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3 Wise Men Thursday 5-25-06 … 7-4 , hitting top 3 plays , parlay paid 140 /100

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  • 3 Wise Men Thursday 5-25-06 … 7-4 , hitting top 3 plays , parlay paid 140 /100

    “Another winning night “ … I don’t think I can ever get tired of saying that.

    Since last Tuesday night when we took a hit going 5-12 , we’ve won every day since ( except for Saturday when we passed altogether ) Our Top Star Plays are now on a nice little run . We snapped our season long 0-7 losing streak with our 2 ½* and 3* plays in a big way , now hitting 4 in a row. High Liners and Parlays continue to roll along … 70 – 27 . Actually the week before we officially started posting, the High Liners went 19-4 but they of course don’t count. Tack them on and it’s a cool 89-31.

    Things are definitely shaping up and the future outlook remains optimistic.

    The hidden beauty is that with our method , no one can ever rattle us or change our decision making. The picks are what they are each and every day.

    Without a doubt , Arizona and Detroit are The Darlings of 3 Wise Men Baseball in 2006. We’ve done very well with them so far. On a disappointing note , The Twins have been giving it to us in the shorts . One of the most important things to remember with sports betting is never allow yourself to fall in love with a team, and, equally as important … never feel animosity … it clouds judgment … if a team doesn’t deliver a few times in a row … scale down it’s power rating but don’t hate and ignore the team altogether …. you’ll probably shy away from playing ON them when you’re supposed to and this will only cause bad habits to become ingrained in your handicapping method.

    This is especially true in football … if a team fails to cover say 3 weeks in a row the public tends to get off them … leaving a bitter taste in one’s mouth. In MOST cases that is exactly the time to get on them … when everyone is off them. If you harbor a grudge against a team, chances are you’ll blow a money making opportunity.

    Pay close attention to the “ J O H N N Y – Come – Lately “ Bettor … he’s the one who’ll jump in with both fists on … let’s say … The Rams … AFTER they’ve won and covered their last 2-3 games. And then … POW .. he’ll get it right in the kisser !

    Most of you who followed my “Playing Pro Football “ weekly threads know that we had a great time last year and that I gear my picks on underdogs whom I expect to win outright. Totals were good and juicy as well. By and large I select the teams that very few people want … provided that they are supported by only the most potent trends and systems. You’d better wear a strong pair of pants if you want in , because in general I don’t play the sides which make people comfortable in the gut.

    LMAO … I don’t know how the hell I got around to football so I’ll cut it off right here for now. I suppose I’m just happy over the way things have gone for the past week or so . IN DUE TIME the football season will be upon us … but it’s going to be very important that we do NOT abandon baseball come August , September and October. There is money to be made on The Diamond in those months. Last year a lot of serious money was made in those months.

    The Plays For Today:


    1* Washington +1 Run -130

    1* NY Mets + 1 ½ Runs -120

    1* Seattle -1 Run Even Money

    1* Oakland + 1 ½ Runs -130

    Note: I do not feel that Detroit is a good bet today on the Run Line laying 1 1/2 Runs. Even at -1 Run the line is high. We've done nothing but make money with them but for today let's place them in a parlay with a straight up Money Line.

    High Liners:

    Washington +1 ½ Runs -160

    Detroit ML -200

    ************************************************** ***********************

    Yesterday’s Result:

    Stars: 5-4 , hitting our 3 highest rated plays.

    1* Florida + 1 ½ Runs -130 Won

    2 ½* Arizona ML -130 Won

    1* Cincinnati ML -130 Lost

    2 ½* LA Dodgers ML -125 Won

    1 ½* Minnesota + 1 ½ Runs -115 Lost

    1* Boston ML -125 as a bare minimum play … Lost

    1* Toronto RL -1 Run -120 Lost

    1* White Sox RL -1 Run + 110 Tie

    1* Detroit RL -1 ½ -135 Won

    2* Seattle ML -125 Won

    High Lines: 2-0

    Atlanta + 1 ½ -205 Won

    Detroit -1 Run -165 Won

    Parlay won and paid 140 /100

    ************************************************** ***********************

    The Record: at 100/game … 100/Star


    3 ½*

    3*……….. 2-2 …………….... -35 …………. -105

    2 ½* ……. 2-5 ………….. -365 ………….. - 910

    2* ………. 15-10……….... +325……………+650

    1 ½* …… 19-24 ………… -990 …………. -1435

    1* ……... 58-49 …… .... +555……….... +555

    ½* …….. 9-5 …………... +375 ………….. +190

    Star Rated Overall: …105-95 …… -135 ……. -1055

    High Line Plays: 70-27 + 2105

    Linesmaker Specials: 4-3 + 160

    All Plays: 179 - 125

    High Line Parlays: 12 hits out of 28 attempts … +1640

    Top Daily Plays: 26-19

    Run Line Star Plays: 45-39

    Middle Ops : 4 … no middles won … -205 in vig lost

    Net Net :

    +3565 if stars were played at a flat 100 per game

    +2645 if stars played at 100 / Star

    As Always,

    Best of Luck


  • #2
    Good Luck Neil


    • #3
      Conversely, I will never get sick of saying this:
      Great job!!!!


      • #4
        GL today


        • #5
          GL and thanks as always. Good insightful right up today too.


          • #6
            Originally posted by CoverBoy

            The hidden beauty is that with our method , no one can ever rattle us or change our decision making. The picks are what they are each and every day.
            You and I have often discussed the beauty of our method is it eliminated the emotion factor. The power rating are the power rating. In the past 2+ seasons we've had some nice ballsy winner against public opinion.


            • #7
              Kepp It Going Buddy .... Good Luck !!!!
              "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
              is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


              • #8
                Thanks Guys

                I'm most happy that you're benefitting from our stuff.

                Sorry I got off on a tangent with football ... we have lots of time til September and we'll deal with that , then.

                Best of Luck Us Today


                • #9
                  Love the write ups.
                  GL to us!
                  Thanks for posting and the hard work.
                  I don't play with real money only Fazools.


                  • #10
                    GL today Neil!
                    It's always noon somewhere!

                    My Fish and Aquariums

                    Griffey's Posted Record


                    • #11
                      Guys I have this feeling that Detroit / KC will be close today.

                      This little voice inside me says that KC + 1 1/2 Runs gets the money .

                      Keeping my parlay with Detroit Straight Up but I may nibble on The Royals + 1 1/2 Runs



                      • #12
                        good luck today
                        2010 One play a day record
                        22-19-1 51%
                        +0.74 units
                        Passes: 7 days
                        Streak: L2


                        • #13
                          keep em coming Neil----kapt

                          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                          • #14
                            6-0 KC bottom 1st

                            I knew I smelled a rat


                            • #15
                              Alway's with ya!
                              5* 0-0
                              4* 0-0
                              3* 1-0
                              2* 1-0
                              1* 0-1

                              God Bless America

                              To win :1* unit = $100

