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please explain!!!!

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  • please explain!!!!

    if a runner scores from third on a passed ball why should it be considered a earned run!!Makes no sense to me a passed ball should be the same as an error !!!!!!!
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  • #2
    if it's the same as an error then it would automatically depend on how many outs there were before you could determine if it was an earned run or not


    • #3
      that is IF the rule is the equivalent of how a fielding error would apply in that situation (which I am not sure if it is or not).


      • #4
        Its not considerd an error.Even with 2 outs man on third passed ball next batter out still earned run!!!BS
        NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

        College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

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        • #5
          Did they change that? I remember it used to be, a run scored on a WP was an earned run and a PB was unearned......
          "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


          • #6
            I dont think so unless they changed it this year!!!!!!!!
            NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

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            • #7
              Think about they will give a catcher an error if he throws the ball away on a steal.But if ne just lets the ball get by him on a pitch no error!!!!
              NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

              College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

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              • #8
                EARNED RUNS
                An earned run is a run for which the pitcher is held accountable. In determining earned runs, the inning should be reconstructed without the errors (which include catcher's interference) and passed balls, and the benefit of the doubt should always be given to the pitcher in determining which bases would have been reached by errorless play. For the purpose of determining earned runs, an intentional base on balls, regardless of the circumstances, shall be construed in exactly the same manner as any other base on balls. (a) An earned run shall be charged every time a runner reaches home base by the aid of safe hits, sacrifice bunts, a sacrifice fly, stolen bases, putouts, fielder's choices, bases on balls, hit batters, balks or wild pitches (including a wild pitch on third strike which permits a batter to reach first base) before fielding chances have been offered to put out the offensive team. For the purpose of this rule, a defensive interference penalty shall be construed as a fielding chance. (1) A wild pitch is solely the pitcher's fault, and contributes to an earned run just as a base on balls or a balk. (b) No run shall be earned when scored by a runner who reaches first base (1) on a hit or otherwise after his time at bat is prolonged by a muffed foul fly; (2) because of interference or obstruction or (3) because of any fielding error. (c) No run shall be earned when scored by a runner whose life is prolonged by an error, if such runner would have been put out by errorless play. (d) No run shall be earned when the runner's advance is aided by an error, a passed ball, or defensive interference or obstruction, if the scorer judges that the run would not have scored without the aid of such misplay. (e) An error by a pitcher is treated exactly the same as an error by any other fielder in computing earned runs. (f) Whenever a fielding error occurs, the pitcher shall be given the benefit of the doubt in determining to which bases any runners would have advanced had the fielding of the defensive team been errorless. (g) When pitchers are changed during an inning, the relief pitcher shall not be charged with any run (earned or unearned) scored by a runner who was on base at the time he entered the game, nor for runs scored by any runner who reaches base on a fielder's choice which puts out a runner left on base by the preceding pitcher.

                Bold print added by yours truly....rules copied off
                "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


                • #9
                  Thanks !!!!!!!!!!Did they change it this year!!!
                  Passed ball=error!!!
                  NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

                  College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

                  College Football 6-6-1 -4 Units

                  NBA Basketball 11-12-0 -3 Units

                  NHL 1-1-0 + 0 Units


                  • #10
                    No, been like that since i was a kid...which was a VERY long time ago!!

                    A passed ball is not charged as an error to the catcher..
                    BUT... a run scored as a result of a passed ball is an unearned run.
                    AND...the Colorado Cockies can kiss my ass. :angryfire
                    "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"

