of attention from a bunch of guys on the internet.


                        • Originally posted by bover1
                          yea no shit...i think all rubber jaws want 2 do is braid your ass hairs with his tongue and he's pissed cuz you dont feel that way about him....what a fucking loser.....

                          Questions, comments, complaints:
                          [email protected]


                          • I can run a 8.7 40
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • I was having a real shitty morning till i read this, great comedy
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • Well said kapt

                                I really can't say it better then that. You seem to speak for the members in here that TRUELY care.

                                Love ya buddy!

