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NFL Week 6 "FREE" Survivor Pool Pick Thread

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  • #46


    • #47

      Goodluck today gang!!!!!!
      "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


      • #48
        murphster will take

        kc chiefs! thanks, murph!


        • #49
          Running Late So I will play a late game if it is cool with Wayne

          1 of 1 Morons


          • #50
            Wayne, I think this will be ok ...

            Tig called and wants Seattle .... He is out of town ...


            • #51
              Week 6 selections

              wayne1218 - Minn Phi Ind Bal Den Sea
              Spark - Atl Ind Phi Car Den KC
              rented mule - Cin NYJ Dal Bal Den Sea
              kbsooner21 - Car Phi Ind Bal GB TB
              Chuck E. Cheese - Pitt Phi Ind Bal Den Sea
              blackbeard - NE Ind Phi Cin Den KC
              BearDown - Jac NYJ Sea Atl Chi Bal
              Tony Vegas - Was Phi Ind Bal Chi Sea
              dakota05 - Buff GB SD Atl Ind Sea
              phonepole - Was Cin Stl Car Buff Atl
              Cashmoneyasians - Den Phi Ind TB NE Sea
              bobt - Pitt NYJ Sea Ind Buff Bal
              the lumberjack - Was Phi Ind TB Den Sea
              Dmurphy - Kc Phi Ind Bal Den Sea
              STaylor36 - Pitt Phi Ind Car Buff Sea
              hammy85 - Was Det Ind Bal GB Atl
              soupman - Car Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
              ckazman - Stl Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
              JBC13 - Was Phi Ind Bal GB Det
              bilbal - Was GB Sea Atl Car KC
              ICD55 - NE Phi Ind Atl Den Sea
              ctt8410 - Was Phi Dal Cin Ind Sea
              Homer - Det Den Ind Bal Hou Oak
              mark - Jac GB Ind Cin Buff Bal
              zeib10 - Pitt Ind Dal Car Hou KC
              james1961 - Pitt Dal Ind Cin Den Sea
              tenman - Stl Phi Ind TB Den Sea
              Art Vandelay - Pitt Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
              garister - Buff Phi Sea Cin Det
              Tigger - Was GB Ind Cin Den Sea
              keawe - Buff NYJ Ind Atl Den KC
              heleanth - Pitt Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
              MNCapper - Stl Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
              aaonli - Was Phi Stl Cin Ind Sea
              BadgerJoe - Was GB Cin Ind Den Sea
              VickieD - Minn Phi Dal Ari Ind Bal
              soxx9 - Buff Dal Sea Cin GB Ind
              weazel079 - Pitt Phi Ind Jac Den KC
              loc33 - Car Phi Stl Bal Ind Sea
              drugstuntman - Was GB Ind Bal Den KC
              vondie - Stl Phi Dal Bal Ind Cin
              spinner - Pitt Phi Min Bal Ind Sea
              AlJr - Stl Phi Ind TB Den KC
              jordanrules23 - NE TB Stl Cin Den Bal
              murphster - Buff Phi Min Bal Ind KC
              scraper - KC Phi SD Atl Jac Sea
              Last edited by kbsooner21; 10-16-2005, 03:25 PM.


              • #52
                Garister yet to make a pick


                • #53
                  Cmon Texans pull the upset. Lol
                  MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


                  • #54
                    I totally forgot about this...DAMN and I was doing good, If I can add Stlouis on game tomorrow..thank you if not I will accept the loss for forgetting.


                    • #55
                      Week 6 Results

                      wayne1218 - Minn Phi Ind Bal Den Sea
                      Spark - Atl Ind Phi Car Den KC
                      rented mule - Cin NYJ Dal Bal Den Sea
                      kbsooner21 - Car Phi Ind Bal GB TB
                      Chuck E. Cheese - Pitt Phi Ind Bal Den Sea
                      blackbeard - NE Ind Phi Cin Den KC
                      BearDown - Jac NYJ Sea Atl Chi Bal
                      Tony Vegas - Was Phi Ind Bal Hou Sea
                      dakota05 - Buff GB SD Atl Ind Sea
                      phonepole - Was Cin Stl Car Buff Atl
                      Cashmoneyasians - Den Phi Ind TB NE Sea
                      bobt - Pitt NYJ Sea Ind Buff Bal
                      the lumberjack - Was Phi Ind TB Den Sea
                      Dmurphy - Kc Phi Ind Bal Den Sea
                      STaylor36 - Pitt Phi Ind Car Buff Sea
                      hammy85 - Was Det Ind Bal GB Atl
                      soupman - Car Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
                      ckazman - Stl Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
                      JBC13 - Was Phi Ind Bal GB Det
                      bilbal - Was GB Sea Atl Car KC
                      ICD55 - NE Phi Ind Atl Den Sea
                      ctt8410 - Was Phi Dal Cin Ind Sea
                      mark - Jac GB Ind Cin Buff Bal
                      zeib10 - Pitt Ind Dal Car Hou KC
                      james1961 - Pitt Dal Ind Cin Den Sea
                      tenman - Stl Phi Ind TB Den Sea
                      Art Vandelay - Pitt Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
                      garister - Buff Phi Sea Cin Det Stl
                      Tigger - Was GB Ind Cin Den Sea
                      keawe - Buff NYJ Ind Atl Den KC
                      heleanth - Pitt Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
                      MNCapper - Stl Phi Ind Cin Den Sea
                      aaonli - Was Phi Stl Cin Ind Sea
                      BadgerJoe - Was GB Cin Ind Den Sea
                      VickieD - Minn Phi Dal Ari Ind Bal
                      soxx9 - Buff Dal Sea Cin GB Ind
                      weazel079 - Pitt Phi Ind Jac Den KC
                      loc33 - Car Phi Stl Bal Ind Sea
                      drugstuntman - Was GB Ind Bal Den KC
                      vondie - Stl Phi Dal Bal Ind Cin
                      spinner - Pitt Phi Min Bal Ind Sea
                      AlJr - Stl Phi Ind TB Den KC
                      jordanrules23 - NE TB Stl Cin Den Bal
                      murphster - Buff Phi Min Bal Ind KC
                      scraper - KC Phi SD Atl Jac Sea

                      Homer was eliminated this week. Thanks for playing brother!

