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Kerry to Run in 2008?

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  • Kerry to Run in 2008?

    Skull and Bones Kerry May Run For President Again

    Raw Story | September 14 2006

    Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) doesn't believe that Hillary Clinton has the inside track on the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination and says he would vigorously defend himself against new attacks by the Swift Boat team, according to an interview with The Examiner.

    "I’m prepared to kick their ass from one end of America to the other," said Kerry, in a strong hint that he intends to run for president once again.

    In response to wide talk of Sen. Clinton (D-NY) being the favorite for the Democrats in 2008, Kerry says, "I don’t buy it. ... I don’t care what the dominant, conventional wisdom is today; it will not be the dominant, conventional wisdom in a year."

    Excerpts of the interview and article, available here, follow:

    Kerry says the only reason he didn’t compete in more states in 2004 was that he ran out of money. He says this was also the reason he did not adequately respond to a series of devastating TV ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, a group that questioned Kerry’s service in Vietnam and criticized his later opposition to the war.

    "I’m prepared to kick their ass from one end of America to the other," he declares. "I am so confident of my abilities to address that and to demolish it and to even turn it into a positive."

    Kerry’s tough talk triggers laughter from John O’Neill, a fellow Vietnam veteran who helped found Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth and wrote a blistering 2004 book on Kerry, Unfit for Command.

    "Well, he’s got eight times as much time to prepare for us as he spent in Vietnam," says O’Neill, referring to Kerry’s short tour of duty.

    [like it or not, he just might have a shot] -dt

  • #2
    God help us if he gets in...........


    • #3
      would be better than bush at least, hope he knows how to run a campaign this time and stop spending time on stats already locked up.
      How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.


      • #4
        It doesn't seem to matter whether you vote dem or repub, you always get a globalist. So I'm voting libertarian next time; more a vote of dissent since there's no way that party will actually win...



        • #5
          You can vote for whoever you want. Its the electoral vote that counts. Although the electoral votes are supposed to be a reprsentation of its residence (voters)...I dont want to get into this.

          I'm voting for...deeeeeeeeeezzzz nuttttttttsssssssss
          NFL Kruise

          *updated as of 9/9


          • #6
            god i sooo want hillary to run in '08

            2013 NCAA POD Record

            8-3ATS +3.80 units

            2013 NFL POD Record

            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


            • #7
              Damn Kerry wants to lose again
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #8
                I don't think Kerry is the Democratic choice. I was thinking that it was going to be Edwards.


                • #9
                  hillary no way, she's just a brain not a great politician
                  How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.


                  • #10
                    Polls point to Hillary vs. Guliani.


                    • #11
                      thats all we need money will be wasted as usual then
                      How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.

