Chuck-Just curious. Have you ever tried totals, and if so, how have you done?
If you feel reasonably confident in them, why not throw a couple out once in a while even if they are not rated, as I and am sure others like to play them.
If you are not good in them and/or for whatever reason would rather not, then I certainly understand.
I personally prefer good over plays, as it seems when I play an under, the game goes over by the 5th inning. lol
luck Cheese Meister!! I sneaked that play into sandys thread as my bigger play of the day a little earlier! BEST OF LUCK ON IT and all your plays! Goldv
I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!
Thanks Chuck for the totals-I didn't see them until after games started.
Good luck on the second one to get the split; they(totals) along with your other plays are always appreciated.