RJ..i am taking hopkins....i think he is playing possum and will pick this kid apart....only thing that concerns me is fighters sometimes get old in a hurry...was his last fight where he was less than impressive by design to get taylor to think he was ready or was it a chink in hopkins armor??? i think he is crafty and i think taylor, although dangerous......is suspect...
also my good frend who knows emmanuel steward likes taylor......i still do not.....small on hopkins
ok this is what i liek..lets talk boxing...why is this line droping like a sluts underwear? i liked hopkins too but line sure is droppin adn the weirdest lien is the over under...over11.5 is like plus 200 thats insane..pretty much is sayin vegas is puttin all its chips on this going to the cards...taylor is a stud though but im not likeng the line drop..meaning smart money coming in on taylor right? let me hear from some of you fellas.
I like Taylor- 100 to win 120. No losses and what a fight Bernard set for himself-wow. Since Taylor got the Bronze in the Olympics- I noticed him. Taylor just may prevail if he gets past six/seven rounds. He will have figured on most the tricks that Bernard might have. Atlete Taylor versus cagy vet Bernard. Gonna be good-keep us informed.
"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
i think the longer it goes the more it favors hopkins not the other way around...when hopkins takes you into deep water it is his fight.......also the line dropping does not mean smart money.......it dropped on gatti too....everyone thought he had a shot.....also winky wright the money went against him.....does not always mean smart money....they still have to fight......age concerns me about hopkins, but he has not been in the wars a holyfield has......taylor has a few holes.....and hopkins is a student of the game....if it goes long it favors hopkins as taylor will have already spent his ammo....he throws with murderous intent....but answer this question???when was the last time you saw hopkins get really hit.....tito??? not much....de la hoya....a little, but he did not respect his power......hopkins plays the angles like no other fighter......i think experience beats youth tonight.....but it could go either way
ok this is what i liek..lets talk boxing...why is this line droping like a sluts underwear? i liked hopkins too but line sure is droppin adn the weirdest lien is the over under...over11.5 is like plus 200 thats insane..pretty much is sayin vegas is puttin all its chips on this going to the cards...taylor is a stud though but im not likeng the line drop..meaning smart money coming in on taylor right? let me hear from some of you fellas.
the lines really not dropping. Opened at -165, its now -165, -140, -160, -150.
Winning a bronze is good but its nothing like prize fighting. Lets say this...Tyson at his peak going for gold...no chance..Auto gold. Hopkins has only age going aginst him. He's in his natural weight and the man knows how to BOX.. not fight but BOX. I've been watching boxing my whole life and Hopkins will make Taylor fight his fight. Result Hopkins will win. I think by decision. I'm only a college student so I cant put a dime down but I will put as much as I can. The movement also shows that the people are picking Taylor...fools. Just like those who picked Trindad to beat Hopkins. This is a boxing match not a brawl. Taylor is good but will not be able to out-box hopkins. Taylor can win if his jabs land along with his power punched but Hopkins will play dirty. He'll stay inside and give slight head butts and low blows...sorry HOPKINS WINS. GL RJ!!! and WE ARE GETTING VERY CLOSE TO THE OPENING DAY OF NFL!!!! I'll take Oakland -7 1/2 vs PATs!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO
did you all know that hopkins learned to box in prison. he had natural abilty and kicked ass in the state prison system. i watched him clean up in his weight class
thinking its time for a change! the population has never really supported hopkins and the fight business needs some new blood that people can rally about... taylor the bronze medalist is that kind of guy!!!!!! taylor by decision... gl murph!
the fight went just like i said it would.......said hopkins would take him into the deep water and win late.....only thing is the decision did not go his way although he outlanded him.......but i have seen hopkins many many times and know his M.O.
thinking its time for a change! the population has never really supported hopkins and the fight business needs some new blood that people can rally about... taylor the bronze medalist is that kind of guy!!!!!! taylor by decision... gl murph!
the people never supported hopkins because thats how hopkins has wanted it and has played it.......has nothing to do with anything....that has been his gig for 12 years....Bernard against the world!!!
i know that is his m. o. bla bla bla....me against the world! stop being the marter and take responsibility! it finally caught up with him..... whatever! murph!
what caught up with him was he turned it on too late and although i thought he won as well as the AP, there were 2 judges that didn't....his personality had nothing to do with it