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Baskets,Bitching,Some Thoughts....

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  • Baskets,Bitching,Some Thoughts....

    Well the idiots have created another form of chaos in the form of "bracketology" and the tv and radio stations are beginning their assult in the form of hype. I've always been one to believe that the masses are asses. As a gambler, sports investor, what ever label you want to hang on assured that sports betting is not fun for me. It's like going to the track and playing the ponies day after day. How many days did I just sit there and not make a bet...a lot of days seemed to pass before you would make a play at times. I've learned you can beat a race but not the races. So there I sit with my racing forum and I'm talking to some folks who just hit a nice sized tri and they get all excited. They start buying drinks for everybody and become friendly with everyone. "You don't show much emotion" a guy said to me. "Are you losing?" I just looked at him with this puzzled look. So I ask him if I was supposed to be having fun. His response was..."yes, isn't that why people come here?"

    I then explaned to him that I can go someplace else and have fun. This is work to me. He didn't get it. So like I was saying, the masses are asses. For some, basketball is like breathing, without it they can't live. The whole PAIN is temprary, PRIDE is forever thing. Lest they forget that they wouldn't get anywhere without their teammates. Kinda like we all here at the betters chat forum. We all are trying to do the same thing (win money) but working different programs to reach our end result.

    The challange for everyone here on this forum should be to ask yourself...."how can I help my fellow gambler?" Ever wonder why the ball never seems to bounce you way more often than naught? Karma has a funny way of sneeking up behind you and kicking your ass when your not doing the right things.

    So I ask you two questions...What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?....and.... What would you attempt if you knew nothing would ever workout? The first question urges you to dream big. The second, to be truly committed.

    What is worth doing even if you can't succeed? Is there a moutain worth climbing even if there's no hope of reaching the top? Think about it. Standing on the top of a mountain is a moment, supposedly the moment that makes it all worth it all. Makes it worth all what? A lifetime of disconnection, alienation and misplaced priorities? The worlds saddest person is that tragic has-been who is always speaking about the woulda, shoulda, coulda thing. Or, always talking about there one shining moment...the 15 min of fame thing.

    Do you really want to be that guy? How can you modify your betting habits to increase your bankroll 3-5 percent? What are you learning in life to help others along? Finally, how deep is your commitment to what your doing with your life? Millions of people long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on rainy afternoon. Life, if you will, is that rainy afternoon. What are you going to do with it?

    I'm talking about embracing a commitment far greater than your own selfish desires.

    Now the movie is over, the credits are rolling. What's next?

    Can't we all just get along?
    Last edited by ImpulseDisorder; 03-13-2005, 09:11 PM.
    What impulsive disorder?

  • #2
    damn brother

    i want some of those little pills your taking-that shit was deep-know what you mean about the track-then you see some guy come up and bet a 100 on a horse because it was named after his sister and wins 2000 on this nag that had a 27 speed rating last out-may the force be with you my man..chung..


    • #3
      ImpulseDisorder-Thanks for that very thought provoking post
      Being a reflective person to begin with, I will re-read your post several times to grasp the full meaning of your message.
      I certainly hope that many read and relate your post to their own lives.


      • #4
        Impulse that was real and Its 100% true honestly I lost a lot today but after reading your post it makes me think, the days I win a lot how is that benifitting anyone else but myself.
        Very touching post
        Thanks impulse
        and God Bless
        Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


        • #5
          damn it savage

          i finally post on a serious note and you gotta crack me up-believe the white-suits are going to come get me and you one day!! sun chung...


          • #6
            That was some sermon, hallejuah, allah akbar, god save the queen.
            Preach on, but this is BettorsChat not Gamblers Anonymous.
            Your at the track, like a job, and then your talking about Karma?
            Then again, I'm definitely in the ASS end of your post.
            Why are you hating on the people going to have fun and spend some money?
            If they hit a tri, shouldn't they be happy and celebrate?
            I for one, do look at gambling as entertainment, thats why I have a "real job" to pay the bills.
            I admit to buying into sure things and "easy money" only to get ass raped by the man.
            This is my favorite time of the year, and I also love to watch the Advertising Bowl in Football.
            First day of the tourney I lay off of work, lay some cash on the underdogs, and watch my team(KU) kick some ass, then get upset. ITS GREAT!!!
            Impulse, are you a christian republican? just curious.

