80 wpm- I am happy its yo birthday
happy in every possible way
may todays games bring many a thrill
and your pockets totally filled
with cash and cake and a -girlie display
For its cool to celebrate such a noble event
and its cool when the site takes a subtle hint
Of this special day of days- truly yours
So 80-open for us all--you know-that special round of Coors.
And we'll drink till the sun rises -and then try to repent
As time has now past-as we ly here upon this wooden floor-
our tongues drier than we have ever felt before
I finally remember why I wrote this stank
I was merely trying to type 80 wpm (in iambic pentameter) - as a prank !
Now-I sincerely hope you liked it-before I throw up-wheres the door.
Happy Birthday
"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.