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KonSenseUs Kruise ~~ Friday ~~ 4/14/06

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  • KonSenseUs Kruise ~~ Friday ~~ 4/14/06

    Post Them Here Guys.

    All Late Games.

    Good Luck
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

  • #2
    Friday's Games


    Fri 4/14 901 Chicago Cubs
    S. Marshall +1.5 -209 -105 OVER 9.5 -105
    04:05 PM 902 Pittsburgh Pirates
    V. Santos -1.5 +189 -103 UNDER 9.5 -105

    Fri 4/14 903 Milwaukee Brewers
    C. Capuano +1.5 -175 +132 OVER 8 -109
    04:10 PM 904 New York Mets
    T. Glavine -1.5 +165 -140 UNDER 8 -101

    Fri 4/14 905 San Diego Padres
    C.H. Park +1.5 -140 +154 OVER 9 -116
    04:35 PM 906 Atlanta Braves
    T. Hudson -1.5 +130 -162 UNDER 9 +106

    Fri 4/14 907 Washington Nationals
    R. Drese +1.5 -152 +151 OVER 7.5 -107
    04:35 PM 908 Florida Marlins
    D. Willis -1.5 +142 -159 UNDER 7.5 -103

    Fri 4/14 909 Cincinnati Reds
    A. Harang +1.5 -125 +186 OVER 8.5 -116
    05:10 PM 910 St Louis Cardinals
    C. Carpenter -1.5 +115 -199 UNDER 8.5 +106

    Fri 4/14 911 Philadelphia Phillies
    R. Madson +1.5 -186 -103 OVER 11 -110
    06:05 PM 912 Colorado Rockies
    Z. Day -1.5 +176 -105 UNDER 11 +100

    Fri 4/14 913 Houston Astros
    A. Pettitte +1.5 -191 +114 OVER 8.5 +109
    06:40 PM 914 Arizona D-Backs
    B. Webb -1.5 +178 -122 UNDER 8.5 -119

    Fri 4/14 915 San Francisco Giants
    JM. Wright +1.5 -170 +130 OVER 8 -115
    07:40 PM 916 Los Angeles Dodgers
    B. Penny -1.5 +160 -138 UNDER 8 +105

    Fri 4/14 917 LAA Angels
    E. Santana -1.5 +146 -113 OVER 9.5 +108
    04:05 PM 918 Baltimore Orioles
    R. Lopez +1.5 -156 +105 UNDER 9.5 -118

    Fri 4/14 919 Seattle Mariners
    J. Moyer +1.5 -112 +187 OVER 9 -123
    04:05 PM 920 Boston Red Sox
    C. Schilling -1.5 +102 -200 UNDER 9 +113

    Fri 4/14 921 Cleveland Indians
    J. Westbrook +1.5 -216 -108 OVER 9 +108
    04:05 PM 922 Detroit Tigers
    K. Rogers -1.5 +196 +100 UNDER 9 -118

    Fri 4/14 923 Kansas City Royals
    S. Elarton +1.5 -158 +136 OVER 9.5 -101
    04:15 PM 924 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
    S. Kazmir -1.5 +148 -144 UNDER 9.5 -109

    Fri 4/14 925 New York Yankees
    M. Mussina -1.5 -110 -172 OVER 10 +102
    05:10 PM 926 Minnesota Twins
    S. Baker +1.5 +100 +164 UNDER 10 -112

    Fri 4/14 927 Toronto Blue Jays
    S. Downs +1.5 -141 +149 OVER 9 -116
    05:35 PM 928 Chicago White Sox
    J. Vazquez -1.5 +131 -157 UNDER 9 +106

    Fri 4/14 929 Texas Rangers
    K. Millwood +1.5 -165 +137 OVER 8.5 +104
    07:05 PM 930 Oakland Athletics
    B. Zito -1.5 +155 -145 UNDER 8.5 -114
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • #3
      Alternate Run Lines

      Fri 4/14 901 Chicago Cubs
      S. Marshall +1 -157+1.5 -209+2 -289+2.5 -334 -105 S. Marshall must start OVER 8.5 -165OVER 9 -137OVER 9.5 -105OVER 10 +111OVER 10.5 +127
      04:05 PM 902 Pittsburgh Pirates
      V. Santos -1 +143-1.5 +189-2 +261-2.5 +290 -103 V. Santos must start UNDER 8.5 +145UNDER 9 +120UNDER 9.5 -105UNDER 10 -126UNDER 10.5 -144

      Fri 4/14 903 Milwaukee Brewers
      C. Capuano +1 -121+1.5 -175+2 -258+2.5 -308 +132 C. Capuano must start OVER 7 -178OVER 7.5 -128OVER 8 -109OVER 8.5 +107OVER 9 +134
      04:10 PM 904 New York Mets
      T. Glavine -1 +107-1.5 +165-2 +229-2.5 +264 -140 T. Glavine must start UNDER 7 +156UNDER 7.5 +115UNDER 8 -101UNDER 8.5 -120UNDER 9 -153

      Fri 4/14 905 San Diego Padres
      C.H. Park +1 +103+1.5 -140+2 -191+2.5 -234 +154 C.H. Park must start OVER 8 -175OVER 8.5 -144OVER 9 -116OVER 9.5 +108OVER 10 +126
      04:35 PM 906 Atlanta Braves
      T. Hudson -1 -117-1.5 +130-2 +176-2.5 +204 -162 T. Hudson must start UNDER 8 +156UNDER 8.5 +130UNDER 9 +106UNDER 9.5 -120UNDER 10 -141

      Fri 4/14 907 Washington Nationals
      R. Drese +1 -104+1.5 -152+2 -224+2.5 -266 +151 R. Drese must start OVER 6.5 -185OVER 7 -149OVER 7.5 -107OVER 8 +109OVER 8.5 +125
      04:35 PM 908 Florida Marlins
      D. Willis -1 -110-1.5 +142-2 +195-2.5 +236 -159 D. Willis must start UNDER 6.5 +163UNDER 7 +130UNDER 7.5 -103UNDER 8 -124UNDER 8.5 -142

      Fri 4/14 909 Cincinnati Reds
      A. Harang +1 +126+1.5 -125+2 -173+2.5 -217 +186 A. Harang must start OVER 7.5 -160OVER 8 -141OVER 8.5 -116OVER 9 +106OVER 9.5 +129
      05:10 PM 910 St Louis Cardinals
      C. Carpenter -1 -140-1.5 +115-2 +158-2.5 +187 -199 C. Carpenter must start UNDER 7.5 +142UNDER 8 +125UNDER 8.5 +106UNDER 9 -121UNDER 9.5 -146

      Fri 4/14 911 Philadelphia Phillies
      R. Madson +1 -147+1.5 -186+2 -254+2.5 -286 -103 R. Madson must start OVER 10 -164OVER 10.5 -134OVER 11 -110OVER 11.5 +110OVER 12 +128
      06:05 PM 912 Colorado Rockies
      Z. Day -1 +133-1.5 +176-2 +225-2.5 +256 -105 Z. Day must start UNDER 10 +127UNDER 10.5 +120UNDER 11 +100UNDER 11.5 -123UNDER 12 -146

      Fri 4/14 913 Houston Astros
      A. Pettitte +1 -137+1.5 -191+2 -276+2.5 -324 +114 A. Pettitte must start OVER 7.5 -126OVER 8 -110OVER 8.5 +109OVER 9 +138OVER 9.5 +165
      06:40 PM 914 Arizona D-Backs
      B. Webb -1 +123-1.5 +178-2 +247-2.5 +280 -122 B. Webb must start UNDER 7.5 +112UNDER 8 -103UNDER 8.5 -119UNDER 9 -156UNDER 9.5 -185

      Fri 4/14 915 San Francisco Giants
      JM. Wright +1 -120+1.5 -170+2 -249+2.5 -290 +130 JM. Wright must start OVER 7 -189OVER 7.5 -135OVER 8 -115OVER 8.5 +102OVER 9 +127
      07:40 PM 916 Los Angeles Dodgers
      B. Penny -1 +106-1.5 +160-2 +220-2.5 +260 -138 B. Penny must start UNDER 7 +167UNDER 7.5 +121UNDER 8 +105UNDER 8.5 -114UNDER 9 -144

      Fri 4/14 917 LAA Angels
      E. Santana -1 +113-1.5 +146-2 +185-2.5 +215 -113 E. Santana must start OVER 8.5 -145OVER 9 -119OVER 9.5 +108OVER 10 +127OVER 10.5 +145
      04:05 PM 918 Baltimore Orioles
      R. Lopez +1 -127+1.5 -156+2 -213+2.5 -245 +105 R. Lopez must start UNDER 8.5 +129UNDER 9 +105UNDER 9.5 -118UNDER 10 -143UNDER 10.5 -162

      Fri 4/14 919 Seattle Mariners
      J. Moyer +1 +135+1.5 -112+2 -150+2.5 -184 +187 J. Moyer must start OVER 8 -186OVER 8.5 -152OVER 9 -123OVER 9.5 +103OVER 10 +119
      04:05 PM 920 Boston Red Sox
      C. Schilling -1 -149-1.5 +102-2 +135-2.5 +168 -200 C. Schilling must start UNDER 8 +166UNDER 8.5 +138UNDER 9 +113UNDER 9.5 -114UNDER 10 -133

      Fri 4/14 921 Cleveland Indians
      J. Westbrook +1 -163+1.5 -216+2 -309+2.5 -349 -108 J. Westbrook must start OVER 8 -140OVER 8.5 -118OVER 9 +108OVER 9.5 +132OVER 10 +157
      04:05 PM 922 Detroit Tigers
      K. Rogers -1 +149-1.5 +196-2 +267-2.5 +305 +100 K. Rogers must start UNDER 8 +125UNDER 8.5 +106UNDER 9 -118UNDER 9.5 -147UNDER 10 -176

      Fri 4/14 923 Kansas City Royals
      S. Elarton +1 -112+1.5 -158+2 -223+2.5 -260 +136 S. Elarton must start OVER 8.5 -159OVER 9 -131OVER 9.5 -101OVER 10 +116OVER 10.5 +132
      04:15 PM 924 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
      S. Kazmir -1 -102-1.5 +148-2 +194-2.5 +230 -144 S. Kazmir must start UNDER 8.5 +140UNDER 9 +115UNDER 9.5 -109UNDER 10 -131UNDER 10.5 -150

      Fri 4/14 925 New York Yankees
      M. Mussina -1 -144-1.5 -110-2 +115-2.5 +142 -172 M. Mussina must start OVER 9 -153OVER 9.5 -118OVER 10 +102OVER 10.5 +119OVER 11 +147
      05:10 PM 926 Minnesota Twins
      S. Baker +1 +130+1.5 +100+2 -129+2.5 -157 +164 S. Baker must start UNDER 9 +135UNDER 9.5 +105UNDER 10 -112UNDER 10.5 -133UNDER 11 -166

      Fri 4/14 927 Toronto Blue Jays
      S. Downs +1 +100+1.5 -141+2 -192+2.5 -235 +149 S. Downs must start OVER 8 -175OVER 8.5 -144OVER 9 -116OVER 9.5 +108OVER 10 +126
      05:35 PM 928 Chicago White Sox
      J. Vazquez -1 -114-1.5 +131-2 +177-2.5 +205 -157 J. Vazquez must start UNDER 8 +156UNDER 8.5 +130UNDER 9 +106UNDER 9.5 -120UNDER 10 -141

      Fri 4/14 929 Texas Rangers
      K. Millwood +1 -115+1.5 -165+2 -239+2.5 -279 +137 K. Millwood must start OVER 7.5 -132OVER 8 -115OVER 8.5 +104OVER 9 +131OVER 9.5 +157
      07:05 PM 930 Oakland Athletics
      B. Zito -1 +101-1.5 +155-2 +210-2.5 +249 -145 B. Zito must start UNDER 7.5 +117UNDER 8 +102UNDER 8.5 -114UNDER 9 -149UNDER 9.5 -177
      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


      • #4
        chuck cheese...wanted his play posted.......

        red sox -1


        • #5
          Originally posted by vonwater11
          chuck cheese...wanted his play posted.......

          red sox -1
          Thanks for your help buddy.
          "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
          is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


          • #6
            KRUISE RECORD ( 3 - 0 ) Good Luck to everyone's plays.


            • #7
              Kruisen Record 7-4


              GL Team
              “Take No Prisoners”


              • #8
                Kruise Record (6-4)

                Red Sox -1


                • #9
                  Kruise Record (2-2)

                  St Louis (-1)

                  Thanks LSU for all the work.


                  • #10
                    YTD 3-3 Streak 1L

                    Brew Crew ML
                    It's always noon somewhere!

                    My Fish and Aquariums

                    Griffey's Posted Record


                    • #11
                      Kruise Record 6-6 for -0.34 units....Streak = 2 Losses......I can't get a handle on Bases thus far this year....Lets' do this today................

                      903 Milwaukee +1 -121 w/ Capuano vs Mets w/ Glavine........


                      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                      • #12
                        2-4-1. I've won the last two with dog picks. I'll go with another dog for Friday night.

                        Texas Strangers (Milwood)


                        • #13
                          Yanks / Twins Over

                          Goodluck today gang!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Record = 3-4
                          "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                          • #14
                            Royals +140........
                            NHL Record posted on Bettorschat record forum...


                            • #15
                              Record 4-4

                              Cleveland Indians ML
                              Last edited by TMAC951; 04-14-2006, 02:44 PM.

