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Reading a Game [MLB]

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  • Reading a Game [MLB]

    It has come to my attention that there are those on this board that consider a " 2.48 " strike count to each and ever batter a pitcher faces , a shitty game ?

    Now this puzzles me very much [ much indeed ] because I have known managers , who by the way get paid handsomely to know this game [far far better than those who doubt it] that would give thier first born , a first round pick , two mules , a trip to Disney Land and last but not least a whole farm system to have a pitcher , just one mind you that could do that night in night out !

    Now because of factors that " plainly " happen in this game [ not to mention Coor`s Field ] , they expound thier theory [ better known as a untried assumption] that he has a " shitty game " , and defend that assumption with a mouthfull of vest and veal !

    To them I must say on this forum ;

    If you truly and really believe that ............. " you dont know jack " about this game , or how to read it and are therefore doomed to dwell in the house of the blind !

    I had my say about this matter and will not respond to rhetoric and will normally fade these folks when I see them with eyes wide shut !

    G.L. & G.B.


    p.s. - it won me cash , and they lost respect ??????????
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "