i hope every visiting team takes over that crap team................i hate being a cubbie...id reather like the Marlins,,,,at least they play hard with the 1/4th of the flubs payroll
lets be honest the Cubs are undermanned missing their top 3 players but Tiger fans united for the weekend and shelled out the cash to get them tix at a sold out venue
Ive been a fan since 87 and I used to skip class to go to Tiger Stadium and ive been with this team in their tough times so man does this feel good.......im getting goose bumps
we are back to 21 or .500 which is our high mark and defeating Prior tomorrow will be tough but man does this feel good........they sure know how to put me in a good mood!
Now they need people to show up at home...they are 8 or 9th in the AL in home attendance and avergaed 22,000 for 4 games against TB. Need to get your city out to support the team with the best record in the majors....
God the Cubs suck lol the rest of the league should protest that the Tigers get to play on the road against the cubs its like a extra home series lol and its not fair lol 3 easy wins again for them tigers
Im with u Pimp! I was born in W. Bloomfield and saw my first ever games at Old Tiger Stadium.....can't believe their gonna tear down the Stadium for stores/apt's.
Anyway, feels great seeing those grey/orange uni's rounding the bases.....someone hit a dong yesterday (think it was Thames) and seeing him round the bases at Wrigley made me feel all gooey inside.
Now they need people to show up at home...they are 8 or 9th in the AL in home attendance and avergaed 22,000 for 4 games against TB. Need to get your city out to support the team with the best record in the majors....
Very surprising to me.
Historically attendance for Tiger games starts slow and picks up when school is out. This reminds me of the White Sox last year......everyone thought at some point they would fade and I remember they had games in Juley and August and they weren't sold out. I do know there was standing room only v the Red Sox, Yankees and Reds over the weekend earlier and the Rays just arent a draw. This town is gettin ready to explode and Comerica will be rockin all summer long.....if you think the Palace is the best crowd in the NBA and this aint even a hoops or hockey town like they wanna say.........around here we go crazy for foots and bases and thats where we've been weak but not any longer.
Apolus I was born in Dearborn and I still attend regularly to the games but its been so easy to go downtown lately and get some tix anywhere in the park.......now I have to plan weeks ahead.......Im gonna try and get down there when Clemens pitches imn assuming next Monday.....I know the feeling about goosey man......I feel it just talkin about this team