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  • coverboy

    u pay for that service under in memphis-minny game?
    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

  • #2
    Hey Mart

    I have some dough in their web account so I bought it

    Its a Confirmed Under Buddy ( Memphis / Minnesota under 179 )

    Hope you're doing well - it's always great talking with you . I always read your stuff, man. You're a pisser .

    Take care Mart,



    • #3
      Coverboy-thats either a gutsy bet(under Memphis) considering that all three of the other games between the teams went way over 179 or a smart one based on some kind of law of averages.


      • #4
        thanks for the info buddy...............rwall bring our chopper back i need to transport kmann and sparks scooters back to the boat..............spark needs his viagara and his scooter to chase those young ladies around the bases lol..............oh how he would love to hit a home run go sparky
        rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


        • #5
          Hey JMart,
          I parked the chopper right by the pier...........

          Remember the three R's:
          Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


          • #6
            oh shit i guess we r going to need a huge baseball season from coverboy rj and goldvike...................had to tell ya something rwall u lost the ass award being away for a while u stay here and u might be able to dethrone rj gl buddy
            rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


            • #7
              Jmart go to the non sports, I'm already campaigning......
              Remember the three R's:
              Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


              • #8
                atta boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy argggggggggggggggggggggggggg
                rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                • #9
                  CB and Kapt ... Please don't tell me we have both these goofs with us?? Please don't tell me that ... hahaha

                  rwall, nice park job my friend ...


                  • #10
                    all you need is me dad and you got the trifecta
                    2013 NCAA POD Record

                    8-3ATS +3.80 units

                    2013 NFL POD Record

                    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                    • #11

                      10 Dime - we do have you and your job on deck is CHIEF FARRIER. Impressive huh ? Until you look up farrier in the dictionary and realize that you are now our blacksmith.

                      Spark - Yes looks like we're stuck with these 2 goofs - Thank God we are .

                      Wally - That's not our chopper - LMBO You boosted the wrong one. Thats good news and bad news .... Now we're going to have to bale you out of jail.

                      Kaptain - when we get the word let's get ready to post his bond . We don't want one of our own getting his ass disfigured by BUBBA.

                      Wally - say not 1 fucking thing when the Bulls come. You'll have an attorney right there. His name is Howe ( from the law firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe )

                      As your sponsor Wally I'm proud of you -- you show real ambition. But please remember to steal from everyone else and not us .

                      As far as disciplinary action is concerned, there will be none. We'll cut you slack because you take care of business.

                      But if there is another felony I will force you to be locked in a small for 3 days with an Armenian.

                      If that doesn't scare you straight I don't know what will.


                      • #12


                        • #13


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Fellows and Crew

                              Just called over to London (where my late Uncle "Lord Mann"--who just passed away) is from, and found out he was CEO of some Insurance Co. called "Lloyds or Lords of London", and his longtime asst. Hebee Kissin said he would take care of the Helicopter Incident...

                              Spark---we need "Religion" real bad on our ship...Do you know any Priests---Rabbis--Preachers--anything that would care to Sail with us....Having rwall and jmarty on the same cruise--I feel we're gonna need some higher up powers..."God Save Us"

                              Coverboy---disciplinary action (Of some sort) is needed to teach "Rwall" that he just can't go around stealing helicopters---regardless of what he thinks the sense of urgency is...
                              I would like to see you Coverboy---10DimeBry--and BigMike--come up with the punishment for rwall....The Kaptain making the final decision of how (of course--I am the Kapt)--but I guess we better leave it to the crews vote...CB you're too Patient and Fair---this calls for action--can't have the chopper missing...what if we needed parts for our "Main Computer"--had to go inland--WTF--(NO CHOPPER)--see what I mean...Mutiny on our hands, not to mention RJ and FrankB going into seizures...

                              We've got to start this cruise off right....It's gonna be a long and tedious one...The Kapt might be too old for this one....

                              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

