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*** Saturday

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  • #16
    I'm just happy it's not me anymore who's getting the lectures!!!!!!!!GL all....


    • #17
      3rd qtr

      Jazz/Kings UNDER 48 (huge)


      Why would Jazz dare run?


      • #18

        this is the first and ONLY site I have ever chatted on you donkey ass




        I only read half your post cause its too long and boring


        • #19
          by the way

          i am not obsessed with your picks

          I dont even check who you play

          your a .500 gambler at best

          no time for that


          • #20
            Well, Jazz backers Malone hurt and coach out...nothing we can do but this is a situation were at least Im "forced" to play the Over and Utah as if you see these situations in the past the "undermanned" team desperately has one angle- the charity stripe and Stockton WILL make sure the ball goes into the interior for layups even if contested...Utah has to live by the stripe now, but I believe Malone will be back

            4th Qtr

            Jazz Under 48 (Im betting this but hoping teams dont get into bonus situations quick...this is a public bet, but look at the Jazz they CANNOT afford even a medimum paced tempo)

            ***Need the Jazz BIG TIME to cover this game

            ***By the way majority money is banking that Kings come back, win, and cover...I HOPE not...see u 2morrow...sorry for the vent, but enough is enough...either u wanna help people or you dont...bash the people who CHARGE YOU!!!!


            • #21
              NUt HAHAHA

              You dont even know wh I play, thats why you alwasys come in here and comment on my plays

              ***I wanna see you win...When people were making fun of you and saying you were becoming a great basebal fade; I STUCK UP FOR YOU as I stated EVERYONE needs at least 6 months to prove themselves....Just a tip if you're in a drought, dont lay 4-1 odds like you did for nights in a row to get out of a hole with the Red Wings....thats just my opinion...I HAVE NO doubts that you can win...But, why doesnt the likes of Wayne bash people or me bash people because we both know we have nothing to prove...You're stilla newbie and all Im saying is there are REAL people behind these screens, so you BETTER give it all you got to win for these people instead of stories, etc

              Id be happy to meet you if youre ever in my neck of the woods

              ***My goal- LETS MAKE THIS PLACE AS ONE AND NECOME THE BEST CAPPING SITE IN THE WORLD...Lets drop the egos....I can even get this site into contests such as the Hilton contests and many more where EVERYONE can benefit and split the rewards...I'll be the first to say, I dont even care if we dont use my plays aor even on the top 10 representatives here...but, its people like you who try to dismantle this bard to individuality...Either we all put our heads together and get something god going here or this board will vanish like the other ones have....and its always the few insecure ones who want to be the main man...I dont give a rats crack if Im not even voted in, but I DO care that as a loyalist here that this board prospers...and here you are, an UNPROVEN newbie bashing verterns and been caught lie after lie...I ask you again, if you can prove the ridiculous statement thinking the lines are set in Vegas first I am GONE forever....dont be stubborn...learn the game...I can learn a lot myself from share so we all can learn, instead of gosspiping like a child that this is that and that is you even gamble?


              • #22
                DAMN *** !!! You sure can type, you must have some skills on the keyboard dude, it would take me a while to type that much info, you must have done a few lines or had a triple cappuchino or something to go like that...not bashing your game ***, just your fingers..LOL

                Props to anyone who read all of that too.......
                "You like the odds of lightning?"


                • #23
                  Up 9 Games 2night

                  Up 9 games 2night and 6 the night before and dropping 2 last big deal, up 13 games in 3 days and you wonder why people challenge me? Take it easy guys...dont be so tense

                  ***Baseball Nut (newbie) you gonna catch and watch me on a national sports show or will you still tell the world Louey the Shy is the best thing ever.....PROVE YOURSELF...youve been here for a month laying heavy way can someone rebound betting the redwings 3-1 everynight and losing 4 nights in a row....but, youve convinced the board youre the best....but, you are smart...ill give u that...u knew to get noticed you would have to get frictional with the best, just like Frazier made Ali famous...but, I dont play games and challenge people in silly stuff like this...just give me some more fades...let me guess, youll lay 3-1 odds on the stars next game....okay, enough vent on you...its just that the 4 emails I got about you and your devious ways made me vent...although you are out to self serve, GL anyway


                  • #24
                    Need help with my math skills again. I don't know if an over bet for a 4th quarter also includes OT. If it does, than I see a record of 18-13, if it doesn't, I see a record of 17-14. Again, NO bashing here, just trying to get an accurate record. With a 18-13 record with juice, it looks like +3.4 units for the day, and with 17-13, it looks like +1.4 units for the day. Again, fuzzy math on my part but either way is a positive day!!!Hope everyone else had a great day and good luck to ALL...


                    • #25
                      it counts dude
                      "You like the odds of lightning?"


                      • #26
                        Cool...thanks Trotter...that is an even better day than with +3.4ish units depending on Tor line. Probably closer to 3.6 units for a nice day. Congrats to *** and everyone else!!!


                        • #27
                          Joe p there is no use even trying to keep track of his record because his lines are so shady for these quarters that he plays. Just this week alone I've noticed at least 4 games that he either won or pushed because of these lines he gives that were really a loss. Just think about it when you post 40 games a day or whatever and you adjust the line 1-3 pts in your favor for each play you're giving yourself a major advantage especially when they're just quarter plays where each point is so crucial.

                          *** I've asked you a couple of times already and I'll ask again. Where do you get these quarter and halftime lines??????

                          You claim to try to help people out yet you post majority of your games after tipoff.

                          I'M ASKING YOU TO HELP ME!! If I can get these lines your getting on these halftimes and quarter plays I'll be making a killing by middling.

                          Are you just making these lines up or what? Just give me the site where you're getting these lines at.


                          • #28
                            Joe P ot doesn't count when a 4th quarter bet is placed. If you make a second half wager on the total then ot does count. But a 4th quarter bet is only for the 4th quarter. Earlier today in one of these threads I pasted a bet ticket of mine for the laker game in which I took LA -5 4th quarter the other night when *** said he had LA -2.5 somehow. Well during the 4th quarter LA beat them by 9 to send it to ot and Minny came back and beat them by 4 in ot. The -5 LA 4th quarter was graded as a win. If ot counted it would have been a push. Ot does not factor in for fourth quarter bets.


                            • #29
                              Well I was just going by Trotter's answer so it is safe to say a net of +1.6 to +3.6 for the day using ***'s lines with juice. Still a positive day as I don't want to be accused of bashing, just recapping. Good luck to EVERYONE!!!!


                              • #30
                                Ok, threads like this are getting out of hand lets just stick to posting plays and keeping the insults to ourselves.

