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BettorsChat SuperBowl Pool

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  • BettorsChat SuperBowl Pool

    OK guys....lots of interest in this, so lets do it.

    Still a bit of details to iron out, but the big things I think are set.

    I think $20 a square would be great, and wouldn't be too much for everyone....the payout could be really good.

    You can send the $20 to [email protected] and I will send you all a receipt in a reply to make sure you know I got it.

    Now as far as the format goes, with picking numbers, I'm gonna give that duty to blackbeard with the details cause I think I understand them...but would like him to confirm everything.

    So....get this out of the way now, and we can see how many are interested.

    If we get more then 100....we can do 2...or 3...don't matter. Lets see how big we can be!


  • #2
    I'm in me your address and I'll send a check...


    • #3
      I'm in!!!
      GOOD LUCK ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      If you lose you are a degenerate....If you win you are a handicapper


      • #4
        Originally posted by crswir
        I'm in!!!

        Got it....


        • #5
          Rook, What will the payouts be? I'm only asking because i'm sure others are wondering if they didn't see any of the earlier conversation.

          Based on 100 $20 squares



          • #6
            Originally posted by wayne1218
            Rook, What will the payouts be? I'm only asking because i'm sure others are wondering if they didn't see any of the earlier conversation.

            Based on 100 $20 squares


            Did you want to do quarters, or your idea with paying after every score. Personally I liked your that is.

            If you can get like $10 a square i play one up here that might interest you and the guys. I play many of them, one of which is $10 a square and it pays $20 EVERY time there is a score change with the final score getting everything that is left in the end. It's really cool and many people have fun winning money.

            You start by giving $20 to whoever has 0-0 because that will be the opening score. After that you pay $20 to every score in the game. If someone scores a TD, you pay the 6-0 square and then the 7-0 square after the extra point. It always leaves a nice chunk in the end for the final score even in high scoring games. Many poeople also win multiple times to add to their bankroll. It's just a thought but it makes EVERY score an interesting one and it keeps you watching the chart throughout the whole game!

            now would the payout be $40 per square now?


            • #7
              I am in.....tell me where to send the moola!
              Week 1 (6/10) +6 units


              • #8
                Originally posted by Urban Achiever
                I am in.....tell me where to send the moola!

                pay pal [email protected]


                • #9
                  I am in buddy ... pay pal it is


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wayne1218
                    bb, You could do $20 a square and pay half off in the format i mentioned and use the other half to do yours,
                    1st - $200
                    2nd - $250
                    3rd - $200
                    4th - $350

                    What do you think???
                    John, this was from the other thread. You could take both idea's from me & blackbeard and pay it off like above or ... Do $40 per score!


                    • #11
                      I'm in, Spark will be sending an extra 20 for me


                      • #12
                        Can i send a check or M.O.???

                        I don't have or use Paypal.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wayne1218
                          John, this was from the other thread. You could take both idea's from me & blackbeard and pay it off like above or ... Do $40 per score!

                          Yeah, I copied and pasted was a great idea.

                          If that's cool with the majority, that's the way we'll do it.

                          $40 per score!


                          • #14
                            I'm in John, just need to sell some stuff on ebay to load up my paypal acct LOL
                            Lord Knows I'm A Voodoo Child

                            My record Click Here


                            • #15
                              hahahahaha i am in
                              rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

