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KonSenseUs Kruise ~ Friday ~

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  • KonSenseUs Kruise ~ Friday ~

    Post Them Here Guys.

    1 Early Game - 1:20 CDT Start. Cut-Off Time Is 12:20 CDT.

    Late Games Cut-Off Time Is 5:00 CDT.

    Good Luck!!!
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

  • #2
    Friday's Games


    Fri 7/1 901 Washington Nationals
    L. Hernandez +132
    11:20 AM 902 Chicago Cubs
    M. Prior -140



    Fri 7/1 903 Atlanta Braves
    J. Smoltz -1.5 +130 -132 OVER 9 +104
    04:05 PM 904 Philadelphia Phillies
    V. Padilla +1.5 -140 +124 UNDER 9 -114

    Fri 7/1 905 Florida Marlins
    A. Burnett -1.5 +133 -123 OVER 8 -101
    04:10 PM 906 New York Mets
    T. Glavine +1.5 -143 +115 UNDER 8 -109

    Fri 7/1 907 Houston Astros
    A. Pettitte -1.5 +125 -132 OVER 9.5 -113
    04:10 PM 908 Cincinnati Reds
    L. Hudson +1.5 -135 +124 UNDER 9.5 +103

    Fri 7/1 909 Pittsburgh Pirates
    M. Redman +1.5 -200 +110 OVER 8 -110
    05:05 PM 910 Milwaukee Brewers
    T. Ohka -1.5 +185 -118 UNDER 8 +100

    Fri 7/1 911 Colorado Rockies
    J. Kennedy +1.5 +129 +265 OVER 8.5 -105
    05:10 PM 912 St Louis Cardinals
    C. Carpenter -1.5 -139 -285 UNDER 8.5 -105

    Fri 7/1 913 San Francisco Giants
    05:10 PM 914 San Diego Padres ( NO LINE AVAILABLE )

    Fri 7/1 915 Arizona D-Backs
    J. Vazquez +1.5 -207 +111 OVER 7.5 +101
    07:40 PM 916 Los Angeles Dodgers
    B. Penny -1.5 +187 -119 UNDER 7.5 -111

    Fri 7/1 917 New York Yankees
    R. Johnson -1.5 -101 -167 OVER 8.5 -103
    04:05 PM 918 Detroit Tigers
    J. Bonderman +1.5 -109 +159 UNDER 8.5 -107

    Fri 7/1 919 Toronto Blue Jays
    T. Lilly +1.5 -105 +190 OVER 9.5 -115
    04:05 PM 920 Boston Red Sox
    M. Clement -1.5 -105 -208 UNDER 9.5 +105

    Fri 7/1 921 Cleveland Indians
    C. Sabathia +1.5 -205 +101 OVER 9 +100
    04:35 PM 922 Baltimore Orioles
    R. Lopez -1.5 +187 -109 UNDER 9 -110

    Fri 7/1 923 LAA Angels
    P. Byrd -1.5 +111 -144 OVER 9 -104
    05:10 PM 924 Kansas City Royals
    RU. Hernandez +1.5 -121 +136 UNDER 9 -106

    Fri 7/1 925 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
    C. Fossum +1.5 +130 +270 OVER 8 -104
    05:10 PM 926 Minnesota Twins
    JO. Santana -1.5 -140 -300 UNDER 8 -106

    Fri 7/1 927 Chicago White Sox
    J. Contreras +1.5 -155 +141 OVER 8 +105
    07:05 PM 928 Oakland Athletics
    R. Harden -1.5 +145 -149 UNDER 8 -115

    Fri 7/1 929 Texas Rangers
    C.H. Park +1.5 -205 +100 OVER 9 -116
    07:05 PM 930 Seattle Mariners
    A. Sele -1.5 +187 -108 UNDER 9 +106
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • #3
      Alternate Run Lines

      Fri 7/1 901 Washington Nationals
      L. Hernandez +136 L. Hernandez must start
      11:20 AM 902 Chicago Cubs
      M. Prior -144 M. Prior must start

      Fri 7/1 903 Atlanta Braves
      J. Smoltz -1 -104 -1.5 +130 -2 +172 -2.5 +197
      04:05 PM 904 Philadelphia Phillies
      V. Padilla +1 -110 +1.5 -140 +2 -186 +2.5 -226

      Fri 7/1 905 Florida Marlins
      A. Burnett -1 +101 -1.5 +133 -2 +178 -2.5 +203
      04:10 PM 906 New York Mets
      T. Glavine +1 -115 +1.5 -143 +2 -192 +2.5 -233

      Fri 7/1 907 Houston Astros
      A. Pettitte -1 -106-1.5 +125-2 +163-2.5 +186 -132 A. Pettitte must start OVER 8.5 -178OVER 9 -149OVER 9.5 -113OVER 10 +103OVER 10.5 +118
      04:10 PM 908 Cincinnati Reds
      L. Hudson +1 -108+1.5 -135+2 -177+2.5 -215 +124 L. Hudson must start UNDER 8.5 +158UNDER 9 +131UNDER 9.5 +103UNDER 10 -116UNDER 10.5 -134

      Fri 7/1 909 Pittsburgh Pirates
      M. Redman +1 -143+1.5 -200+2 -291+2.5 -342 +110 M. Redman must start OVER 7 -169OVER 7.5 -123OVER 8 -104OVER 8.5 +112OVER 9 +141
      05:05 PM 910 Milwaukee Brewers
      T. Ohka -1 +129-1.5 +185-2 +262-2.5 +297 -118 T. Ohka must start UNDER 7 +148UNDER 7.5 +110UNDER 8 -106UNDER 8.5 -125UNDER 9 -160

      Fri 7/1 911 Colorado Rockies
      J. Kennedy +1 +201+1.5 +129+2 -106+2.5 -137 +265 J. Kennedy must start OVER 7.5 -144OVER 8 -126OVER 8.5 -105OVER 9 +119OVER 9.5 +143
      05:10 PM 912 St Louis Cardinals
      C. Carpenter -1 -229-1.5 -139-2 -109-2.5 +121 -285 C. Carpenter must start UNDER 7.5 +127UNDER 8 +111UNDER 8.5 -105UNDER 9 -136UNDER 9.5 -162

      Fri 7/1 915 Arizona D-Backs
      J. Vazquez +1 -145+1.5 -207+2 -311+2.5 -357 +111 J. Vazquez must start OVER 6.5 -171OVER 7 -136OVER 7.5 +101OVER 8 +118OVER 8.5 +135
      07:40 PM 916 Los Angeles Dodgers
      B. Penny -1 +131-1.5 +187-2 +268-2.5 +312 -119 B. Penny must start UNDER 6.5 +151UNDER 7 +119UNDER 7.5 -111UNDER 8 -134UNDER 8.5 -153

      Fri 7/1 917 New York Yankees
      R. Johnson -1 -136-1.5 -101-2 +130-2.5 +160 -167 R. Johnson must start OVER 7.5 -142OVER 8 -124OVER 8.5 -103OVER 9 +121OVER 9.5 +146
      04:05 PM 918 Detroit Tigers
      J. Bonderman +1 +122+1.5 -109+2 -144+2.5 -175 +159 J. Bonderman must start UNDER 7.5 +125UNDER 8 +109UNDER 8.5 -107UNDER 9 -138UNDER 9.5 -166

      Fri 7/1 919 Toronto Blue Jays
      T. Lilly +1 +143+1.5 -105+2 -139+2.5 -171 +190 T. Lilly must start OVER 8.5 -181OVER 9 -152OVER 9.5 -115OVER 10 +101OVER 10.5 +116
      04:05 PM 920 Boston Red Sox
      M. Clement -1 -157-1.5 -105-2 +124-2.5 +155 -208 M. Clement must start UNDER 8.5 +161UNDER 9 +134UNDER 9.5 +105UNDER 10 -114UNDER 10.5 -131

      Fri 7/1 921 Cleveland Indians
      C. Sabathia +1 -152+1.5 -205+2 -289+2.5 -335 +101 C. Sabathia must start OVER 8 -151OVER 8.5 -126OVER 9 +100OVER 9.5 +123OVER 10 +145
      04:35 PM 922 Baltimore Orioles
      R. Lopez -1 +138-1.5 +187-2 +260-2.5 +291 -109 R. Lopez must start UNDER 8 +134UNDER 8.5 +113UNDER 9 -110UNDER 9.5 -138UNDER 10 -164

      Fri 7/1 923 LAA Angels
      P. Byrd -1 -118-1.5 +111-2 +145-2.5 +175 -144 P. Byrd must start OVER 8 -157OVER 8.5 -131OVER 9 -104OVER 9.5 +119OVER 10 +140
      05:10 PM 924 Kansas City Royals
      RU. Hernandez +1 +104+1.5 -121+2 -159+2.5 -190 +136 RU. Hernandez must start UNDER 8 +139UNDER 8.5 +117UNDER 9 -106UNDER 9.5 -133UNDER 10 -158

      Fri 7/1 925 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
      C. Fossum +1 +207+1.5 +130+2 -106+2.5 -139 +270 C. Fossum must start OVER 7 -169OVER 7.5 -123OVER 8 -104OVER 8.5 +112OVER 9 +141
      05:10 PM 926 Minnesota Twins
      JO. Santana -1 -235-1.5 -140-2 -109-2.5 +123 -300 JO. Santana must start UNDER 7 +148UNDER 7.5 +110UNDER 8 -106UNDER 8.5 -125UNDER 9 -160

      Fri 7/1 927 Chicago White Sox
      J. Contreras +1 -109+1.5 -155+2 -225+2.5 -264 +141 J. Contreras must start OVER 7 -153OVER 7.5 -114OVER 8 +105OVER 8.5 +121OVER 9 +155
      07:05 PM 928 Oakland Athletics
      R. Harden -1 -105-1.5 +145-2 +196-2.5 +234 -149 R. Harden must start UNDER 7 +135UNDER 7.5 +102UNDER 8 -115UNDER 8.5 -135UNDER 9 -175

      Fri 7/1 929 Texas Rangers
      C.H. Park +1 -152+1.5 -205+2 -288+2.5 -334 +100 C.H. Park must start OVER 8 -175OVER 8.5 -144OVER 9 -116OVER 9.5 +108OVER 10 +126
      07:05 PM 930 Seattle Mariners
      A. Sele -1 +138-1.5 +187-2 +259-2.5 +290 -108 A. Sele must start
      Last edited by Lsufan; 06-30-2005, 09:06 PM.
      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


      • #4
        Clement vs Lilly


        • #5
          St. Louis Cardinals -1.5 RL ( -143 )

          Kruise Record ( 41-30-2 )
          "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
          is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


          • #6

            Boston -1(-150)


            • #7
              POD 11-6 ? my pick for yesterday ended in a tie in CIN, no play I guess.

              C. Carpenter -1.5 -139

              I feel sorry for Colorado...they get a wipping today.


              • #8


                Good Luck!


                • #9
                  garister- generally it is posted as a tie. 11-6-1 would be your record. Keep up the good work.
                  Last edited by Spearit; 07-01-2005, 10:32 AM.
                  "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                  • #10
                    Taking Oakland under 8.

                    As for St.Louis -it is up to -330 on the ml at this post -1.5 RL may be high in itself for a POD. I have it all 3 parlays. Which brings up a question Kapt- Do we go by the figures earlier stated or posted lines at the time?

                    POD 34-21-1
                    Last edited by Spearit; 07-01-2005, 10:35 AM.
                    "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                    • #11

                      2010: 23-12 +37.8
                      2011: 4-0 + 20
                      09-11 5*s and up: 34-7


                      • #12
                        St Lou. -1.5 -139
                        27-21 POD
                        "3 Stacks of High Society."


                        • #13

                          POD ytd = 13-13

                          Goodluck today gang!!!!!!
                          "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                          • #14
                            Updated Lines

                            Fri 7/1 901 Washington Nationals
                            L. Hernandez +1.5 -160 +148 OVER 7.5 +126
                            11:20 AM 902 Chicago Cubs
                            M. Prior -1.5 +150 -156 UNDER 7.5 -136

                            Fri 7/1 903 Atlanta Braves
                            J. Smoltz -1.5 +124 -129 OVER 9 -108
                            04:05 PM 904 Philadelphia Phillies
                            V. Padilla +1.5 -134 +121 UNDER 9 -102

                            Fri 7/1 905 Florida Marlins
                            A. Burnett -1.5 +125 -131 OVER 8 +103
                            04:10 PM 906 New York Mets
                            T. Glavine +1.5 -135 +123 UNDER 8 -113

                            Fri 7/1 907 Houston Astros
                            A. Pettitte -1.5 +117 -136 OVER 9.5 -110
                            04:10 PM 908 Cincinnati Reds
                            L. Hudson +1.5 -127 +128 UNDER 9.5 +100

                            Fri 7/1 909 Pittsburgh Pirates
                            M. Redman +1.5 -210 +107 OVER 8 -115
                            05:05 PM 910 Milwaukee Brewers
                            T. Ohka -1.5 +190 -115 UNDER 8 +105

                            Fri 7/1 911 Colorado Rockies
                            J. Kennedy +1.5 +127 +270 OVER 8.5 -101
                            05:10 PM 912 St Louis Cardinals
                            C. Carpenter -1.5 -137 -300 UNDER 8.5 -109

                            Fri 7/1 913 San Francisco Giants
                            K. Correia +1.5 +102 +230 OVER 7.5 +101
                            07:05 PM 914 San Diego Padres
                            J. Peavy -1.5 -112 -250 UNDER 7.5 -111

                            Fri 7/1 915 Arizona D-Backs
                            J. Vazquez +1.5 -186 +127 OVER 7.5 +110
                            07:40 PM 916 Los Angeles Dodgers
                            B. Penny -1.5 +176 -135 UNDER 7.5 -120

                            Fri 7/1 917 New York Yankees
                            R. Johnson -1.5 -101 -167 OVER 8.5 +105
                            04:05 PM 918 Detroit Tigers
                            J. Bonderman +1.5 -109 +159 UNDER 8.5 -115

                            Fri 7/1 919 Toronto Blue Jays
                            T. Lilly +1.5 +103 +204 OVER 9.5 +105
                            04:05 PM 920 Boston Red Sox
                            M. Clement -1.5 -113 -222 UNDER 9.5 -115

                            Fri 7/1 921 Cleveland Indians
                            C. Sabathia +1.5 -213 -101 OVER 9 +103
                            04:35 PM 922 Baltimore Orioles
                            R. Lopez -1.5 +193 -107 UNDER 9 -113

                            Fri 7/1 923 LAA Angels
                            P. Byrd -1.5 +108 -143 OVER 9 +106
                            05:10 PM 924 Kansas City Royals
                            RU. Hernandez +1.5 -118 +135 UNDER 9 -116

                            Fri 7/1 925 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
                            C. Fossum +1.5 +125 +265 OVER 8 +105
                            05:10 PM 926 Minnesota Twins
                            JO. Santana -1.5 -135 -285 UNDER 8 -115

                            Fri 7/1 927 Chicago White Sox
                            J. Contreras +1.5 -144 +153 OVER 8 +110
                            07:05 PM 928 Oakland Athletics
                            R. Harden -1.5 +134 -161 UNDER 8 -120

                            Fri 7/1 929 Texas Rangers
                            C.H. Park +1.5 -213 -104 OVER 9 -112
                            07:05 PM 930 Seattle Mariners
                            A. Sele -1.5 +193 -104 UNDER 9 +102
                            "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                            is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                            • #15
                              Updated Run Lines

                              Fri 7/1 901 Washington Nationals
                              L. Hernandez +1 -108+1.5 -160+2 -238+2.5 -281 +148 L. Hernandez must start OVER 6.5 -137OVER 7 -106OVER 7.5 +126OVER 8 +151OVER 8.5 +170
                              11:20 AM 902 Chicago Cubs
                              M. Prior -1 -106-1.5 +150-2 +209-2.5 +251 -156 M. Prior must start UNDER 6.5 +123UNDER 7 -106UNDER 7.5 -136UNDER 8 -167UNDER 8.5 -188

                              Fri 7/1 903 Atlanta Braves
                              J. Smoltz -1 -105-1.5 +124-2 +162-2.5 +185 -129 J. Smoltz must start OVER 8 -163OVER 8.5 -135OVER 9 -108OVER 9.5 +115OVER 10 +135
                              04:05 PM 904 Philadelphia Phillies
                              V. Padilla +1 -109+1.5 -134+2 -176+2.5 -214 +121 V. Padilla must start UNDER 8 +144UNDER 8.5 +121UNDER 9 -102UNDER 9.5 -129UNDER 10 -152

                              Fri 7/1 905 Florida Marlins
                              A. Burnett -1 -106-1.5 +125-2 +167-2.5 +192 -131 A. Burnett must start OVER 7 -157OVER 7.5 -116OVER 8 +103OVER 8.5 +119OVER 9 +152
                              04:10 PM 906 New York Mets
                              T. Glavine +1 -108+1.5 -135+2 -181+2.5 -221 +123 T. Glavine must start UNDER 7 +138UNDER 7.5 +103UNDER 8 -113UNDER 8.5 -133UNDER 9 -172

                              Fri 7/1 907 Houston Astros
                              A. Pettitte -1 -112-1.5 +117-2 +152-2.5 +174 -136 A. Pettitte must start OVER 8.5 -173OVER 9 -144OVER 9.5 -110OVER 10 +106OVER 10.5 +121
                              04:10 PM 908 Cincinnati Reds
                              L. Hudson +1 -102+1.5 -127+2 -166+2.5 -203 +128 L. Hudson must start UNDER 8.5 +153UNDER 9 +127UNDER 9.5 +100UNDER 10 -120UNDER 10.5 -138

                              Fri 7/1 909 Pittsburgh Pirates
                              M. Redman +1 -149+1.5 -210+2 -311+2.5 -356 +107 M. Redman must start OVER 7 -189OVER 7.5 -135OVER 8 -115OVER 8.5 +102OVER 9 +127
                              05:05 PM 910 Milwaukee Brewers
                              T. Ohka -1 +135-1.5 +190-2 +268-2.5 +311 -115 T. Ohka must start UNDER 7 +167UNDER 7.5 +121UNDER 8 +105UNDER 8.5 -114UNDER 9 -144

                              Fri 7/1 911 Colorado Rockies
                              J. Kennedy +1 +205+1.5 +127+2 -108+2.5 -140 +270 J. Kennedy must start OVER 7.5 -131OVER 8 -114OVER 8.5 +105OVER 9 +133OVER 9.5 +158
                              05:10 PM 912 St Louis Cardinals
                              C. Carpenter -1 -233-1.5 -137-2 -107-2.5 +124 -300 C. Carpenter must start UNDER 7.5 +116UNDER 8 +101UNDER 8.5 -115UNDER 9 -150UNDER 9.5 -178

                              Fri 7/1 913 San Francisco Giants
                              K. Correia +1 +169+1.5 +102+2 -136+2.5 -173 +230 K. Correia must start OVER 6.5 -171OVER 7 -136OVER 7.5 +101OVER 8 +118OVER 8.5 +135
                              07:05 PM 914 San Diego Padres
                              J. Peavy -1 -183-1.5 -112-2 +121-2.5 +157 -250 J. Peavy must start UNDER 6.5 +151UNDER 7 +119UNDER 7.5 -111UNDER 8 -134UNDER 8.5 -153

                              Fri 7/1 915 Arizona D-Backs
                              J. Vazquez +1 -128+1.5 -186+2 -279+2.5 -332 +127 J. Vazquez must start OVER 6.5 -157OVER 7 -124OVER 7.5 +110OVER 8 +130OVER 8.5 +147
                              07:40 PM 916 Los Angeles Dodgers
                              B. Penny -1 +114-1.5 +176-2 +250-2.5 +288 -135 B. Penny must start UNDER 6.5 +139UNDER 7 +109UNDER 7.5 -120UNDER 8 -146UNDER 8.5 -165

                              Fri 7/1 917 New York Yankees
                              R. Johnson -1 -136-1.5 -101-2 +130-2.5 +160 -167 R. Johnson must start OVER 7.5 -131OVER 8 -114OVER 8.5 +105OVER 9 +133OVER 9.5 +158
                              04:05 PM 918 Detroit Tigers
                              J. Bonderman +1 +122+1.5 -109+2 -144+2.5 -175 +159 J. Bonderman must start UNDER 7.5 +116UNDER 8 +101UNDER 8.5 -115UNDER 9 -150UNDER 9.5 -178

                              Fri 7/1 919 Toronto Blue Jays
                              T. Lilly +1 +156+1.5 +103+2 -129+2.5 -160 +204 T. Lilly must start OVER 8.5 -149OVER 9 -123OVER 9.5 +105OVER 10 +123OVER 10.5 +140
                              04:05 PM 920 Boston Red Sox
                              M. Clement -1 -170-1.5 -113-2 +114-2.5 +144 -222 M. Clement must start UNDER 8.5 +133UNDER 9 +108UNDER 9.5 -115UNDER 10 -139UNDER 10.5 -158

                              Fri 7/1 921 Cleveland Indians
                              C. Sabathia +1 -156+1.5 -213+2 -307+2.5 -347 -101 C. Sabathia must start OVER 8 -147OVER 8.5 -123OVER 9 +103OVER 9.5 +127OVER 10 +150
                              04:35 PM 922 Baltimore Orioles
                              R. Lopez -1 +142-1.5 +193-2 +264-2.5 +302 -107 R. Lopez must start UNDER 8 +130UNDER 8.5 +111UNDER 9 -113UNDER 9.5 -141UNDER 10 -168

                              Fri 7/1 923 LAA Angels
                              P. Byrd -1 -119-1.5 +108-2 +140-2.5 +169 -143 P. Byrd must start OVER 8 -143OVER 8.5 -120OVER 9 +106OVER 9.5 +130OVER 10 +154
                              05:10 PM 924 Kansas City Royals
                              RU. Hernandez +1 +105+1.5 -118+2 -154+2.5 -184 +135 RU. Hernandez must start UNDER 8 +127UNDER 8.5 +108UNDER 9 -116UNDER 9.5 -144UNDER 10 -173

                              Fri 7/1 925 Tampa Bay Devil Rays
                              C. Fossum +1 +195+1.5 +125+2 -110+2.5 -142 +259 C. Fossum must start OVER 7 -153OVER 7.5 -114OVER 8 +105OVER 8.5 +121OVER 9 +155
                              05:10 PM 926 Minnesota Twins
                              JO. Santana -1 -223-1.5 -135-2 -105-2.5 +126 -279 JO. Santana must start UNDER 7 +135UNDER 7.5 +102UNDER 8 -115UNDER 8.5 -135UNDER 9 -175

                              Fri 7/1 927 Chicago White Sox
                              J. Contreras +1 +100+1.5 -145+2 -210+2.5 -249 +153 J. Contreras must start OVER 7 -146OVER 7.5 -109OVER 8 +110OVER 8.5 +127OVER 9 +163
                              07:05 PM 928 Oakland Athletics
                              R. Harden -1 -114-1.5 +135-2 +181-2.5 +219 -161 R. Harden must start UNDER 7 +129UNDER 7.5 -102UNDER 8 -120UNDER 8.5 -140UNDER 9 -183

                              Fri 7/1 929 Texas Rangers
                              C.H. Park +1 -159+1.5 -213+2 -306+2.5 -345 -104 C.H. Park must start OVER 8 -169OVER 8.5 -140OVER 9 -112OVER 9.5 +112OVER 10 +130
                              07:05 PM 930 Seattle Mariners
                              A. Sele -1 +145-1.5 +193-2 +263-2.5 +300 -104 A. Sele must start
                              "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                              is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

