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why the suprise? yanks

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  • why the suprise? yanks

    Randy johnson is 41-42 yrs old, kevin brown is 40 and broken down for 3 yrs now. Mussina is getting up there (36?).
    They signed pavano who had 1 good year in his carrer and might have been a flash in the pan year. How do you give a guy 10 million a yr after 1 good yr.? Whats his name they signed from atlanta was a bust-out in cleveland with 2 surgeries. He had a nice comeback with atlanta last year,but to thow all that money on an injury prone,dissapointing,pitcher.
    Their starting pitching sux as does their bullpen.
    Solid dtarting lineup offensively,but alot of egos.

  • #2
    i hope you are correct.....i just know the yanks are still the yanks.....Go Sox!!


    • #3
      Anybody elses opinion on this? would anyone really be suprised if the yanks only won 81-89 games this year?


      • #4
        With their lineup they can out hit anyone. I would be surprised if that is all the games they won!! And this coming from someone who can't stand the yankees.


        • #5
          i still see the yankees winning 92-97 games.....they do have a solid lineup and it is only a matter of time until their pitchers hit their stride...i would love to see them only win in the 80's, but i think that would be just wishful thinking....


          • #6
            Here is a predicition from me: Over the next few years at least it is more likely that Yankees won't even make the playoffs than their winning a World Series.
            Call it wishful thinking, but thats the way I see it.


            • #7
              What ever the Yankees need, Stienbrenner will go buy.the Yankees will be there at the end.


              • #8
                Originally posted by moondog22
                What ever the Yankees need, Stienbrenner will go buy.the Yankees will be there at the end.
                Money can only buy so much;it doesn't buy chemistry(eg ARod), it can't turn back player's ages and it can't prevent injuries.
                Last edited by savage1; 04-24-2005, 08:30 PM.


                • #9
                  Bottom Line Thier Starting Pitchers Are Very Old (mussina,brown, Johnson)-and Over-rated(jaret Wright, Carl Pavano) Thier Pen Sux.
                  Thier Offense Is Potentially Awesome. Best In Baseball On Paper.
                  Will Not Be Dominant This Year. I Certainly Would Never Take Them As 200 Or More Favs

