Favorites won 8
Underdogs won 6
Overs 5
Unders 8
Pushes 2
Home Dogs: 3-2 (+155)
To Date
Favorites won 85 of 150 or 56.6%
Underdogs won 65 of 150 or 43.3%
Overs: 81 of 150 or 54%
Unders: 60 of 150 or 40%
Home Dogs are 22-24 (+62)
Hope that helps some. After three straight days of overs, the unders cashed last night.
Favorites won 8
Underdogs won 6
Overs 5
Unders 8
Pushes 2
Home Dogs: 3-2 (+155)
To Date
Favorites won 85 of 150 or 56.6%
Underdogs won 65 of 150 or 43.3%
Overs: 81 of 150 or 54%
Unders: 60 of 150 or 40%
Home Dogs are 22-24 (+62)
Hope that helps some. After three straight days of overs, the unders cashed last night.