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The Inaugural Episode of "Vondie's Degeneracy"

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  • The Inaugural Episode of "Vondie's Degeneracy"

    Well here it is, the first installment of the betting ups and downs that I call my life. I started off as the parlay master, dumping 5-10 bucks here and there on rediculous 8-12 team parlays, trying to hit it big. But that was last month. I have hit betting puberty, and just like in leaving las vegas, It will end in my ultimate demise. However its not the end result that counts, it is the ride that matters.

    Last night I got banged for 10...thats right TEN units. Tonight I will take it a little slower and win a little at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.

    3 units Memphis -4.5
    3 units Cavs +2.5
    2 units Detroit -4
    1 unit bulls -5

    "Theres two dates in time, they carve on your stone, and everyone knows what they mean, whats more important is the time that is known in that little dash there in between"
    1 = $25

    MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

    God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of

  • #2
    At least you have a great thread title. LOL


    • #3
      GL tonight Vondie!


      • #4
        Good Luck tonight vondie


        • #5
          Good Luck Vondie! LOL


          • #6
            Originally posted by vondie
            units Memphis -4.5
            3 units Cavs +2.5
            2 units Detroit -4
            1 unit bulls -5
            Why did you change your mind with the Bulls? In your other thread you were leaning towards the Wizards.


            • #7
              BOL on your plays tonight
              2013 NCAA POD Record

              8-3ATS +3.80 units

              2013 NFL POD Record

              1-2 ATS -4.50 units


              • #8
                Originally posted by frankb03
                Why did you change your mind with the Bulls? In your other thread you were leaning towards the Wizards.
                ummm, i don't know, I'm tired of betting on the wiz and having them fuck me over, haha
                1 = $25

                MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

                God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


                • #9

                  welcome, we are all degenerates and proud of it...........posts with humor are met with the same excitement as winning posts.........if ya lose, dont worry, we all do is easy to fit in and if you give it a while, you will make money being here, and hopefully can bring us some too

                  good luck


                  • #10
                    vondie, I already like you, get tired of betting/losing on a team, so you bet against them!!
                    My question is how much is a unit?
                    if you went from playing Miracle parlays into losing 10 units, are you still a small player or did you step it to try to win$$$
                    glad your not trying to get it all back in one shot, cause I'm the only one that can do that!!

