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GOY vs. opinions

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  • GOY vs. opinions

    I think, that if there is such an uproar about all the GOY's and such (which i have no opinion on)...then we shouldn't be allowed to bash hockey. It really hurts my feelings when people talk bad about it...I DESPISE baseball, but love football and hockey. i would say im about 51% hockey...49% football. I was so sad last year when there was no hockey. I think everyone should give it another is fast paced, exciting and a joy to watch. So NO MORE BASHING HOCKEY!
    1 = $25

    MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

    God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of

  • #2
    I HATE HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unless the Rangers win today, then I'll give it another chance. But if they lose, I blame Hockey, the players, the Strike, and Wayne.


    • #3
      P.S. 2-1 Rangers!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by RJeremy
        I HATE HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Unless the Rangers win today, then I'll give it another chance. But if they lose, I blame Hockey, the players, the Strike, and Wayne.

        HAHAHAHAHA ...... OH SHIT!


        • #5
          Originally posted by RJeremy
          I HATE HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Unless the Rangers win today, then I'll give it another chance. But if they lose, I blame Hockey, the players, the Strike, and Wayne.

          I dont' think you read the post....NO MORE BASHING HOCKEY!
          1 = $25

          MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

          God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


          • #6
            Originally posted by RJeremy
            I HATE HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            WE HATE MANBAGS!!!!!!!!!

            But we accept your use of them!


            • #7
              Originally posted by wayne1218
              WE HATE MANBAGS!!!!!!!!!

              But we accept your use of them!

              And that's all I've really asked for is just the acceptance. I'm not forcing them on others, or trying to convince people that they're cool over in Europe, I just want to be accepted for the accessories I choose to wear.


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                WE HATE MANBAGS!!!!!!!!!

                But we accept your use of them!


                I love Hockey have played it since I was 5 years old Woohoo

                Red Wings to the Stanley Cup :christmas
                1 of 1 Morons


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wayne1218
                  WE HATE MANBAGS!!!!!!!!!

                  But we accept your use of them!

                  hahahaha manbags only for the prep boys
                  rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RJeremy
                    And that's all I've really asked for is just the acceptance. I'm not forcing them on others, or trying to convince people that they're cool over in Europe, I just want to be accepted for the accessories I choose to wear.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RJeremy
                      And that's all I've really asked for is just the acceptance. I'm not forcing them on others, or trying to convince people that they're cool over in Europe, I just want to be accepted for the accessories I choose to wear.

                      Glad you came out with it

                      Go Steelers Woohoo
                      1 of 1 Morons


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Homer


                        I love Hockey have played it since I was 5 years old Woohoo

                        Red Wings to the Stanley Cup :christmas
                        Red wings...BOOO...Homer...YAY!....Manbags....BOO....R J...BOOO
                        1 = $25

                        MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

                        God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Homer


                          I love Hockey have played it since I was 5 years old Woohoo

                          Red Wings to the Stanley Cup :christmas
                          I think the new salary cap will weaken Detroit in the future. They are getting old and they can't just spend like crazy anymore. It should help make Hockey alot more like Football and alot less like MLB like it used to be with the same teams winning every other year! They have good management so they will always be good and they will max out the cap unlike others. I just don't think their that much better than the rest right now!

                          It should be a fun season. I have NHL "Center Ice" to watch all the games!!!!!! :christmas


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wayne1218
                            I think the new salary cap will weaken Detroit in the future. They are getting old and they can't just spend like crazy anymore. It should help make Hockey alot more like Football and alot less like MLB like it used to be with the same teams winning every other year! They have good management so they will always be good and they will max out the cap unlike others. I just don't think their that much better than the rest right now!

                            It should be a fun season. I have NHL "Center Ice" to watch all the games!!!!!! :christmas

                            Agree. Man you get all the packages
                            1 of 1 Morons


                            • #15
                              Homer, Watching all the teams gives me a better feel for each one when capping!

