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  • Service Play INFORMATION

    Hey I just signed up for The Ace Frank Rosenthal's the guy potrayed on the movie Casino his picks are high but I heard he was the best ever. I could post his picks in here but I don't think it's good idea with his service because he charges so much and don't want no trouble but maybe if someone wants them they could send me a private message and I could send them to who ever wants them lets win you put good service plays in here guys. Let's WIN GREAT forum.

  • #2
    Betting Man Dan,

    How much did that set you back?


    • #3
      I've followed his free picks for several years and he's solid. The only thing is he posts ALOT of games. To play all of them would be bankroll suicide, though I value his opinion highly.

      I don't know anyone who has splurged for his VIP Services, BUT I WOULD BE VERY VERY INTERESTED IN KNOWING WHAT THE PICKS WERE.

      Here's the pricelist from his website:

      The Sky Box **
      Weekly Rate=$695
      The bright way to follow a top winning professional handicapper is having timely access to all of his plays. The rating scale is vital. All plays are not equal in value, money management is key.
      Without it, you're a dead-duck!

      The Executive Club ***
      Weekly Rate=$995
      Monthly Rate=$2995
      You're covered for a full month of non-stop action at a reduced rate. Frank will cover the entire month with his power rated plays. You'll also receive Franks exclusive "Pocket Plays," as he makes them, when he goes, Moneys Up! Recommended for serious sports enthusiasts

      4 Seasons ****
      Seasonal Rates: Available Upon Request?
      College & Pro Football. Hoops Too. NCAA & NBA
      Includes, the NFL exhibition season, the regular season, College Bowls & all the playoff games through Super Bowl XXXVI January 2002
      For a full season of non-stop action, go with a proven winner. You're on the "Right Sides" when you order the 4 SEASONS package today.

      Tycoon Boulevard *****
      $100,000 Tycoon Boulevard Starts Here.
      Very Limited Membership!
      Person to Person

      The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


      • #4
        These people do not give the best picks if you take the cheapest package.

        Still, if he has a good run, it would be nice to see his picks.

