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  • ***

    Expos 2*

    Jays/Spos Under 2*

  • #2
    Pirates 2*

    Marlins 2*

    Under Sox/Phils 3*


    • #3
      D Backs 3*


      • #4
        observation for you ***

        this is not a bash but it seems to me that you are playing the opposite of the boards picks

        everybody had Toronto so you posted Expos and lost
        everybody had Cleveland and you posted Pittsburgh and lost
        everybody has Cincinnati and you posted Arizona and will lose

        you can`t fade in baseball and win money, maybe this is why you are doing very poorly with your baseball selections

        i guess you want the whole board to be on Team A and you are the only one on Team B and when team B wins you look like a hero, but this has not been the case

        you won yesterday but have not put a good string together in baseball in a while and nobody responds to your posts anymore cause i think everybody is on to your plan, it might work in NFL but not baseball

        how about you start capping agin instead of just fading

        i would stick to over unders cause your side bets are for the birds in Mexico, just kidding numbers:D


        • #5
          Pitt Boy,

          You're right a 12-4 run for me isnt impressive, as it would be for most

          As for fading, haha too funny...I think Im the one who has preached that fading doesnt work in bases and will continue those beliefs

          No disrespect to the board, but I don't pay attention who plays who...That is silly..Of course you follow me, cause you're in awe with me

          As for winning in bases, 1 losing week in six weeks...This week now even looks better...Of course Joe P rounds off the small winning weeks to break even when in fact he claimed them as winning weeks at the time, but funny the small losing week he doesn't round off to a break even

          You guys are WAY too funny...You guys follow and follow and follow hoping *** will go down...It will NEVER happen...When will you guys learn

          If you think Im not good, then why do you consume me with your friends 24/7? Its been almost a year, and the talk is STILL ***...and it WILL ALWAYS be the talk...I mean stop and think how happy you guys got cause I lost two days in a row...Now that is respect for me...Actually, try this- try not to follow my picks...YOU nor ANYONE else CAN'T!!! And you know why!!! The best you HAVE EVER seen!!!


          • #6
            i meant no disrespect, you are a good capper but by far not the best here, you should see some of the streak these other guys are on, they hit 14 out of 15, 20 out of 21, you have been winning i will admit that, but cannot put up the power numbers like some of these other cappers

            keep up the good work and best of luck in the future

            i read all of your posts, cause i read every post out there thats all

            but i enjoy your posts, but they have been not that exciting ever since nobody replies to them anymore



            • #7
              A few corrections. For 3 weeks, you had won +1ish units each week. I say 1ish b/c everyone's lines are different. I asked you several times what books you used, with NO responses. Last week you lost 3.5ish units on a shortened week. This equals out to just about breakeven for the 4 week span. This week you started the week off down almost 9 units between Wed and Thurs. Got A LOT of love on Fri and won 3ish units, and over 7.5 units yesterday. Today looks like +6ish units. Is this recap accurate? I also noticed you weren't shit talking when you were getting your ass handed to you early in the week, then you go on a run, and the shit talking starts about being the best. YOU bring out the bashers you hate so much. I really hope you realize that. If you would like from now on, I will recap your units each day if I am SO off like you claim. Best of luck to you!!!
              Last edited by JOE P; 06-22-2003, 10:31 PM.


              • #8

                get over yourself bud
                you like to think we talk about you 24/7 yea fucking right
                like we give a fuck
                i am not trying to talk shit but come on give us a fucking break
                if you are so good why not give joe p some explanations on his questions but i guess you don't have time and are too good to spend time explaining
                like you said the other day i can't wait for football to start and you leave so we don't have to read about how good you are
                gosh you love this attention don't you


                • #9
                  JoeP is correct......
                  "You like the odds of lightning?"


                  • #10
                    And one more thing, the records of +1ish units for the 3 weeks is based on one units plays also. This was to your benefit. The HUMOUNGOUS, HUGE, and other adjectives used were ALL counted as one unit until you just switched to a rating system. I am sure you won some, but I do recall a Tuesday night that you lost just about ALL of your adjective plays. Again, please feel free to correct ANY of my mistakes, b/c unlike some people, I am NOT perfect...GL all...


                    • #11

                      Wow!!! For someone who claims that he plays everyone of my plays, you sure get mad when I (we) win...Hmm..Very weird...Actually, cut the games you liar...You don't play any of these games otherwise you'd be rooting for these games instead of rooting for me to go down

                      Your games are getting old and I beg of Bettorschat to warn you not to post on my threads anymore...You have brought nothing but bashing with your fellow friends...Quit being intrigued so much by me...Enough already...Listen...That's why Im so open about why and what I do and how I do by offering anyone to ever meet me...I don't bullshit around in this business

                      Im not here to play merry go round and act like a baby and gossip like the E channel...Your a MAN for heavens sake...So act like one...You're definitely a TERRIBLE liar...Anyone who thinks you're a follower of mine has to be the dumbest person alive...How dumb do you think people are? Funny how you get so exasperated when I win...You wanted a run, well you got yourself a 13-4 run...Why aren't you happy? And to think that you and these loser bashers thought I was going down and your boy Pitt Boy coming in here making fun of my 3* Zona play; that's classless and childish...ANYONE who roots for others to lose= MISERY LOVES COMPANY cause they lose so much

                      So stop these games for real...Its time this place gets back to serious gambling instead of "Im better than *** or *** lost wooohooo" games...Grown men aren't supposed to be jealous unless you're miserable

                      All I ask is for some class to return to this board...Ive begged everyone to stop the praises and the bashing on my threads...The followers have been great and NEVER come here to cheer lead anymore, so why can't you guys stop...If your goal is to diminish ***, do you not understand that people are smart? Bashing ONLY brings more attention to me cause bashing is a sign of jealousy and others will follow...Go to the boards I started out this year during football...I had NOTHING but bashers...Guess what? Most became followers and you know the rest

                      Get this through your head- I am here and have been here RELIGIOUSLY posting info and opinions 24/7 when I have them...For FREE!!!...Asking for nothing in return...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...and its not like Ive done this for a few days...We're talking MONTHS and MONTHS....So, if you had a sense of logic; you'd stop and think that maybe this *** characters motive is to share and help cause he's not profiting from it...I am here to HELP and SHARE cause I KNOW and have proven I can protect people from losing money and help them win...Cause Ive been around the block..NO ONE wins in gambling...NO ONE but a few...So, why not help people out to follow the way to winning

                      So, I ask you and your boys what's your motive for trying to run me off the board? It's either about feeling inferior with your egos or in between your pants or that you guys are scums and dont care if people lose...Hey, when I see a good stock broker who gives good tips, I make sure I tell people about him rather than getting jealous and telling people false stories about him

                      So, shut the hell up and get some manhood in you...I know you're from Baltimore and Im in the DC area...Anytime you wanna meet and see what Im about go head...You are more than welcomed to join me anytime for a night of wagering...But, dont throw bull shit at me or others...ANYONE who helps out a board full of strangers is doing a good thing not a bad thing...You guys treat me as if Im Jim Feist charging you guys for winners...Im posting for free so shut the hell up!!!

                      KBSOONER- Shut the hell up and grow some balls.."I cant wait till you leave ***"...What kind of a twat statement is that? Man your wife or boyfriend must have you wrapped around their fingers...If a poster that you DONT even know named *** bothers you so much which Y-O-U decide to click on H-I-S thread then you've got serious issues...What cracks me up most is that a stranger as a HANDLE intimidates and bothers you guys so much...I wonder how inferior you guys would feel if you guys knew *** in person...Answer this question- HOW THE HELL DOES A USERNAME GET UNDERNEATH ANYONES SKIN UNLESS THEY ARE INSECURE? You think I care if someone else does better than me, etc etc...Hell no!!! Im a MAN and I'd say kudos...I dont even follow anyone else...That's why Im always on my thread only...NOWAY in hell you guys can handle the pressures of serious gambling...HELL NO...Anyone to have time to worry about a stranger who uses a stupid name as ***, has to have a TON of FREE time and DEFINITELY bored and inferior in life

                      So, Joe show some nuts and lets meet up...I wanna show you why, when, and how I do as I do...I mean you're in love with me anyway, don't you wanna see me in person...Just don't bring your girl with you cause she'll fall in love with me, and Im NOT kidding...In your case might be boyfriend, but to each his own..I know youve waited all year for me to lose a game of the month- WILL NEVER HAPPEN...EVER!!! Funny I keep getting lucky Joe with all these wins, but thanks for reminding me its been nothing but luck HAHA...You were soooooo ready to recap a losing week, but instead you're sick to your stomach AGAIN as *** wins for yet ANOTHER week...If you like money, you'd drop your ego and play all the plays week to week...Now ONLY one losing week in seven weeks...Who cares if the winning weeks are small...Plus I crank the hell out of one game (game of the month) that always lets me sit pretty...So, keep all the great work and plays you have provided for the board...No doubt, the likes of you are a great asset to this board since so many people benefit off your posts!!!

                      ***To the rest- good luck all and I apologize for the rant with these clowns...Im glad some of you are "really" here to make money rather than to get caught up with these teenage games these guys play...Amazes me out of jealousy and pure stubborness theyd rather lose on their own than to follow a stranger named ***


                      • #12
                        ***-Knowing full well that you neither need nor seek praise, I simply want to see that the naysayers not withstanding you have been a big help to me personally by either keeping me off sides or totals I would have played on my own and/or by my choosing to play one of your selections.
                        One of the reasons I enjoyed this thread (until just )was because of the friendliness and maturity of the folks posting here;unfortunately that has changed a bit.
                        From my general knowledge of psychology and dealing with people for many years(I am well up in my fifties), I discern a measure of envy and jealousy and immaturity from some of the newbies(I was totally shocked by one of the postings with a sexual connotation directed at Memphis Mafia, and even though poster took it down and was mildly reprimanded by Wayne, I feel poster should probably have been banned for lack of class).
                        Simply the fact that someone would say that someone is better than you simply because they had a 14-1 run shows narrowness in thinking and to me indicates a measure of jealousy and insecurity;as you say, if they feel you are not any good, then don't read your posts.
                        To me those who belittle you but keep reading your posts need to get inside of their own heads to see why they have the need to try to upset you and hope to see you lose.
                        All I can see in closing is that I hope Wayne takes steps to ensure that these posters either stop bashing and or are banned.
                        We have really good cappers up here like you, Baseball Nut, Wayne, Pick Jockey, Sports Tipster, Ez, etc. who really try to help everyone win(they certainly help me, as I do not consider myself a good capper in any sense of the word).
                        We certainly do not need a few rotten apples to spoil it;I would encourage Wayne to reflect upon this and perhaps to take a vote on whether the new and irritating posters should be allowed to post here in their current manner.
                        I personally would say constructive criticism should be allowed but no bashing of another capper;if you don't like what someone says, don't read the post or at least shut up about it.
                        I welcome opinions from all and as stated would encourage a vote, the reason being I don't think anyone wants this thread to end up like some of the other forums;this forum has class, and great cappers-lets keep it that way.
                        Last edited by savage1; 06-23-2003, 01:12 AM.


                        • #13
                          You are one unique individual dude, the only reason you probably get bashed everywhere you go is not because you win every now and then but your personality, you need to chill man,you say you are here to help and share? post your plays 30-45 minutes before the game starts so everyone can get in on your plays instead of game time or 5-8 minutes after,if you can't post them in time then don't post them,and especially don't tell everyone how much money you said you won on a game when you didn't post it(NBA)...keep track of your plays like most people on this board, if i won as much as you think you have i would have every post and stat available for everyone to see, but again,i think you need to chill with the "i'm the king of gambling knowledge " attitude....and post plays(before game time thank you),keep records and stop thinking your shit don't stink...Wayne in my opinion is the best capper on this board and I NEVER see anything negative on his posts,he never gets bashed and he posts his plays 1-3 hours ahead of time,why is that? no one knows him either,just a name...i think a lot of people here would like to see your plays BUT without the BS and the attitude...lighten up man and make some friends,this to me is a friendly board,that's why i like it so much,your attitude is made for a Las Vegas handicapper it down and i bet you the bashers leave you alone...just a suggestion...GL
                          "You like the odds of lightning?"

