wow...tough crowd after an 0-1 start on the board. again, im a terrible capper, but this system works, trust me. for your sake, dont bail ship after 1 loss.
I took it- Spread- however, foolish on my part. I don't believe capping is all that easy- I believe trends and systems go in spurts - what works one day is folly the next- Take it from me- jump as quickly to a hot capper here and make plays on your system a syou go along. it takes awhile here to get respect. Too many fly by night and the second coming came and went. Throw some more out there - no hype. Then ask us to see the record as posted.
I wasnt hyping my plays, just letting people know what happened LAST week, however, not gauranteeing anything. Theres no reason to hype b/c the plays are not my handicapping, just a system i developed.
don't take it too hard spread...we are all adults here and make our own choices...i would be interested in the future if your system matches up with any of the great cappers plays here on the of luck in the future!!!