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Can we just be friends?

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  • Can we just be friends?

    I dont understand why people start bashing new comers? I understand, some come in with arrogance or cockiness, stating their undefeated or only lost 1 or 2 games. So what? Its just words. People who follow such as myself, we pay close attention to cappers plays. We dont just jump on a new comers bandwagon b/c whatever he or she says. Thats not playing smart.

    I for one miss KuelKat's plays. And at the rate we're going looks like I'll miss rainman007 plays too.

    I just think if we follow the old adage, if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all, this site would be more of a happy place.

    Happy Halloween.
    I am going to BATMAN for Halloween.
    NFL Kruise

    *updated as of 9/9

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        How about newcomers showing some modesty instead of making ridiculous claims that they cannot support? How about that?

        I don't understand why anyone on this board who isn't in the service section would need to tout their record in the title of their thread. To me, that's just someone crying for attention and looking to feed their ego.

        There are a bunch of guys on this board who have great records, who never tout their record. Those are the guys I would follow.

        I think any long term member who blindly follows these newcomers that hit the board making outlandish claims, deserve to lose their money. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how I feel. I hope everyone here wins. I really do. But after all that we've seen here (and on other boards), you're naive if you think these guys are on the up and up.

        Some of you guys (moondog, etc) are obviously really nice guys who want to give everyone a chance. I admire that because i'm not like that. I'm skeptical by nature. It's probably because i've been held down by the white man my entire life.

        I have pretty good instincts for things that stink. This rainman guy stinks.

        I hope i'm proven wrong and I will gladly admit it.


        • #5

          you said "It's probably because I've been held down by the white man my entire life."

          you are too funny


          • #6
            Originally posted by RJeremy

            you said "It's probably because I've been held down by the white man my entire life."

            you are too funny
            If I didn't say that, it would have looked like I care way too much about my imaginary internet life.


            • #7
              Originally posted by rented mule

              Some of you guys (moondog, etc) are obviously really nice guys who want to give everyone a chance. I admire that because i'm not like that. I'm skeptical by nature. It's probably because i've been held down by the white man my entire life.
              I agree with you to a point Mule ... everyone on this site knows how skeptical I am .. I will tell everyone here right now that every new member that registers here I check out ... I have caught many scammers and guys that were using multiples ... But on the other hand there are a few that I ran away or almost ran away by not giving them a chance ....

              I feel we need more posters .. we need more talking about sports ... we need new faces on this forum talking about why they are taking Baltimore tonight and then we can ask him why ...

              Hope you understand what I am trying to lay down here ... Bragging about records and such things like that Wayne told him yesterday how this board feels about that ... and I agree, no one should come in here bragging with that record without proof .. too many newbies here ... Lets just give the guy enough rope and I hope he does not hang himself ... I made mistakes in the past bashing newbies without proof and I will not do it again unless I have the proof ... and right now I do not .....


              • #8
                Originally posted by SPARK
                I agree with you to a point Mule ... everyone on this site knows how skeptical I am .. I will tell everyone here right now that every new member that registers here I check out ... I have caught many scammers and guys that were using multiples ... But on the other hand there are a few that I ran away or almost ran away by not giving them a chance ....

                I feel we need more posters .. we need more talking about sports ... we need new faces on this forum talking about why they are taking Baltimore tonight and then we can ask him why ...

                Hope you understand what I am trying to lay down here ... Bragging about records and such things like that Wayne told him yesterday how this board feels about that ... and I agree, no one should come in here bragging with that record without proof .. too many newbies here ... Lets just give the guy enough rope and I hope he does not hang himself ... I made mistakes in the past bashing newbies without proof and I will not do it again unless I have the proof ... and right now I do not .....
                No problem. I've said my part and I won't say another word in this particular case. The egomaniacal ramblings bother me. I've been a competitive athlete for 30 years. I've been fortunate enough to be very successful in business for the past 10. You can't do those things without having confidence and an ego.

                You just need to keep them in check. If you're good, people will figure it out on their own.


                • #9
                  Its about winning- bottom line- I sincerely believe if the site had a place for capping alone- plays presented and records if ya care to provide them- in one place where no other posts are allowed to comment- it might just work. At this rate of bash the arrogant infidel who wants to make a name or any suspicious nature that follows same is getting tiring to most folks on the site. I just wish to follow some cappers here and give it my best to help out.
                  OK-Be skeptical- be demanding- be arrogant but B/C should provide a sticky to post plays only with no condescending remarks in a thread, Would be ideal if we knew who made the picks- I for one have my favorites to follow.

                  Otherwise, the bashing continues and the main purpose of winning from favored cappers decline.

                  Vote if we must- but a house divided can not stand. I am positive this flys over the heads once more. Wayne- your threads on individual games is where it starts. Interest in these are starting to catch on. How can it be improved since very few are responding in writing. Good Luck
                  "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                  • #10
                    Thanks and let's make this a site where people come to first thing in the morning. The only way to do that is bring winners and winning to the table. Im sorry if i havent proven to you but i gave the sites they can check me out and they didnt get back to me. I come here out of good faith and to be quite honest at first i thought this would be the home of rainman. Hey doesnt matter if your the best guy in the world or the biggest snake the question on this forum is, "can you bring winners?" It's a huge fight with vegas and i would rather fight them in packs rather then fight them by myselfs. Believe it or not but the purple heart is won for doing an individual act but it was done because you had a team around you. Go look at some of the record and tell me just because your a great guy that i should follow you and lose my ass. People dont come in here to make friend believe it or not, they come here to win. And when i prove myself as a winner i will then take my journey to a different site which i will post this record and get the same response from people but at the end, i will eventually find a home where people appreciate winners.
                    Rainman's Crusher= strongest play= 4-1

                    * Inside info is only good when you can share it with a bunch of friends.........


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tkim11
                      And at the rate we're going looks like I'll miss rainman007 plays too.
                      Give me a break. The guy posted 2 games.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rented mule
                        How about newcomers showing some modesty instead of making ridiculous claims that they cannot support? How about that?

                        I don't understand why anyone on this board who isn't in the service section would need to tout their record in the title of their thread. To me, that's just someone crying for attention and looking to feed their ego.

                        There are a bunch of guys on this board who have great records, who never tout their record. Those are the guys I would follow.

                        I think any long term member who blindly follows these newcomers that hit the board making outlandish claims, deserve to lose their money. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how I feel. I hope everyone here wins. I really do. But after all that we've seen here (and on other boards), you're naive if you think these guys are on the up and up.

                        Some of you guys (moondog, etc) are obviously really nice guys who want to give everyone a chance. I admire that because i'm not like that. I'm skeptical by nature. It's probably because i've been held down by the white man my entire life.

                        I have pretty good instincts for things that stink. This rainman guy stinks.

                        I hope i'm proven wrong and I will gladly admit it.

                        I'm with you Mule, big time.

                        I was talking to Kapt about this thing this morning. We're very much like an old school forum. You need to pay your dues and then gain the respect. Don't just come out and demand it. It'll never get you very far.

                        I smell something that stinks. We've asked specific questions to his sketchy past and he has yet to provide answers to.

                        If I'm wrong, I'll apologize, but I don't think I am. There are reasons people get banned....and you don't change from forum to forum. His true colors will come out soon enough I believe.

                        But all in all, he's gained what he wanted in the first place... a lot of BS Hype has gained attention his way. That's sad.


                        • #13
                          i have no problem with anyone posting plays AT ALL. what annoys me is people prop themselves up. I never post any BS about how good/bad i may be. I post my plays post my record and thats that. I do BS alot on here but thats not gambling related.
                          2013 NCAA POD Record

                          8-3ATS +3.80 units

                          2013 NFL POD Record

                          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                            i have no problem with anyone posting plays AT ALL. what annoys me is people prop themselves up. I never post any BS about how good/bad i may be. I post my plays post my record and thats that. I do BS alot on here but thats not gambling related.
                            I agree with that bryan but this forum is more of a chat room than a sports forum .. we need posters .. I also agree that the posters have to be legit but fvk, give him a chance ...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rented mule
                              How about newcomers showing some modesty instead of making ridiculous claims that they cannot support? How about that?

                              I don't understand why anyone on this board who isn't in the service section would need to tout their record in the title of their thread. To me, that's just someone crying for attention and looking to feed their ego.

                              There are a bunch of guys on this board who have great records, who never tout their record. Those are the guys I would follow.

                              I think any long term member who blindly follows these newcomers that hit the board making outlandish claims, deserve to lose their money. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how I feel. I hope everyone here wins. I really do. But after all that we've seen here (and on other boards), you're naive if you think these guys are on the up and up.

                              Some of you guys (moondog, etc) are obviously really nice guys who want to give everyone a chance. I admire that because i'm not like that. I'm skeptical by nature. It's probably because i've been held down by the white man my entire life.

                              I have pretty good instincts for things that stink. This rainman guy stinks.

                              I hope i'm proven wrong and I will gladly admit it.
                              Mule, I agree 100%

                              Any member in their very first post claims they are 24-1 then they are full of shit and looking for attention.

