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  • #31
    well sorry frank i dont have access to other ip addresses, so i will surely remember that and act like your post is a ghost.
    Rainman's Crusher= strongest play= 4-1

    * Inside info is only good when you can share it with a bunch of friends.........


    • #32
      Originally posted by rainman007
      hey i never used the word fixed. i simple believe sports to be mainly decided on money. Football like all other sports is a business. Entertainment. As long as they entertain you then they did there jobs. Hey im not saying they are fixed but if you really wanna do the investigation on shaving points there is alot of known and unknown cases. I have never once said the game was fixed but i never know vegas to take a hit like they would tonight if pitt ****** this spread. But im sure millions would argue the fact that wrestling is real, like some people would act like sports are on the up and up as far as shaving points go.
      Vegas wins some and loses some. They happen to win more than they lose. That being said. IMO Vegas has taken a bath this season on the national televised games. The favorites been getting pounded and the favorite have been covering.


      • #33
        This guy is a piece of work just my luck Baltimore will cover tonight and I have to read his garbage again tomorrow


        • #34
          Just because a team is a favorite doesnt make it truly a favorite to the public. I had 2 underdogs so far and thats just because i couldnt pull the trigger on a favorite this week. That will change and just because a team is a favorite doesnt make the public all over it. Vegas knows more on the games then anyone, besides the players playing in a game. colts were the favorite in the game against st louis but st louis got most of the public attention. But there is only one thing that beats out the public dollar and thats emotion. For instance yesterday Giants had to win that game for god sake, the owner wellington mara died and they had to carry that emotion into the game. There is nothing Pitt has to lose in this game and everything for Baltimore to gain. Pitt had there critics quite down after going into the jungle and ripping cincy a new ass and now its baltimore's superbowl tonight on the main stage and actually quite someone. Case closed
          Rainman's Crusher= strongest play= 4-1

          * Inside info is only good when you can share it with a bunch of friends.........


          • #35
            Originally posted by rented mule
            How about newcomers showing some modesty instead of making ridiculous claims that they cannot support? How about that?

            I don't understand why anyone on this board who isn't in the service section would need to tout their record in the title of their thread. To me, that's just someone crying for attention and looking to feed their ego.

            There are a bunch of guys on this board who have great records, who never tout their record. Those are the guys I would follow.

            I think any long term member who blindly follows these newcomers that hit the board making outlandish claims, deserve to lose their money. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how I feel. I hope everyone here wins. I really do. But after all that we've seen here (and on other boards), you're naive if you think these guys are on the up and up.

            Some of you guys (moondog, etc) are obviously really nice guys who want to give everyone a chance. I admire that because i'm not like that. I'm skeptical by nature. It's probably because i've been held down by the white man my entire life.

            I have pretty good instincts for things that stink. This rainman guy stinks.

            I hope i'm proven wrong and I will gladly admit it.
            I agree 100%


            • #36
              Spark---heres the chance I'll give him----he came back to me eluding to the fact he would take my advice and tone down the arrogance......the verbage today has been

              "a sure winner"
              "cant lose"
              "when Baltimore c o v e r s"

              these are all arrogant/cocky statements----much like Services provide.....I didn't question his ability to cap, I questioned his coming in early with cockiness/arrogance and a bold face unprovable "prevarication" regarding his fantastic record of 24-1..........

              He eluded that he would tone it down---Geez---I hate to see him full throttle---

              Of course, he's right about one thing---I don't have to go to his thread, and reply.........He goes a fvkn 2-0 and some members re crying/begging for his plays---Geez---do they need winners that bad, to compromise integrity with a few good selections...

              Theres been BS about KuelKat being a good capper, and they miss him, and looking to follow him for his palys----last time I looked he was 8-6 on 20 * palys.....a fantastic + 1.40 units---Geez __ I can't wait to kiis his and Rainmans ass to get more...

              I repeat---it's the way you present yourself that counts to me, I don't give a fvk if you hit 30 in a row.....When we start to overlook potential scammers, those that can't verify records, those that are overly confident. to the point of arrogance, utilize the words as I described before, compromising ourselves for a few winners, then it's a sad day at hte Best Forum on the Net.....

              I didn't say ban him---you have no justification for that (YET)...but when you come on as strong as Octagon soap at a Dove soap convention, then you're gonna pay a price......

              I'll continue to give him a chanc, and I'll continue to give him my opinion on things I detest.....Prevaricators, egotist, arrognce, and self "Horn Blowers".....

              Theres still some questions out there---wheres the answer---I wish him the best, cause we have some here who go completely beserk, when he goes 2-0 and claims to be 24-1....I didn't know we had members with so many posts, that were that desperate...

              Then he says FrankB (more or less) doesn't have the balls to post his plays----GEEZ---give me a break----Frank posts his plays, and will give you an opinion whether you solicit it or not.....

              Give him a chance----I did----I say more "Give it a little time".....When the ass hole learns to just post his plays---drop the arrogance, and service record, as I stated before---he'll earn followers if he's only 1/2 as good as he claims....Did I not read a projected 83 % figure from somewhere----Give me a FVKN break-----

              All he has to do is tone it down---and not pretend that he is---and throw out Service language.......Give him a chance-----Hell even that criminal from Iraq (So Damn Insane--I call him)---deserves a fair trial.....lets see how far that smoke screen he's putting up===gets him....

              Most of you know (or should know) I'm a fair man---I'm also not gullible/naive and in such dire need of a winner that I will compromis my beliefs-----I won't come into his thread or say any more of the loser---I have better things to do---My iimplications re him being a loser has nothing to do with his picks........He could be 100-1, keep the same attitude, and I'd consider him a "Lonely Loser" begging for attention and thriving on all he's gotten so far.....

              Egotism---one of the worst thinga a person can have----hard to cure---especialy when it's being fed...kapt....PS---I still say it's a matter of time........know what I mean Vern---
              Last edited by Kaptain; 10-31-2005, 02:30 PM.

              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


              • #37
                Originally posted by RJeremy
                rainman. stop replying to everyone that mentions your name. just keep quiet and post winners. i don't care if you're throwing darts at a dartboard, if you post winners that's fine with me.

                if you are a straight edge guy just looking to post winners, time will tell and all this will blow over. GL tonight, i'm on that side too
                I hope you don't wear your Baltimore shirt tonight....Traitor....
                You'll regret taking Balt when you get home and wake up with a Big head tonight...Remember Indy- Balt game a few weeks back.....I had Balt teased with 17 points.....


                • #38
                  Kapt, you know my philosophy on this .. give it time .. we will find out .. he will hang himself if he is not legit ... Like I explained to Wayne I feel we need more posters and members talking about sports ... put a game up there and talk about it .. we get more talk on this forum about what we are going to have for lunch than who is playing tonight ... that is all I am saying .. Wayne and I know what we are doing .. we do not need 100 posts bashing someone .. could you imagine how that looks on other forums??? Wayne called this guy out from the get go .. No need for everyone to jump on top ... Wayne and I would find out if the guy was legit ...
                  Last edited by Spark; 10-31-2005, 03:25 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SPARK
                    Kapt, you know my philosophy on this .. give it time .. we will find out .. he will hang himself if he is not legit ... Like I explained to Wayne I feel we need more posters and members talking about sports ... put a game up there and talk about it .. we get more talk on this forum about what we are going to have for lunch than who is playing tonight ... that is all I am saying .. Wayne and I know what we are doing .. we do not need 100 posts bashing someone .. could you imagine how that looks on other forums??? Wayne called this guy out from the get go .. No need for everyone to jump on top ... Wayne and I would find out if the guy was legit ...
                    Spark, I agree. You and I have spoke about this. At times it gets boring. I try to create threads to stir up some conversation.

                    That being said this isn't the type of shit I want. Due to the negative response it's not the type many members want.

                    rainman could have started a thread asking for opinions for tonights game. Instead he opted by infering that he has inside info on tonights game and VEGAS will not lose tonight game.


                    • #40
                      Thank You Frank ...

