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espn and their steroid witchhunt

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  • espn and their steroid witchhunt

    Listen espn I dont care if mark mc gwire used steroids 7 or 15 years ago. Your just on this holier than thou witch hunt on these athletes and its fuccking pathetic. I know there are lot of baseball fans out there who disagree but if you think baseball players are the last to use performance enhancing drugs your drunk. Lay off these guys and let them go out and do their jobs. And parents raise your own kids and if you worried about what kids see stop the smoking, drinking,cheating, and drug use and stop looking to athletes to raise your kids you fuccking hypocrites.

  • #2
    Whats so ironic is that some of their analysts who used to play probably used steriods....I always thought former baseball analyst was using steriods.....just my opinion but he sure got bigger than when he was pitching and I noticed whenever the issue came up he didnt say much.


    • #3
      I disagree!!!! First, there's no sport where individual achievements is as important as baseball. Most sports are TEAM sports. Individual stats are very important in bases. Of course football linemen etc use steroids. However, their individual stats are NOT spread all over every paper.

      Secondly, you're very naive to think that the parents today are using professional athletes to 'raise' their children. That's just a cop out that the athletes use. Maybe, its true in ghetto America. I'm the father of three children. Trust me!!!! The last think I'd ever use to raise my children is a bunch of overpaid spoiled athletes.

      Muscleman, I'm curious what your age is. I seriously doubt you have any children of your own because most parents would not make the statements you made. Very naive.


      • #4
        Steroids were and still are illegal. They are going after these baseball "greats" that broke the law. Baseball came out with a policy this year, which is a random test of which others call the "idiot test".
        As for parents, I have 2 children that are very small so I do not know who they will look up to as they grow up. I would raise them as best as I can but nothing is a guarantee. As a avid sports fan, we will watch a lot of sports and I am sure that they will admire them.

        You cheat, you get caught, you pay the price. Many of these athletes look at the short term and not long term. ESPN is just doing what they always do, which is report a story or the news about sports stories. Some players will still take steroids as they still feel they are worth it, but many will have there eyes open up with all the publicity about it.

        Just ask the Caminiti family if steroids are worth it?
        Am I the longest tenured BC member?


        • #5
          What I never got is how baseball is the oldest sport, but the last to have drug testing?
          I also don't understand how NFL and NBA can punish a person that smokes weed the same way the do someone who uses steroids, granted both are illegal but c'mon weed is not and will never be a performance enhancing drug!!!
          It's silly for anybody to argue that Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire are just good hitters and got massive by hard work and discipline, they juiced up for SURE!!!
          Personally, I think the MLB drug testing is long overdue and I don't want to use the race card, but why is it a big deal for Barry Bonds, but nobody got fired up about it when big mac broke the record.


          • #6
            Steroids are killing alot of people. When I played ball, that was the only way to make a Professional team if you didn't have the size. I had 8 friends die over the abuse of steroids and alot more that are going throught triple bypasses and kidney transplats, Mike Coursin who played tackle during the Steelers Super Bowl runs to name one. I saw my roommate in college, who got so big he became Chuck Norris' bodyguard. He's a mess now. He pisses blood, is impotent, and has outragous mood swings. A 12 grader in my neighborhood had abused himself for years, his family found out and made him stop. He shot himself in the head last night, his mom found him in his bed with a gun in his hand. Believe me, it's the best thing that is happening today with all these FBI hearings coming out. People have to stop especially kids....


            • #7
              Wow chuck that is some crazy stuff...I cant believe someone would shoot themselves over that. I agree people need to stop useing steroids it only hurts you in the long run.


              • #8
                lifewavedotcom/ideal is a timely answer to increased athletic performance, attractive because no steroids (or anything else) enter the body...over 100 pro golfers, among many others, are using it...not soliciting here, just passing on beneficial info...

                Burnin' Media To The Max!


                • #9
                  That's right, muscleman. Bury your head in the sand and avoid the truth. The fact that some of baseball's greatest records may have been broken because of illegal activity is NEWS. You probably didn't want to learn about Pete Rose, either.
                  I consider McGwire, Sosa and Bonds to be frauds because of information we have learned about their use of illegal substances that enhanced their performances. Furthermore, a criminal investigation's results are the defnition of what news is. Go ahead and keep McGwire and others on your flawed pedestal and take whatever illegal stuff you want but don't begrudge the rest of us the oportunity to learn the truth.


                  • #10
                    Steroids = broken records which I think stinks all these records that are being broken should have astericks behind them, Sucks for Ruth & Arron records. All these players should be band from baseball and there records stripped!!!! JMO


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by frankb03
                      I disagree!!!! First, there's no sport where individual achievements is as important as baseball. Most sports are TEAM sports. Individual stats are very important in bases. Of course football linemen etc use steroids. However, their individual stats are NOT spread all over every paper.

                      Secondly, you're very naive to think that the parents today are using professional athletes to 'raise' their children. That's just a cop out that the athletes use. Maybe, its true in ghetto America. I'm the father of three children. Trust me!!!! The last think I'd ever use to raise my children is a bunch of overpaid spoiled athletes.

                      Muscleman, I'm curious what your age is. I seriously doubt you have any children of your own because most parents would not make the statements you made. Very naive.
                      Who the fuck are you to assume i dont have kids or my age.You know nothing about me and your comments bordeline stupid.

                      Now that I got that out of the way fans and the media spend their every waking minute concentrating on what athletes do to acccomplish their feats and what they do in their free time.And every reason they use is because we dont want our kids doing these things or athletes giving them bad example. Baseball was falling out of favor with the public and the gentleman took and did whatever they had to do to bring interest back to the game. They did it and NOW ALL OF YOU STAR MAGAZINE KNUCKLEHEADS WANT TO RIP THEM FOR GOING OUT AND DOING THEIR JOB.STEROIDS ARE ILLEGAL SO ARE A MILLION OTHER THINGS IN THIS WORLD THAT PEOPLE DO ON A REGULAR BASIS. LETS GET IT OUT OF BASEBALL AND STOP THE BITCHING AND MOANING AND HYPOCRITAL BULLSHIT THAT FANS AND THE MEDIA LOVE TO GIVE.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by frankb03
                        I disagree!!!! First, there's no sport where individual achievements is as important as baseball. Most sports are TEAM sports. Individual stats are very important in bases. Of course football linemen etc use steroids. However, their individual stats are NOT spread all over every paper.

                        Secondly, you're very naive to think that the parents today are using professional athletes to 'raise' their children. That's just a cop out that the athletes use. Maybe, its true in ghetto America. I'm the father of three children. Trust me!!!! The last think I'd ever use to raise my children is a bunch of overpaid spoiled athletes.

                        Muscleman, I'm curious what your age is. I seriously doubt you have any children of your own because most parents would not make the statements you made. Very naive.



                        • #13
                          These Muscle Freaks are no different then a kid who Cheats on an exam. They couldn't accomplish a thing without taking illegal drugs. Mcgwire, Sosa, Bonds, & all these Drugies should be put in the same category as Shoeless Joe Jackson!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Juggler
                            These Muscle Freaks are no different then a kid who Cheats on an exam. They couldn't accomplish a thing without taking illegal drugs. Mcgwire, Sosa, Bonds, & all these Drugies should be put in the same category as Shoeless Joe Jackson!
                            This is a little bit narrow minded. The hardest thing to do in professional sports is to hit a baseball. Bonds was a hall of famer before he went on the juice. Steroids don't help hand-eye coordination, which is what you need to hit a baseball. It just helps you hit is further.


                            • #15
                              A fair look at Bonds stats before steroid use show he was not a hall of fame level player. His homer totals went up over 70 percent after he began steroid use. As for Sosa, he was a borderline starter before steroid use. The hand-eye coordination point is misunderstood. Steroid use and muscle mass can increase bat speed. You can have all the hand-eye coordination in the world but if you can't get the bat on the ball fast enough and with enough oomph, you won't accomplish anything. Ask Jason and Jeremy Giambi.

