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*** Tuesday

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  • *** Tuesday

    Lets keep the baseball going and put together another winning week...Gotta do our homework with interleague play


    Phillies (GIGANTIC)


    Phillies/M's OVER

    Marlins/A's OVER

  • #2




    Play of the day= OVER Zona/WhiteSox (I will update close to game time if any changes otherwise its a humungous play for me)


    • #3
      I know it's still early in the Houston game but walking the O's pitcher with 2 outs changed that game. Pathetic. Any pitcher should be shot walking an opposing pitcher, especially an American League one.


      • #4
        San Francisco GIants (HUGE)


        • #5
          A disappointing and disgusting 5-4 to a decent 5-2 start and dropping the last two...Oh well, get them 2morrow


          • #6

            i always enjoy following your picks and you have made me some nice money the last few months. however, i know you went 5-4 last night, but you lost every big game you had. so for most people, 5-4 meant a losing night. if you are going to go just by wins and losses, then why even rate your games like you do. because i would agree a 5-4 night is a winning night, but not when you lose all your big games that people put more money on.

            again, just stating my opinion and i really love your picks. kepp them coming.


            • #7
              ***-I have the highest regard for your picks and they have helped me a great deal.
              Can I assume you take into account where sharp money is also when you make your picks.
              The reason I ask is that i monitor a lot of sites and know for a fact that a number of guys who have been real hot of late had the under in the White Sox game as well as Seattle yesterday.
              This is not a criticism in any way, only a question.


              • #8
                Wass21- Thanks. Rating plays is a controversial issue as far as posting goes...I have heard nothing but mixed results...I would actually like to know your feedback...I was rating via units and now via adjectives however wanting the wins to be counted always as single units even if a big dog covers in baseball...I really don't know...Like Ive said to each his own...To be honest, I think each gambler should play their own money system...I don't mind people coattailing the plays but to coat tail me as an accountant I don't recommend. So its an interesting issue...Its relative for each person...For instance I haven't had a day under .500 for awhile but that can mean breaking even, making money, or losing big money...It automatically doesn't mean at least he's going even...Monday night I made a nice chunk but I was only 2-1...Last night I went 5-4 but lost a TON...Now if all those 9 games were played for the same then it would result in a profitable night...That's why I get emails of confusement all the time when people say why am I complaining if Im winning my plays or least break even? The answer is we each play differently...My best advice is for people to ALWAYS play each game for the same...Lets be honest, that is the BEST and most rationale and PROVEN system...It becomes exact mathamatics...If you play all the games for the same and you're able to pick winners consistently; its almost impossible to lose money...So, its up to the individuals "risk tolerance"...I like to take a lil more risk and I take my shots...But, to the long term conservative investor; I would recommend staying on course and with a plan and playing within their own means....So, to each his own...I take huge huge huge shots at the game of the months...but, the one thing I I WILL NEVER EVER EVER do is chase a loss or losses!!! The is the cardinal rule that I will never break...Most know what Im talking about if they chase...Chasing will KILL YOU!!! The hardest part of gambling is not picking winners...Its controlling your emotions...Ive seen people lose their emotions over and over again..The main reason; they just don't see gambling as investing and rather a short cut to money or just a "rush"

                Savage- as for last nights plays...they were based on the dominance of the home teams in interleague play from innings 7-9 in games 1 of a series...If you look at all the past games in interleague play the home teams have dominated the late innings...It is very logical...No way an American League team in game 1 on the road was going to be able to manufacture runs better late in games when they have to handle the 7-8-9 batter lineups which includes the pitchers...The AL teams usually do well early but fall apart...But, that's not the case in either league in second games and on...So, I posted all home teams (was actually thinking of taking every home team) and I did them because there was a lot of sharp money on these teams...The entire public was betting on teams like the Braves, Astros, and Cards; but if the sharp players are with the public for the above reasons, then I had to coat tail as well

                As for the Over...That was based on a combination of coat tailing a great source in baseball totals and fading the public...Sorry it missed...Good luck to all!!!


                • #9
                  great post ***, will be looking foward to more winners tonight.

                  i already took the spurs and over big. i love them both tonight. i hope we are on the same side.

                  ps. i prefer the nuymber rating system. i used to play 50 a number when you rated them.

