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NBA system play

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  • NBA system play

    system generated by filling in alot of numbers into a database and getting an all round % of the game to cover. So i will post and determine how much of your bankroll to put on the game.

    San Antonio generated a 11% chance of covering tonight.
    We are taking Dallas +2.5 for 10 units

  • #2
    who is we?



    • #3
      IN the last year and a half the highest it gotten was 97% or as low as 5% .... Its alot of number put into a database along with the ATS number. Its very hard to explain but been proven to be very strong. We will be using these units and every week we should be generating a profit.

      10 Units for first play
      20 units for second play
      40 units for third play


      • #4
        Originally posted by RJeremy
        who is we?

        him, rain man and stickwithme
        edification will take place pull up the reins and get outta the race.


        • #5
          Anyone is "we". I am just posting the system that has worked for me in the past.


          • #6
            Here we go again. Please fade it then. But please do not come in here and harass me . PLEASE IM ASKING NICE


            • #7
              GL Dimes and


              • #8
                Good Luck to you ,Sir.

                Hope the play hits for you. I like the play myself, but every time I post a play it I don't post.

                GLTU and Welcome to the forum.
                See the World, Before You Leave It !!!


                • #9
                  I don't understand how a team can have up to a 97% chance of covering and the other team doesn't have a 3% chance or less if you add in the push. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think if you add the chances of covering and the chance of pushing, you have to equal 100%. This is in reference to the 97% highest and 5% lowest.

                  I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started.


                  • #10
                    GL with your system tonight dimesrus10. I mean dimesrus100. I mean dimesrus300.

                    AH Heck GL to all 3 of you.


                    • #11
                      nO it all generated from the computer stats and all that mobo jumbo added into it. They were the biggest and lowest number i have saw in the last year and a half. Now the object is this system has been showing alot of units every year but every year is different. The object is to get as many units as we can. Like i said this system has been working and the percentage last year was 54% but the units were up there. Who cares what % your hitting at as long as you generate a profit every week.


                      • #12
                        Isn't it a 50/50 chance of a team covering?
                        It's always noon somewhere!

                        My Fish and Aquariums

                        Griffey's Posted Record


                        • #13
                          Mobo Jumbo? Wait a minute that is my highly guarded handicapping secret!!!!!!!!!

                          j/k Good luck I guess
                          2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                          21 - 20 - 0

                          2012 - 2013 NFL

                          14 - 10 - 1


                          • #14
                            really depends. Like you can't take what happen last year and put it into effect this year. Huge difference between 1 year and on an average a good team in the NBA only Covers the Spread around 57%. It's really alot of math put into the spread and the people are the ones to determine the game time spread. And alot of people factor to much into an injury not considering there will be a replacement and the part they can contribute to it. Like i said this is a system you shouldn't need to be dipping into last weeks earnings to cover the units played. Im playing with 4 dimes, so everyone is aware of that.


                            • #15
                              LIVEJIVE and FRANKB03, why are you guys all over him, bashing him in his thread. Go ahead and force someone else out. I personally took the Spurs, but I'm not getting all over him and jumping at his throat.
                              2009 MLB:
                              23-19 (+21.72x)
                              Sides; 8-12; -9.43x
                              Totals; 17-9-1; +33.20x

                              1-2 (-4.7x)

