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  • Baseball.......

    I will have Baseball plays as well and knowing i have proven nothing to you in Baseball you can monitor me or play as you like, but with the various ways i cap Baseball the record will be equal to wins and losses meaning i do not play a team straight -180 and count it as a loss if it loses, If i have a play OVER -150 it is then thrown into a parlay therefore when you hit a parlay it generally pays well over even money and is simply called 1 win even as a parlay. I also count underdogs at any price as 1 win if it wins so between the dogs and parlay's they equal out with the -135 or -150's that come up. I drop many play's on some day's and not alot on other's so if you like action i will give it to you. I usually do very well in Baseball and follow the sport very closely like alot of others. I just wanted to give you all an idea of my capping in Baseball before the season starts. You will end up enjoying the plays I think.


  • #2

    why do i get this feeling that this room will DESTROY THEIR BOOKS

    in the baseball season

    i think we are putting together a very solid nucleus in this room that will allow many people to make a lot of money

    look forward to your baseball plays - - i hope they correspond to THE SYSTEM!!!


    • #3
      That's my only fear is we will have a bunch of good Baseball cappers that are constantly going against each other then the Lurkers that just come for plays and even members of the site will be confused bad! :D


      • #4
        or a bunch of good baseball cappers that will be on the same side and we just kill the bookies

        i like this option bettor

        lets go raptors


        • #5
          Sorry my glass was 1/2 empty for a minute there. :D


          • #6
            no problem

            Wayne i believe there are a lot of afternoon CBB tommorow

            have you started your analyses???:p :p


            • #7
              I try to go one day at a time but i happen to have tomm. off :p so it should be fun but these tournament games coming up will be tough cause i will be working but i will drop the plays real early AM for the day games and people might have to search to find them later in the day.


              • #8
                Sorry bn2 you should have rode the picks early that's why i don't like to rate plays i hate to pick and choose, better luck tomm.


                • #9
                  thats ok
                  tommorow is a new day


