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  • RJeremy

    I know people who don't like you will not be happy about this post and people that do like you probably will.

    I want to start by saying that i don't and never have hated you. I have an idea the feeling isn't mutual but that's o.k.

    The whole ongoing drama with you, your record, or whatever else has had me very unhappy lately, especially hearing and seeing it all from other members. I'm willing to bet in real life you're a good/great guy. I have always put the integrity of this board/forum above any one member and it has never been about personal hatred or jealousy. I just want you to hear and know that.

    I truly hope you stay here and continue to post. I had a rough night Saturday while reading posts and i went off on some things. I too am a good person and i don't like these ill feelings. Although some might disagree i've always tried to be fair and treat issues equally.

    I have a couple suggestions. You don't have to do it for me by any means but maybe for the forum as a whole. I really wish you wouldn't post a record in bases. Leave the wins/losses and units out of it totally. I have always believed in a capper keeping a record and you know that but i think it would be to your benefit to just skip it in bases and maybe start fresh for football season or whatever comes next. Just keeping the win/loss will obviously be a problem in bases and at this point with people all having different totals as far as units go i just think you would be better off, for your own good. Maybe even start over with a brand new record on Sunday or Monday and get a clean slate to start with, you know (0-0). If others are offended or don't think it's right then they too get a free pass and can/should start fresh.

    It's also really hard for people who follow your plays and even ones who don't to hear about you won after the fact when they were not posted. That's great if it happens and i place wagers i don't post too, sometimes at the last minute. I just don't see any benefit to me or anyone else telling people. I either win them or lose them and move on. Posting your $ amounts is really your decision on a daily basis and others do it without a problem. I think there is more of an upside just telling people 1 unit = $100 or whatever and using units but that is truly your decision and you have to do what you feel comfortable doing.

    I don't think i have ever posted a thread like this to a single member in which i have had this much friction with and i really hope you read and take this the right way it was intended. It would be easy for me to keep going and going like i have before but i don't want it to be that way.

    RJ i really wish you would/could try and start fresh with other members who may have either questioned you in the past or you simply do not like. I promise you that if you do that and they continue to go back in time here i will step in to back you. I can/will do that but only if the things that caused problems in the past stay in the past and don't creep up on us in the future again. People like Tony Vegas are truly good guys here and i think he like some others are just sick of or bitter about things that seem to keep appearing. It certainly doesn't make them bad people for it.

    LSUMONSTER, I apologize for being so abraisive. I sometimes think when there is an issue here it would be much easier to handle and deal with without a 1,000 opinions and especially the same ones over and over again. Guys let us handle it and see what comes of it for once. It might work out quicker and better than you think.

    It's the best peace offering i have for you, me, and the members here. I certainly didn't spend the time and energy to do this for the fun of it and if i didn't care you never would have seen this thread.

    RJ stuff from the past will not be forgotten. It is human nature and everyone owns a memory but i think if i can post a thread and talk civilized to you that you too can do it to/with others you may have had a problem with in the past.

    We can't change the past but we can certainly improve on the future.

    The ball is truly in your court now and we can either move forward, stay in neutral, or go backwards. You let me know and your response and your response only will set my attitude towards the whole subject one way or another come Sunday.

    I really want people who respond to this thread to read it twice. I did and i think it is beneficial to do so before you respond one way or the other.

    Good Luck Guys!

  • #2
    nothing but a class act post, Wayne good job my brother!!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by jordanrules23
      nothing but a class act post, Wayne good job my brother!!!!



      • #4
        thinks highly on both of u guys
        knowing that rjand wayne both would go out of their ways to make us all winners and many more i wouldnt post cause i know i would miss a few...........gambleing brings out the worst in all of us sometimes and we all need to put the water back under the bridge it came from we all have one emeny here and that is the books or mobb which ever way u look at it...........peace out brothers and sisters
        sorry i havent forgot u spark just cant figure out if ancient is the word i am looking 4
        rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


        • #5
          i agree with everything you said. no one can take back what was said,but the future is what YOU make of it.
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #6
            wayne, you make a lot of good points. i for one had a rough year in NBA, MLB and at the regular season of NFL. i didn't change my record, post that i won games i didn't post, or just flat out tell you i am not counting what i posted. do i think rj should be banned? NO WAY!!!! he is what he is. some of my best friends in real life are bullshitters. personally, i think it is a gift. however, i for one will call people on it. i understand he has backers. i also understand that i sometimes fly off the handle and get pissed about things that go on here. probably means i care. i just can't stand lying and deceit. can he start fresh? i don't see why not. everyone can if they do choose. i for one won't. my record in bases is 6-14 -25.23*. i haven't posted a game since mid-April. and when i start posting the games i play, that is what my record will be. maybe i am being bitter. maybe it bothers me that rj gets a million views. maybe it does bother me that some here will back him no matter what. maybe it bothers me because i have seen this same kind of thing go on with MMM, pickjoceky, wiz, etc, etc. don't really know why this bothers me so much. this place is great, that is probably the real reason.


            • #7
              I hear ya' Tony. That's why my original comment suggested just leaving out the record now because no matter what it will always be questioned. You know me and records. I believe in them and i believe in them being right.

              GL Buddy!


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                I hear ya' Tony. That's why my original comment suggested just leaving out the record now because no matter what it will always be questioned. You know me and records. I believe in them and i believe in them being right.

                GL Buddy!
                your right wayne. at this point, it doesn't matter. no matter what record is posted, there will be question marks. to me what happened is just insane. it makes no more sense at this point to go into details. gl brother!


                • #9
                  Wayne I WANT LOBSTER ROLLS too lol :P
                  Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                  • #10
                    Honestly I Was Upset When I Read Your And Spark' Posts About Me, Wayne,
                    And When You Guys Cussed And Using The Fvck Words In The Thread.....i Was Shocked And Disappointed About You 2 Gentlements.
                    We Have Our Own Opinions, And We All Can Post Here To Explain Our Reasonings. True, I Am A Newbie Here And Have No Ideas What Has Happened In The Past But Ever Since I Am Here; I Noticed That Most Of The Guys And Jr Are Very Heflful And Nice To Other Members, Newbie Or Not, You Guys Were Very Cool.
                    Maybe Jr Did Jumped In Other Members' Thread And Got On People Nerves But Not To Me So Far. I Was Very Surpised That He Got Attacked Like The Last Few Days Here.
                    If You Happen To See A Person Walks In Front Of You And He Falls On The Ground, What Would You Do??? Would You Run To Help That Person Up To See If He/she Is Ok Or You Run To That Person And Kick/beat Him Some More.
                    Same Situation With Jr When He Lost The Big Bet. (we All Lost Big Before, I Am Sure) I Just Try To Keep His Spirit Up And Hope He Gets It Back Later.
                    Mainly That Was It And I Have Been Calling People To Stop This Nonsense And Move On.
                    I Know You 2 Are The Mods Here And I Am Nothing Here;you 2 Have Power In Here At B.c. And I Am Powerless But I Would Rather Telling What I Am Believing Than Keep My Mouth Shuts And Feel Ashame Of Myself When I Look In The Mirror In The Morning Every Day.
                    Good Luck To You Both.
                    Ps: Please Do Not Use The Fvck Word In Here Because You Know Too Well There Are Minors Reading These Posts. ( I Am Maybe Younger Than You 2 But Once You Cussing; Fvcking People In The Threads, You Are Not In My Class. I Am Sorry To Say That But It Is What It Is)


                    • #11
                      Overall record to hard to keep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!past 7 days i like usually wins come in streaks!!!!!!!Like to ride the hot ones$$$$$$$$$$$..I make spur of the moments bets all the time!!!!!!Some bad Some good sometimes chasing!!!!!!!!!Always take the wins and the loses !!!!!Think that is why he got some slack!!!!Seems like a good guy????Just win baby$$$$$$$$$$$$$
                      NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

                      College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

                      College Football 6-6-1 -4 Units

                      NBA Basketball 11-12-0 -3 Units

                      NHL 1-1-0 + 0 Units


                      • #12
                        Wayne / RJeremy


                        I did as you asked. I read this post twice before I respond. I enjoyed reading it more the second time. You are truely a class act, and a great guy.

                        You've vented your frustrations, just as you should have. Now you come in here, as a complete gentelman, and extend the "olive branch." That, my friend, is the way to handle things. Get it all out, extend the "olive branch," and let what's in the past stay in the past. Takes a man to do that, and you did it with class.


                        You also are a great guy, and I consider you a friend as well. I hadn't posted anything in the other posts, but a few "good lucks," and a joke or two. I just don't like those type of bitter threads. It is just not my cup of tea. But this thread I will respond to, because it's positive.

                        I truely hope that you consider what Wayne has offered. Put your problems that you may have with him or any of the other members aside, and let's move on. I, like many others, look forward to your posted plays. I also like the fun you spread around here. Let's get back to winning and having fun here at BC.

                        Good Luck to both of you, I hope all works out for the best.
                        "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                        is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                        • #13
                          Wayne i just wanna say this, I appreciate you for what you do for this site and what you did in this thread trying to help this site out.I have stated this over and over but let me say it 1 more time it was not 1 week ago that RJ gave me hell in every thread i typed i even made it known to everyone i posted a message at 3:00 am to talk football just because i was bored and no one else was on. 2 days earlier he posted the same type message and everyone made a joke about it saying he was T.U.I. {Typing under the Influence} He came into the thread and made a joke about me wanting to talk football at 3:00 A.m. But what upset me the most was i capped a game that i i use a 10 pt system on all games and usually game come out +4 or 5 i had a game that came out +9 on my #'s and in a thread i called it a Game of the Lifetime. I am not sure what people in here need to do if they feel like they have a lock what else do they do.Please help me here because i am not sure. If any member capps a game that they feel is no doubt the best play of the year why not make a big deal and post it because some people see #'s that others dont. When i bet my entire winnings in baseball on that game Rj said its like babysitting sometimes in here. Then 3 days later he does the same thing. That bothered me alot. But like Youe Wayne I have Forgave and and learned from the situation.I have never not 1 time posted a negative thread about anyone here. I respect RJ because he has quite a following and has not tried to get $$$$$$ from anyone here.Thats what happens at most sites. Even though he criticized the way i play and alot of things i said i learned from him.I lookded at his plays along with yours and a couple otheres and tried to find out why you like that team. It made me a better capper and i hope that this site stays as strong as ever because we all need it but if not i think i and hopefully everyone else here have learned enough about spors investing to live without B.C> Hope it never happens.Wayne i think this was a class move on you part lets all bond together and get ready for football.

                          Everyones Pal here

                          MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                          HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                          NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                          0-0TOP PLAYS

                          NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

                          4-1 TOP PLAYS

                          GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                          AS of 6/3/12


                          • #14
                            Characters like RJ is just what this forum needs. From reading the threads, I noticed that he takes the time to help newbies. He answers newbies questions and offers advice to them. He never pokes fun at newbies. No matter how dumb the questions are. Hehe. Not only RJ, but others like CoverBoy and Goldvike offer much help. I'd hate to see RJ stop posting just because of different point of views from other members. Everyone has their own opinions, so it depends on how you look at it. Well anywho, hope to see you posting soon. And you don't have to post plays, but please continue posting to help others out.


                            • #15
                              techfan - i believe that RJ's advice to you was right on. you should never bet your bankroll on one game even though if it's a game of the lifetime. no one game is a sure bet. although RJ did it himself, everyone makes the same mistake. sometimes it's hard to keep your composure in gambling. sometime's, i tell my friends not to drink and drive, but i do it myself. though i know i shouldn't. I hope this MLB season turns around for me. I can't believe that so many dogs are covering and the shittiest teams are winning like KC, Washington, and Colorado. I'm feeling like somethings in the air. Hmmmm. GL on the rest of the season.

