Originally posted by geeze
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Saturday plays!!!!
Originally posted by Chuck E. CheeseJimmy, I'm glad you decided to post again...You are a good Basketball Capper and an asset here...We all go on streaks and you've had a great one....Today happens and you don't have to apologize to anyone...Just keep posting...There always will be negative people around especially when you lose but they lose all the time and bet way over their heads and that's why they whine..Congrats on a great year so far and good luck tomorrow....."The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
looks like about a bust out night.........should have been better we had a couple that should have won.........cant wait till sunday!!!!!!!
If your bad days are bust-outs, and your good days are big winners, your going to make some good money(just like we have) thanks again hoops.............
Originally posted by SpearitDitto Hoops......................................
ditto that.....i just cant stand all the pissin and moaning these threads....fuck , he wins one and 4th of fuckin july happens and then he loses one and its like mothers day? what gives...... lol
Tash, I have an easy answer for you. You have a great deal of people in this thread betting over their heads and when this guy has one bad day out of seven instead of still being up some good money they are either back to even or down for the week.
Originally posted by dieselTash, I have an easy answer for you. You have a great deal of people in this thread betting over their heads and when this guy has one bad day out of seven instead of still being up some good money they are either back to even or down for the week.
u r most correct diesel.............i wouldbelieve that alsorjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers
Originally posted by harold_bushperfect, jinx worked, I sure do love me some jinxes!