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espn and their steroid witchhunt

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  • #16
    Originally posted by griswold
    A fair look at Bonds stats before steroid use show he was not a hall of fame level player. His homer totals went up over 70 percent after he began steroid use. As for Sosa, he was a borderline starter before steroid use. The hand-eye coordination point is misunderstood. Steroid use and muscle mass can increase bat speed. You can have all the hand-eye coordination in the world but if you can't get the bat on the ball fast enough and with enough oomph, you won't accomplish anything. Ask Jason and Jeremy Giambi.
    You need to show me at what point Bonds wasn't a hall of fame player.


    • #17
      It's a great example to teach kids to Cheat & Lie to get ahead in life!!!


      • #18
        In 1922, the US gov't issued MLB an anti-trust exemption (a monopoly) because the fans insisted on a stable league where things like player poaching and rival leagues wouldn't exist. That means the public trust, or the INTEGRITY of MLB, rests with the government. If the gov't feels like crawling up every single player's ass with a microscope, they have my full blessing. If MLB doesn't want the gov't involved, they can kiss their exemption goodbye. If you don't want the gov't involved, tough shit.


        • #19
          Rented Mule,

          You've got to be kidding about Bonds being a Hall of Famer pre-steroids. Look at his stats in Pittsburgh before being traded to San Francisco and BALCO.

          1986 16 HRs .223 Bat Ave.
          1987 25 .261
          1988 24 .283
          1989 19 .248 (gimme a break)
          1990 33 .301
          1991 25 .292
          1992 34 .311

          He went to SF/BALCO the next year. Suddenly the stats become:
          1993 46 .336
          1994 37 .312
          1995 33 .294
          1996 42 .308
          1997 40 .291
          1998 37 .303
          1999 34 .262 (only played 102 games)
          2000 49 .306
          2001 73 .328
          2002 46 .370
          2003 45 .341
          2004 45 .362

          As you can see by these stats, Bonds not only continued to improve as he got into his mid to late 30s (unheard of), his stats were very normal before going to San Francisco. If Bonds had continued at his Pirates level stats he would have been Marquis Grissom. Or is he a Hall of Famer too?


          • #20
            shoeless Joe Jackson was the only player who TRIED for the White (Black) Sox. He shouldn't have been ostracized. But like everything else in society, sterotypes, media blitz create reality.
            Congress should worry about more important things.
            Steroids are cheating & if caught, players shoiuld suffer consequences. Even if they're not caught now, they WILL suffer health consequences later.
            Steroids are only illegal if you don't have a ************. I think Barry bonds can get a Dr. to cover that end!


            • #21
              my last line contains the word for ** that is asterisked out...very appropriate for this subject (asterisks)


              • #22
                an adult should be able to take steroids if they want, who cares. but there are rules in sports to keep people from gaining an edge. should corked bats, pitchers scufing or lubing balls be allowed? its bin overlooked because EVERYONE was making more money,footballs problem is much worse.
                “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                Gerald Ford


                • #23

                  a doctoor wouldnt prescribe the massive amounts of steroids athlets use.
                  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                  Gerald Ford


                  • #24
                    embarassment is a major deterent ...if u cheat ...u cheat......all the names on the four front of this obviously used only problem is the media attitude that it is shocking! its not shocking its obvious as to the likely canidates to steriod use. MCQUIRE, BONDS, SOSA are no brainers...they used them ...they used them alot!


                    • #25
                      All i meant was that Bonds etc. could get a Dr. to cover his tracks. he could buy the rest illegally. a drug test will only show so much.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by griswold
                        Rented Mule,

                        As you can see by these stats, Bonds not only continued to improve as he got into his mid to late 30s (unheard of), his stats were very normal before going to San Francisco. If Bonds had continued at his Pirates level stats he would have been Marquis Grissom. Or is he a Hall of Famer too?
                        I don't want to get into a big thing about this, but I can't believe this is even an argument. He didn't start his career headed for the hall of fame, but his last 3 years in Pittsburgh, he averaged .301, 30 HR 111 RBI 103 Runs, 45 SB and won 2 MVPs. He has also won 8 Golden Glove awards.

                        A male athlete's physical peak should be somewhere in his early to mid 30's. There's no doubt that his numbers are "juiced up" since 2000, as that is when I would guess that he really started the stuff.

                        As far as i'm concerned, he's the best all around baseball player of his generation. Maybe Junior could have given him a run, but that's not an argument anymore because of Griffey's injuries.

                        Just my opinion, by the way, but his last 3 years with the Pirates show that he was headed toward a hall of fame career.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by griswold
                          Rented Mule,

                          You've got to be kidding about Bonds being a Hall of Famer pre-steroids. Look at his stats in Pittsburgh before being traded to San Francisco and BALCO.

                          1986 16 HRs .223 Bat Ave.
                          1987 25 .261
                          1988 24 .283
                          1989 19 .248 (gimme a break)
                          1990 33 .301
                          1991 25 .292
                          1992 34 .311

                          He went to SF/BALCO the next year. Suddenly the stats become:
                          1993 46 .336
                          1994 37 .312
                          1995 33 .294
                          1996 42 .308
                          1997 40 .291
                          1998 37 .303
                          1999 34 .262 (only played 102 games)
                          2000 49 .306
                          2001 73 .328
                          2002 46 .370
                          2003 45 .341
                          2004 45 .362

                          As you can see by these stats, Bonds not only continued to improve as he got into his mid to late 30s (unheard of), his stats were very normal before going to San Francisco. If Bonds had continued at his Pirates level stats he would have been Marquis Grissom. Or is he a Hall of Famer too?

                          i guess you know exactly when bonds first starting using the juice.He went frisco and called up balco 5 minutes later and was saucing. Ive played football and baseball and basketball and all performance enchancing drugs did for me was hurt each game PERIOD!IF YOUR ARGUMENT IS STEROIDS PUT BONDS IN THE HALL OF FAME UR PRETTY STUPID!
                          Last edited by musclemann; 03-13-2005, 06:48 PM.

