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KonSenseUs Kruise MLB ~ Friday ~

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  • KonSenseUs Kruise MLB ~ Friday ~

    Post Them Here.

    1 Early Game.

    Best Of Luck!!!
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

  • #2
    Friday's Games

    1:20 CDT GAME
    12:20 CDT CUT-OFF

    Fri 8/12 951 St Louis Cardinals
    J. Marquis +122
    11:20 AM 952 Chicago Cubs
    C. Zambrano -130


    5:00 CDT CUT-OFF

    Fri 8/12 953 Arizona D-Backs
    C. Vargas +1.5 -140 +157 OVER 8.5 +107
    04:35 PM 954 Atlanta Braves
    J. Sosa -1.5 +130 -165 UNDER 8.5 -117

    Fri 8/12 955 San Francisco Giants
    N. Lowry +1.5 -118 +190 OVER 7.5 -102
    04:35 PM 956 Florida Marlins
    D. Willis -1.5 +108 -208 UNDER 7.5 -108

    Fri 8/12 957 Cincinnati Reds
    L. Hudson +1.5 -138 +157 OVER 9.5 +104
    05:05 PM 958 Milwaukee Brewers
    C. Capuano -1.5 +128 -165 UNDER 9.5 -114

    Fri 8/12 959 Pittsburgh Pirates
    Z. Duke +1.5 -146 +171 OVER 7 +100
    05:05 PM 960 Houston Astros
    R. Oswalt -1.5 +136 -179 UNDER 7 -110

    Fri 8/12 961 Washington Nationals
    E. Loaiza -1.5 +133 -112 OVER 11.5 -114
    06:05 PM 962 Colorado Rockies
    JM. Wright +1.5 -143 +104 UNDER 11.5 +104

    Fri 8/12 963 Philadelphia Phillies
    J. Lieber +1.5 -138 +165 OVER 7 -121
    07:05 PM 964 San Diego Padres
    J. Peavy -1.5 +128 -173 UNDER 7 +111

    Fri 8/12 967 Chicago White Sox
    M. Buehrle +1.5 -161 +126 OVER 9.5 +109
    04:05 PM 968 Boston Red Sox
    D. Wells -1.5 +151 -134 UNDER 9.5 -119

    Fri 8/12 969 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
    M. Hendrickson +1.5 -112 +187 OVER 9.5 +102
    04:05 PM 970 Cleveland Indians
    J. Westbrook -1.5 +102 -200 UNDER 9.5 -112

    Fri 8/12 971 Texas Rangers
    C. Young +1.5 -129 +151 OVER 11 -130
    04:05 PM 972 New York Yankees
    A. Leiter -1.5 +119 -159 UNDER 11 +120

    Fri 8/12 973 Toronto Blue Jays
    J. Towers +1.5 -160 +134 OVER 9.5 +107
    04:35 PM 974 Baltimore Orioles
    D. Cabrera -1.5 +150 -142 UNDER 9.5 -117

    Fri 8/12 975 Detroit Tigers
    J. Johnson -1.5 -105 -160 OVER 9.5 -109
    05:10 PM 976 Kansas City Royals
    J. Lima +1.5 -105 +152 UNDER 9.5 -101

    Fri 8/12 977 LAA Angels
    J. Washburn -1.5 +140 -121 OVER 8 +101
    07:05 PM 978 Seattle Mariners
    J. Moyer +1.5 -150 +113 UNDER 8 -111

    Fri 8/12 979 Minnesota Twins
    JO. Santana -1.5 +141 -121 OVER 7.5 +109
    07:05 PM 980 Oakland Athletics
    D. Haren +1.5 -151 +113 UNDER 7.5 -119
    Last edited by Lsufan; 08-12-2005, 02:51 AM.
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • #3
      Alternate Run Lines

      Fri 8/12 951 St Louis Cardinals
      J. Marquis +122 J. Marquis must start
      11:20 AM 952 Chicago Cubs
      C. Zambrano -130 C. Zambrano must start

      Fri 8/12 953 Arizona D-Backs
      C. Vargas +1 +104+1.5 -140+2 -194+2.5 -238 +157 C. Vargas must start OVER 7.5 -129OVER 8 -112OVER 8.5 +107OVER 9 +135OVER 9.5 +162
      04:35 PM 954 Atlanta Braves
      J. Sosa -1 -118-1.5 +130-2 +179-2.5 +208 -165 J. Sosa must start UNDER 7.5 +114UNDER 8 -101UNDER 8.5 -117UNDER 9 -153UNDER 9.5 -182

      Fri 8/12 955 San Francisco Giants
      N. Lowry +1 +134+1.5 -118+2 -165+2.5 -210 +190 N. Lowry must start OVER 6.5 -176OVER 7 -141OVER 7.5 -102OVER 8 +115OVER 8.5 +131
      04:35 PM 956 Florida Marlins
      D. Willis -1 -148-1.5 +108-2 +150-2.5 +180 -208 D. Willis must start UNDER 6.5 +155UNDER 7 +123UNDER 7.5 -108UNDER 8 -130UNDER 8.5 -149

      Fri 8/12 957 Cincinnati Reds
      L. Hudson +1 +105+1.5 -138+2 -187+2.5 -229 +157 L. Hudson must start OVER 8.5 -151OVER 9 -124OVER 9.5 +104OVER 10 +122OVER 10.5 +139
      05:05 PM 958 Milwaukee Brewers
      C. Capuano -1 -119-1.5 +128-2 +172-2.5 +199 -165 C. Capuano must start UNDER 8.5 +134UNDER 9 +109UNDER 9.5 -114UNDER 10 -138UNDER 10.5 -157

      Fri 8/12 959 Pittsburgh Pirates
      Z. Duke +1 +107+1.5 -146+2 -219+2.5 -263 +171 Z. Duke must start OVER 6 -162OVER 6.5 -133OVER 7 +100OVER 7.5 +130OVER 8 +155
      05:05 PM 960 Houston Astros
      R. Oswalt -1 -121-1.5 +136-2 +190-2.5 +233 -179 R. Oswalt must start UNDER 6 +144UNDER 6.5 +120UNDER 7 -110UNDER 7.5 -145UNDER 8 -175

      Fri 8/12 961 Washington Nationals
      E. Loaiza -1 +107-1.5 +133-2 +168-2.5 +187 -112 E. Loaiza must start OVER 10.5 -167OVER 11 -144OVER 11.5 -114OVER 12 +101OVER 12.5 +117
      06:05 PM 962 Colorado Rockies
      JM. Wright +1 -121+1.5 -143+2 -182+2.5 -216 +104 JM. Wright must start UNDER 10.5 +149UNDER 11 +127UNDER 11.5 +104UNDER 12 -115UNDER 12.5 -132

      Fri 8/12 963 Philadelphia Phillies
      J. Lieber +1 +109+1.5 -138+2 -203+2.5 -245 +165 J. Lieber must start OVER 6 -196OVER 6.5 -157OVER 7 -121OVER 7.5 +110OVER 8 +129
      07:05 PM 964 San Diego Padres
      J. Peavy -1 -123-1.5 +128-2 +174-2.5 +215 -173 J. Peavy must start UNDER 6 +175UNDER 6.5 +143UNDER 7 +111UNDER 7.5 -122UNDER 8 -144

      Fri 8/12 967 Chicago White Sox
      M. Buehrle +1 -118+1.5 -161+2 -226+2.5 -262 +126 M. Buehrle must start OVER 8.5 -144OVER 9 -118OVER 9.5 +109OVER 10 +128OVER 10.5 +146
      04:05 PM 968 Boston Red Sox
      D. Wells -1 +104-1.5 +151-2 +197-2.5 +232 -134 D. Wells must start UNDER 8.5 +128UNDER 9 +104UNDER 9.5 -119UNDER 10 -144UNDER 10.5 -164

      Fri 8/12 969 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
      M. Hendrickson +1 +135+1.5 -112+2 -150+2.5 -182 +187 M. Hendrickson must start OVER 8.5 -154OVER 9 -127OVER 9.5 +102OVER 10 +120OVER 10.5 +136
      04:05 PM 970 Cleveland Indians
      J. Westbrook -1 -149-1.5 +102-2 +135-2.5 +166 -200 J. Westbrook must start UNDER 8.5 +136UNDER 9 +112UNDER 9.5 -112UNDER 10 -135UNDER 10.5 -154

      Fri 8/12 971 Texas Rangers
      C. Young +1 +107+1.5 -129+2 -169+2.5 -206 +151 C. Young must start OVER 10 -195OVER 10.5 -156OVER 11 -130OVER 11.5 -106OVER 12 +109
      04:05 PM 972 New York Yankees
      A. Leiter -1 -121-1.5 +119-2 +154-2.5 +176 -159 A. Leiter must start UNDER 10 +131UNDER 10.5 +142UNDER 11 +120UNDER 11.5 -105UNDER 12 -122

      Fri 8/12 973 Toronto Blue Jays
      J. Towers +1 -114+1.5 -160+2 -226+2.5 -263 +134 J. Towers must start OVER 8.5 -147OVER 9 -120OVER 9.5 +107OVER 10 +126OVER 10.5 +143
      04:35 PM 974 Baltimore Orioles
      D. Cabrera -1 +100-1.5 +150-2 +197-2.5 +233 -142 D. Cabrera must start UNDER 8.5 +130UNDER 9 +106UNDER 9.5 -117UNDER 10 -142UNDER 10.5 -161

      Fri 8/12 975 Detroit Tigers
      J. Johnson -1 -135-1.5 -105-2 +122-2.5 +149 -160 J. Johnson must start OVER 8.5 -172OVER 9 -143OVER 9.5 -109OVER 10 +107OVER 10.5 +122
      05:10 PM 976 Kansas City Royals
      J. Lima +1 +121+1.5 -105+2 -136+2.5 -164 +152 J. Lima must start UNDER 8.5 +151UNDER 9 +125UNDER 9.5 -101UNDER 10 -121UNDER 10.5 -139

      Fri 8/12 977 LAA Angels
      J. Washburn -1 +106-1.5 +140-2 +182-2.5 +215 -121 J. Washburn must start OVER 7 -160OVER 7.5 -118OVER 8 +101OVER 8.5 +117OVER 9 +149
      07:05 PM 978 Seattle Mariners
      J. Moyer +1 -120+1.5 -150+2 -210+2.5 -245 +113 J. Moyer must start UNDER 7 +141UNDER 7.5 +105UNDER 8 -111UNDER 8.5 -131UNDER 9 -169

      Fri 8/12 979 Minnesota Twins
      JO. Santana -1 +106-1.5 +141-2 +185-2.5 +219 -121 JO. Santana must start OVER 6.5 -158OVER 7 -125OVER 7.5 +109OVER 8 +128OVER 8.5 +146
      07:05 PM 980 Oakland Athletics
      D. Haren +1 -120+1.5 -151+2 -213+2.5 -249 +113 D. Haren must start UNDER 6.5 +141UNDER 7 +110UNDER 7.5 -119UNDER 8 -144UNDER 8.5 -164
      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


      • #4
        Boston Red Sox


        • #5
          POD Record 0-1

          Braves -1 (Sosa)


          • #6
            Kruise Record 36-30-2
            Stl +118


            • #7
              Det/K.C. Over 9 1/2 -105



              • #8
      's been 12 in a row now, this shit gotta end soon!

                POD ytd = 28-24

                Goodluck today gang!!!!!
                "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                • #9

                  1st kruise pick

                  I AM A NITWIT


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by seaofred

                    1st kruise pick

                    Welcome To The Kruise. Thanks For The Play!! :D
                    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                    • #11
                      Early Game Play

                      REGULAR PLAY

                      St. Louis ( 1* )


                      Fri 8/12 951 St Louis Cardinals
                      J. Marquis +1.5 -173 +116 OVER 9 -126
                      11:20 AM 952 Chicago Cubs
                      C. Zambrano -1.5 +163 -124 UNDER 9 +116
                      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                      • #12
                        :smoking: I need a miracle every day.....


                        • #13
                          Kruise Record (38-28) +7.82

                          White Sox +126

                          Good Luck Mates!


                          • #14
                            Lost 2 in a row....66-52.................Todays POD is


                            Mets/Dodgers OVER 7 1/2 -108


                            LOL to all---the Kapt

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #15
                              Late Game Plays

                              REGULAR PLAYS

                              Atlanta -1 RL ( 1* ) ( -121 )

                              Milwaukee ( 1* )

                              Kansas City ( 1* )

                              LA Angels ( 1* )


                              NY Mets ~ LA Dodgers OVER ( 1* )

                              Detroit ~ Kansas City OVER ( 1* )


                              Fri 8/12 953 Arizona D-Backs
                              C. Vargas +1.5 -131 +169 OVER 8.5 +108
                              04:35 PM 954 Atlanta Braves
                              J. Sosa -1.5 +121 -177 UNDER 8.5 -118
                              ALT Run Line -1 -121

                              Fri 8/12 957 Cincinnati Reds
                              L. Hudson +1.5 -141 +146 OVER 9.5 +101
                              05:05 PM 958 Milwaukee Brewers
                              C. Capuano -1.5 +131 -154 UNDER 9.5 -111

                              Fri 8/12 965 New York Mets
                              V. ZAMBRANO +1.5 -201 +116 OVER 7.5 -108
                              07:40 PM 966 Los Angeles Dodgers
                              J. Weaver -1.5 +183 -124 UNDER 7.5 -102

                              Fri 8/12 975 Detroit Tigers
                              J. Johnson -1.5 -102 -159 OVER 9.5 -105
                              05:10 PM 976 Kansas City Royals
                              J. Lima +1.5 -108 +151 UNDER 9.5 -105

                              Fri 8/12 977 LAA Angels
                              J. Washburn -1.5 +141 -114 OVER 8 -106
                              07:05 PM 978 Seattle Mariners
                              J. Moyer +1.5 -151 +106 UNDER 8 -104
                              "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                              is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

