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Ucla -9.5 2h

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  • Ucla -9.5 2h

    Thoughts? Down 6 at the half, means UCLA needs to win by 4. OSU is awful, shouldn't UCLA blow their doors off 2H? Who is on this with me?
    Three Jack's Record

  • #2
    UCLA is in a skid, but I'd take a shot w this line swing
    Great Day To Win

    MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

    NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

    GOY (4-1)


    • #3
      Definately worth a shot. It's like having an 11 point teaser.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mike1
        Definately worth a shot. It's like having an 11 point teaser.
        yep, and not needing other teams to cover!
        Three Jack's Record


        • #5
          oh there you are,hey jack just wanted to thank you for stiffing me on your word that you would get back to me about the giants tickets that you probally were not going to use last year.ill never trust you again thats for sure and nobody else should either.

          I AM A NITWIT


          • #6
            Seofred, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Some points for you to consider:
            1. On April 23rd, I posted that I do not know what games I am going to and that I would post if I was going to sell them. Well, I simply forgot about a post in April for a game in December. My apologies to you if you have been sitting by your computer waiting for a post. No harm intended.
            2. If you call that stiffing, get over it! Go read my post, there was no guarantee I would sell the tix to you anyway.
            3. For the record, I went to the game and watched Tiki embarrass the KC defense.
            4. For the record, there are close to 80,000 seats in Giants Stadium. If you cared that much, find someone else to buy from and if you did, this wouldn't be a big deal that 10 months later you make an issue out of it.
            5. You want to talk living up to one's word..LOOK IN THE MIRROR! 2 weeks ago, not 8 months...2 WEEKS, you said you were done and were no longer posting, done with all the babies here (hmmmmm...)...that was about 75+ posts ago. And you are worried about me keeping my promise?
            6. You must have a very shallow life with not a lot going on if this has been knawing at you so much that you felt the need to make your comments. How about...Three Jack, what happened to the KC tix? Or Three Jack, you never reached out to me for the KC game. Instead you tell people not to trust me? I hate to disappoint you but I ain't gonna lose sleep over you having your panties all twisted and 'not going to trust me again'....GET OVER YOURSELF!
            Three Jack's Record


            • #7
              seaofred you are out of line

              Seaofred I hope you were either drunk or kidding when you made your statement. You were a little of out of line. Three jack does nothing but positively contribute to this forum and you say don't trust him. Obviously you have trust issues with yourself. You owe him an apology.


              • #8
                Originally posted by seaofred View Post
                oh there you are,hey jack just wanted to thank you for stiffing me on your word that you would get back to me about the giants tickets that you probally were not going to use last year.ill never trust you again thats for sure and nobody else should either.

                Here it is, Sea...why you will always be a scumbag in my book. And GG just confirmed it for me.

                Now you want to play the part of the victim and 'hide' behind edited e-mails and a tout that supposedly has family issues? You are a joke!
                Three Jack's Record


                • #9
                  Bump for 'Fraud...hide the e-mail addy's!!!!
                  Three Jack's Record


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
                    Thoughts? Down 6 at the half, means UCLA needs to win by 4. OSU is awful, shouldn't UCLA blow their doors off 2H? Who is on this with me?
                    Just curious...did UCLA get the 2nd half cover?


                    • #11
                      you and your boyfriend are the scumbags,...hahahaha,...go suck a dick jackoff
                      I AM A NITWIT


                      • #12
                        Not to change the subject or anything, and not wanting to start a useless thread, does anyone have the website that FrankB used that showed all the major scores and results from the past several decades?

                        I lost it in my PC crash.

                        Thanks, and sorry for the thread intrusion, but it needs intrusion.

