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Antonio Davis last night

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  • Antonio Davis last night

    So Antonio Davis last night during a time out sees his wife arguing with another fan and perceives it as her being threatened and runs up into the stands to confront the guy and protect his wife.

    No punches were thrown by anyone and he was back on the court in less then a minute.

    How badly does he get suspended? Obviously this is much much different then the Artest situation....but is it totally different enough to NOT warrent a suspension?

    Davis was ejected which was to be expected for leaving the court, but does David Stern suspend Davis for protecting his family?

    Very interested to hearing what Stern decides here.

  • #2
    I say a 3 game suspension. I understand him going into the stands and I would have done the same thing. Thing is you cant just turn a blind eye to it if your Stern. If so everyone will be going into the stands for one reason or another.
    2013 NCAA POD Record

    8-3ATS +3.80 units

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    • #3
      I totally agree with the dimer.
      "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


      • #4
        I understand his need and desire to protect his family. I would probably do the same thing. However, at the same time he could have made a situation worse.

        Due to the circumstances I think a 1 game suspension is sufficient.


        • #5
          Kind of torn...

          On one hand, there were no punches, nothing happened, and the circumstances surrounding it were totally different.

          Maybe a fine?

          And on the other hand....if you dont' suspend him, what says that this won't happen again and then ignite another riot?

          he's the president of the players association....I wonder if that will be taken into effect.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TheRook
            Kind of torn...

            On one hand, there were no punches, nothing happened, and the circumstances surrounding it were totally different.

            Maybe a fine?

            And on the other hand....if you dont' suspend him, what says that this won't happen again and then ignite another riot?

            he's the president of the players association....I wonder if that will be taken into effect.
            I agree! I'm torn.

            I think a message needs to be sent to the players. Let arena security do their job.


            • #7
              i cant wait to see D.Stern's decision on this one. IMO Stern is the best commish in all sports. he is hilarious.
              2013 NCAA POD Record

              8-3ATS +3.80 units

              2013 NFL POD Record

              1-2 ATS -4.50 units


              • #8
                Such a difficult decision...

                Because to a man...who's gonna show the same restraint and not want to clock this guy who was harrassing your wife??

                I don't know if I could do that!

                In fact...I know I couldn't do that.


                • #9

                  If i was harrassing dawn(which mind you i never would) all i would due is pull out a foot long turkey sandwich and i know you'd calm right down.
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 10DimeBry

                    If i was harrassing dawn(which mind you i never would) all i would due is pull out a foot long turkey sandwich and i know you'd calm right down.


                    Let me go change my vote now.


                    • #11
                      I wouldn't have gone into the stands. I would have been smiling as my wife took the frustration of being a stay at home mom for 4 children out on that guys ass. He would have taken a beating.

                      I would gladly then rake in the money for a Don King promoted rematch where my wife would again take out her frustration on this poor slump.

                      Then I would be the stay at home dad.
                      2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                      21 - 20 - 0

                      2012 - 2013 NFL

                      14 - 10 - 1


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BillMill71
                        I wouldn't have gone into the stands. I would have been smiling as my wife took the frustration of being a stay at home mom for 4 children out on that guys ass. He would have taken a beating.
                        So true!

                        It's a great way to look at it.



                        • #13
                          From the league office:

                          There is NO automatic suspension for going into the stands. It is all in the discresion of David Stern.

                          They are in meetings right now at the league office watching tapes and talking to security.

                          That makes this more interesteing. If there was a precident set already, I can see I'm even more intrigued.

                          What price do you pay to protect your wife and child?


                          • #14
                            Stern should just put a fence around the court like they do for soccer in Europe/England? Hooligans, right. Keep the animals caged up and let the fans do whatever they want.
                            FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


                            • #15
                              Been a great debate on ESPN Radio today

                              Mike and Mike both think that they would not be surprised if there is NO suspension and are OK with that, meanwhile Colin Cowherd is ADAMANT to the fact that he should be suspended for 20+ games. Said he could have created a situation not diffuse like he was trying to do.

