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guys please read-regarding espn gambling segment

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  • guys please read-regarding espn gambling segment

    fellas, just watched espn and saw stephen a smiths gambling segment.he had brandon lang,also known as brandon lane on,and glen walker of the famous computer group that was killing vegas in the 80/s with there famous computer games. they also had frank z an ex lucchese capo on the show. i found this awesome as lane and walker said that there main info came from stirippers who had been with various athletes lane went on with how he has won for 15 years and has been doing fantastic. walker did do well with the computer group.but that was then. that group was banned from betting in nevada in the late 80s. but the most interseting stuff came from the ex-capo. HE STATED HE HAS NEVER IN HIS 15 YEARS WITH HIS INVOLVEMENT SEVERAL BOOKMAKERS SEEN ANYONE WIN OVER THE LONG HAUL. YOU COULD SEE IN HIS FACE WHEN THE 2 SPORTS HANDICAPPERS WERE TALKING THAT HE THOUGHT THEY WERE BOTH FULL OF SHIT. i believe him. these houses who book the bets where im at. let me put it to you this way, if they get busted and the feds come i. that does not stop anything. they have someone with another number working for them at another basement apatment ready to book your games,they dont want to lose you,the bettor your a cash cow. this is why they change the phone number every 6 months to avoid the tapping of the line. frank z knows that these guys are full of shit,and this would have been a great debate buth the show on espn was not long enough.and stephen smith doesnt understand anything there saying,they should have had bob ley do this piece on outside the lines.anyway my GUY told me that he makes a killing almost every weekend with his players,he did tell me that im one of the very few that manages to stay above water,but that if i started to really start winning good that he would no longer take my games.he also asked how i resist the urge of chasing my money when im losing for the week,as thats how he really cleans up. i told him that i dont sit by the tv and watch all my games for the action of the gambling but that i stick to money mangmt. he asks me how i play,i tell him what i do with the systems and he knows that im not gonna take him to the cleaners with my system games and sometimes he asks me what i think after i play a specific game.and ill tell him that for example when a team loses for the first time after being 5-0 or better and then there dd favs and allowed 17 or more that there 2-29 ats like cal was this weekend, he says where the hell did you see that? i tell him im not one of your degenerates. i dont care about the ACTION i just cap the games. he tells me that hes glad that he doesnt have more of his clients who dont watch many of the games are not chasing there money or his profit would be alot less. THAT TO ME HEARING THAT FROM NOT A made man but an asssociate, was all the excitement i needed. then we went for a drink and he gave me my lousy 450 bucks for my hard earned work of capping all these took me 3 hours today for college foots and im 80% done. im gonna give all my buddies who bothered to read this untypically ling post for me some good games this week,ALL FOR FREE NO NEED TO PAY BRANDON- BOL GC- AND THANX FOR ALL YOU GUYS WHO READ MY POSTS AND SUPPORT-GC-

  • #2
    nice one gc real good material thanks alot buddy and best wishes this weekend
    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


    • #3
      Originally posted by jmarty6969
      nice one gc real good material thanks alot buddy and best wishes this weekend
      Get to bed!


      • #4
        lang/link/lane and others of his ilk wouldn't last a month if they had to bet instead of being telemarketers/scammers

        there are no shortcuts, if you want to have a chance to succeed the discipline to put in the hours digging up stats/trends etc, anything to get an edge is a requirement

        moreover, money management as gc says is an absolute necessity or even the best cappers will lose their bankroll without it

        ''info from strippers'' angle will probably work with some ''customers'' like gullible frat boys lol

        even when a scum tout hits it big he uses this newfound success to work a better scam

        like jed clampett used to say, ''pitiful''


        • #5
          Couldn't agree more with everything you said. I've been doing this for 35 years and lost a LOT of money the 1st 25 years. The last 10 through experience, internet availability (information, offshore betting shops and Forums), I've managed to keep my head above water and actually made a little. Even tried booking for my friends a few years back (more of a middle, keeping some and betting others) and now they all owe me money I'll never collect. Trust me when I tell you NOBODY won any money over the course of a year.

          The only way one can stay above even is to have several outs (offshore and local) and shop for the best lines and vig. Also follow Bettorschat Forum and find out who's the best at each individual sport. Usually you'll find a person who wins at Pro sports does poorly at college and visa-versa. There are a few exceptions. If you're going to put picks out---post records. I don't post picks because I can't handicap games. I handicap people and information and come up with games to wager on--usually way to many. I find that a lot of games using my method for picking them works best for me. Remember you have to have many outs (best line and low vig), in that order.

          Best of luck to you Goldencontender and looking forward to your picks.


          • #6
            I'm @ a Bills/Vikings game years ago with my buddies & we meet 2 guys, we're drinking beers, & the conversation gets to gambling. One of the 2 guys says he's down for the year, but up for his life. We laughed because we heard that line so many times before. He said no really, we laughed some more. Then, his own buddy, who it turns out was booking this guy's bets and laughing also, reminded his buddy how many times he lent him money for rent & food (they must've been really good friends also). Anyway, I know it's one little example, but I've heard the same thing so many times, you realize most people cannot make a living gambling. Good post & good luck this weekend.......


            • #7
              Good luck this weekend.


              • #8
                I'll bet your bookie says that to all his customers....


                • #9
                  Always look forward to your posts, GC.
                  Keep up the great work.
                  Thanks and BOL !!! :uzi:
                  See the World, Before You Leave It !!!


                  • #10
                    GC-Thanks for posting that;it was very insightful and helpful.


                    • #11
                      My bookie and I had a discussion one day. He's kind of a friend. He said I do pretty well to stay around 50% with him, maybe just above. He said that at 50%, that puts me in the top 5% of all his gamblers. It's taken me years, but I've learned to be extremely disciplined. It's the only way to keep from losing your ass.....

                      In other wods.....Most of his bettors are losers

                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #12
                        KazDog-just examine the cars most of your bookie's customers drive as compared to his own. If he is like most bookies, his car is probably worth 3-5 times those which his regular customers drive.


                        • #13
                          Good Stuff GC! I agree that money management is huge in gambling. It took me a few bad years & lots of lost $$$ to realize this, but chasing your money will only cost you more. You gotta realize that you're NOT going to win every week, accept the losses & DO NOT CHASE! Looking forward this week's plays! Good Luck!


                          • #14
                            Agreed - good stuff here and yet another reason to force yourself to adhere to a money management system!


                            • #15
                              Very excellent post GC. I DVR'd that quite frankly episode and just finished watching it. That lane character is one big piece of lying shit. What a joke he was. He was always on the defensive and filling the audience his bullshit lines. He has no consciense what=so-ever. He's going striaght to hell. That ex mobster was so right. I too wish that episode was longer. Keep up the good work GC.
                              It's always noon somewhere!

                              My Fish and Aquariums

                              Griffey's Posted Record

