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So Long Tice!

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  • So Long Tice!

    The countdown is on for the official Mike Tice axing. I can't believe this clown lasted this long. Mike, you'll have plenty of time to make a few bucks scalping SB XL tickets when you're out on the streets in the next few days. Its probably tough for Red to even wait till todays debacle is over!

  • #2
    What's amazing is how long he's remained as their coach.


    • #3
      They're obviously better without Moss...HAHA.


      • #4
        As a Packer fan I love the fact that he's still there but enough is enough. Look at the talent level of this team the past few years and they've got nothing to show for it. With a halfway decent coach they could have done some serious damage in the postseason.


        • #5
          Moss and their Off Coordinator who's now in Miami. Still, no excuse to roll over and quit the first two weeks of the season - Bye Mike!


          • #6
            i can't believe he's been there that long either. He's crap.

            Almost worse than Wansteadt


            • #7
              Originally posted by Art Vandelay
              The countdown is on for the official Mike Tice axing. I can't believe this clown lasted this long. Mike, you'll have plenty of time to make a few bucks scalping SB XL tickets when you're out on the streets in the next few days. Its probably tough for Red to even wait till todays debacle is over!

              you mean is no longer. tice is horrible!


              • #8
                Oh watchTower....where are you???
                Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


                • #9
                  I've never liked Tice, and he is a clown, with his big shoes and his red nose......BAH

                  I bet his next job will be on T.V. or radio trying to cap the football games, he just seems like the type of bozo that would do that.

                  If that happens BC should ban anyone hyping his 10 star, 4 TD Blowout Lock of the Century on these forums...
                  "You like the odds of lightning?"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Trotter
                    I've never liked Tice, and he is a clown, with his big shoes and his red nose......BAH
                    And his sweat suits on the sidelines.

