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KAPTAINs "Crewless" Cruise for Monday

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  • KAPTAINs "Crewless" Cruise for Monday

    Fellows the Old Kapt is compelled to Contract this cruise out to his old Friend Capt CantLose for today....If you been following the Threads and Posts latley--you should realize the Kapt got Crew Problems...

    Having a crew is not the problem---it's the crew I do have ...seems their minds are too heavy on the opposite sex--in essence they're letting their "Lil Heads" do the pun intended 10DimeBry --when they settle down, and the Kapt again has control of their actions/thinking--we'll sail again....none of this was even a minor problem till certain crew members came aboard---not aimed at you RWALL

    Heres Capt CantLoses trip for today..

    704 NEW York -1***
    705/706 Atl/Chi OVER 192***
    708 Dallas -10

    712 W Mich -7
    711/712 TCU/W Mich OVER 137***
    714 St Joes -6***
    715 Wich St +7 1/2

    LOL to all....from a very concerned Kapt...I got to get control of the Planned ship, and its crew, and the expenditures are way way way out of line....LOVE ya all...kapt

    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

  • #2
    Kapt, we'll have to get Glenda the night before we sail, that way she'll tire their little asses down. GL tonight!


    • #3
      GL Kaptain
      1 of 1 Morons


      • #4
        i knew lovedoc and his weiner act would get us aborted lol loser ok karl just let us know when u r ready to sail again gl tonight
        rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


        • #5
          From Me to you Kaptain.

          P.S. Under the advise of my therapist, I've increased my doses of Ridalin. I'm feeling much better now.
          Remember the three R's:
          Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


          • #6
            shit rwall lovedoc thinks those r cockrings lol
            rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


            • #7
              GL buddy coattailed you on the NBA


              • #8
                Finished 6-1...lone loser was West Mich...we'el take it...we needed it...lets load up for's amazing what you can do with a civilized crew..ha ha...the Old Kapt

                Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                • #9
                  Damn good day, Kapt, looks like quite a few of us are kickin the books ass this week!!!
                  Lord Knows I'm A Voodoo Child

                  My record Click Here


                  • #10
                    kaptain i can settle the crew down..i will head to the hustler store and buy however many blow-up dolls u think the guys need.........with all these different style crew members we better make sure that we have more than one hole for them lol.........please kaptain put away what rwall gave u lovedoc really thinks those r cockrings.....and make sure lovedoc doesn't due his duet with rwall ..........might make everyone sick lol
                    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                    • #11
                      kaptain kaptain isnt there any hope we set sail
                      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kmann
                        Finished 6-1...lone loser was West Mich...we'el take it...we needed it...lets load up for's amazing what you can do with a civilized crew..ha ha...the Old Kapt
                        awesome night last night!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jmarty6969
                          kaptain i can settle the crew down..i will head to the hustler store and buy however many blow-up dolls u think the guys need.........with all these different style crew members we better make sure that we have more than one hole for them lol.........please kaptain put away what rwall gave u lovedoc really thinks those r cockrings.....and make sure lovedoc doesn't due his duet with rwall ..........might make everyone sick lol
                          just waiting on kaptain karls call..............keep your hands off the farm animals doc
                          rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

